
When the subway met an 87-year-old grandfather who sold melons, the passengers bought cash to warm people's hearts, and the feelings of homesickness swelled in their hearts

author:Sealing method

The 87-year-old grandfather sells sweet potatoes in the subway, and passengers have donated generously

In a busy city, the subway, as a symbol of the fast pace of modern life, carries the flow of people coming and going every day. And in this crowded subway station, a touching picture was quietly staged - an 87-year-old grandfather, pushing a cart of sweet potatoes, quietly waiting for the arrival of passengers.

When the subway met an 87-year-old grandfather who sold melons, the passengers bought cash to warm people's hearts, and the feelings of homesickness swelled in their hearts

This old man, although he is gray-haired, but in good spirits, his face is engraved with traces of time, and every wrinkle seems to tell the hardships and hardships of the past. Dressed in a faded old garment, with rough and strong hands, he pushed the cart full of sweet potatoes and silently held on in the corner of the subway station.

When the subway train arrived at the station and the passengers rushed out, the old man's sweet potato stall was full of people. Some of these passengers were hurrying away, others chatting leisurely, but when they saw the old man, they all stopped.

When the subway met an 87-year-old grandfather who sold melons, the passengers bought cash to warm people's hearts, and the feelings of homesickness swelled in their hearts

Passengers took out their mobile phones and wanted to scan the QR code to pay. But the old man shook his head and said, "I won't get that, you can give me cash." ”

Hearing this, the passengers did not show embarrassed looks, but took out the change from their wallets one after another and handed it to the old man. A passenger even took out a 100-yuan bill and said, "Old man, take it, I bought all these sweet potatoes, no need to look for them." ”

The old man thanked him repeatedly, tears of gratitude flashing in his eyes. He said, "Thank you, you are all kind people. I'm so old, and I'm still able to come out and sell some sweet potatoes, and I'm already very content. ”

When the subway met an 87-year-old grandfather who sold melons, the passengers bought cash to warm people's hearts, and the feelings of homesickness swelled in their hearts

This scene made everyone present feel warm and moved. In this fast-paced society, it is easy for people to ignore the ordinary people around them, especially those who are old. But the appearance of this old man has made people re-examine their attitude and values towards life.

Many passengers said that when they saw the old man, they couldn't help but think of their father or grandfather. They may have experienced the hardships and hardships of life, but they still maintain their love and perseverance for life. These passengers have said that they will cherish the people and things around them more and pay more attention to those in need.

When the subway met an 87-year-old grandfather who sold melons, the passengers bought cash to warm people's hearts, and the feelings of homesickness swelled in their hearts

A young mother also saw the old man when she passed by with her child. She said to the child: "You see, this grandfather is still trying to live at such an old age, we should respect him and help him." The child listened to his mother's words, and took the initiative to take out pocket money from his pocket and handed it to the old man.

In this seemingly ordinary subway station, touching scenes were staged. These passengers use their actions to convey warmth and care, and also let us see the best side of human nature.

When we walk in the streets and alleys of the city, we may meet more ordinary people like this old man. They may not be rich, but they still maintain their love and perseverance in life. Let's take action together to warm the world with our love and kindness, so that every corner is full of sunshine and hope.

When the subway met an 87-year-old grandfather who sold melons, the passengers bought cash to warm people's hearts, and the feelings of homesickness swelled in their hearts

Finally, we wish this old man good health, a long life, peace and joy. At the same time, I also hope that everyone can treat the elderly around them well, so that their old age life is full of warmth and happiness.

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