
When Venus says "I do" again: the truth behind a remarriage story!

author:wH Technology.


Venus's remarriage: Eighteen years later, the ultimate counterattack of love

The story of Venus and Hans is not the kind of love story you see in TV shows where it falls in love at first sight and then everything goes smoothly. No, their story is a real-life version of Romeo and Juliet, except that there is no tragic ending, on the contrary, they give us a hopeful ending.

When Venus says "I do" again: the truth behind a remarriage story!

Imagine that the two chose to divorce in order to give their children a legal identity. On paper, they are no longer husband and wife, but in life, they are more like a couple than ever. Their decision not only tested the love between the two, but also tested their sense of responsibility to the family.

When Venus says "I do" again: the truth behind a remarriage story!

On social media, some netizens jokingly called them "tragic heroes of the times", but the real tragedy lies in those who cannot understand their decision.

Responsibility and trust in love


Eighteen years may be only a small part of the growth of a tree, but for human feelings, it is enough to make the hearts of two people resonate deeply. Venus and Hans did not let the eighteen years pass. They have used this time to forge a deeper sense of trust and responsibility.

When Venus says "I do" again: the truth behind a remarriage story!

While most couples spend time in quarrels, they spend time supporting each other. This extraordinary relationship is used by netizens as a "benchmark for true love" at every turn. Comments such as "In front of Venus and Hans, my love is simply weak!" often appear in the comment section, which is not only a compliment, but also an envy of their feelings.

Getting back together: the second spring of love


On Hans's birthday, Venus and Hans decided to re-register their marriage, which caused a huge reaction on the Internet. Some people say that this is the "second spring of love", and some people say that this is "the eighteen-year long-distance running of love finally crossed the line". Either way, it's a time to celebrate.

When Venus says "I do" again: the truth behind a remarriage story!

Netizens have posted their love stories on social media, hoping to find their own happiness again no matter what they go through, just like Venus and Hans. Interestingly, some netizens left a message saying: "This is simply a realistic version of the 'March of Remarriage', I am going to pull my ex to take a look and learn how to get back together." ”

Love, do you need a divorce to prove?


The story of Venus and Hans makes us think about a profound question: does love need to be proved by divorce? But does this mean that every couple needs to go through a divorce to prove that their love is indestructible?

When Venus says "I do" again: the truth behind a remarriage story!

Of course, netizens have different opinions on this. Some people think it's an extreme way to prove love, while others believe that it's exactly the power of true love.

When Venus says "I do" again: the truth behind a remarriage story!

In any case, the story of Venus and Hans has become a hot topic of discussion on social media, which has led to heated discussions among countless netizens in the comment section.

When Venus says "I do" again: the truth behind a remarriage story!

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