
The self-media is generally singing about the United States, and Ren Zhengfei's speech at Tsinghua University and Peking University explains it all!

author:The story of you, me, him

Recently, on social media, a stream of "America is dead, China should stand!" A whirlwind is blowing. Some so-called "singing down the United States" news remarks are spreading wildly on the Internet.

The self-media is generally singing about the United States, and Ren Zhengfei's speech at Tsinghua University and Peking University explains it all!

When I was young and strong, many radical thoughts flashed through my mind. For example, "China wants to become the world's first manufacturing power" and "China will definitely overtake in the high-tech field"...... In that turbulent era, this straightforward and outrageous idea seemed to rage all the time.

We are determined to forge ahead and look forward to the future. At that time, China was taking off at an unimaginable speed, and it seemed that any dream could be realized in the blink of an eye.

The flourishing power of capitalism has given us a keen interest in the institutional models of Western countries. We look forward to replicating those advanced ideas and productive forces in our own way, and while we learn, we secretly exaggerate that we will eventually be able to surpass the old democracies.

The self-media is generally singing about the United States, and Ren Zhengfei's speech at Tsinghua University and Peking University explains it all!

The dream of China's Wanna stands on the top of the world, facing the sky, yearning for the lofty ambition of "a strong country has me". We look across the ocean, condescendingly judging those former "colonial countries".

However, dreams eventually return to dreams, and in the end, we still have to face reality. At the same time of rapid development, we have gradually realized the strength of Western countries. Especially in terms of scientific and technological innovation, they are indeed far ahead of us.

The United States has always been the world's strongest science and technology country, leading the way in higher education, scientific research strength and innovation environment. Although China has made great strides in many high-tech fields in recent years, we are still lagging behind in many areas compared to this technological hegemon.

The self-media is generally singing about the United States, and Ren Zhengfei's speech at Tsinghua University and Peking University explains it all!

This is something that many scientists have never denied, even in our passionate land. Recalling that in 2020, when Mr. Ren Zhengfei gave speeches at prestigious universities such as Tsinghua University and Peking University, he bluntly talked about the current actual gap: "The United States is the most powerful technology country in the world. In particular, it has an absolute advantage in attracting global talents. In contrast, the current state of our research is much like that of the United States before World War II, and the gap is still huge. "

The self-media is generally singing about the United States, and Ren Zhengfei's speech at Tsinghua University and Peking University explains it all!

Outsiders often see only one leaf of China's scientific and technological development but not the whole tree, ignoring the silent dedication of countless unsung heroes behind it. Judging a behemoth by the remarks of some headline parties on the Internet is too one-sided and narrow-minded.

The self-media is generally singing about the United States, and Ren Zhengfei's speech at Tsinghua University and Peking University explains it all!

In fact, there is no shortage of scholars in China who understand that excellent talent is the foundation of a country's take-off, and we are far behind the United States in attracting and cultivating top talent. Although there is a certain gap in the scientific and technological strength of China and the United States, it is not that we will never be able to catch up.

Indeed, singing about the United States seems to have become an unfettered craze on the Internet, and it has also brought some irrational rhetoric. However, we should remain humble and calm, and look at problems with a more open and inclusive mind.

After all, the United States is not strong on its own. It is precisely because she has attracted the best of many countries and gathered great power. We should learn from it, not be obsessed with it or be arrogant.

The self-media is generally singing about the United States, and Ren Zhengfei's speech at Tsinghua University and Peking University explains it all!

Because what is needed in this era is not to sing the praises of one side, but to appreciate and learn from each other to create the common prosperity of all mankind. Scientific and technological progress and human civilization have always been born through the integration of different cultures. Only by being open, inclusive and inclusive can we show our strength on the stage of the future.

If we remain complacent and arrogant, we will wither under the sun like the domineering dream. But if we can put aside our preconceptions and learn with an open mind, the flower of dreams will surely bloom in the crucible of civilization.

The self-media is generally singing about the United States, and Ren Zhengfei's speech at Tsinghua University and Peking University explains it all!

The sea of people is vast, and only the boat of dreams can sail steadily into the distance. After reading all the vicissitudes of life, I finally realized that dreams should never belong only to individuals, but should unite the strength of the whole nation. Let us join hands to go to the road ahead of civilization, learn from each other and make progress together with an open attitude, and create a new future with the power of youth!

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