
The boy with "ADHD" bullied his classmates many times, and 46 parents collectively petitioned for him to transfer to another school

author:Actually look at the world

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The boy with "ADHD" bullied his classmates many times, and 46 parents collectively petitioned for him to transfer to another school
The boy with "ADHD" bullied his classmates many times, and 46 parents collectively petitioned for him to transfer to another school

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Do you dare to think that every day when a child gets out of school, the first thing parents ask their children is, "Have you been beaten at school today?"

The boy with "ADHD" bullied his classmates many times, and 46 parents collectively petitioned for him to transfer to another school

Image source network

This is a true portrayal of the parents of students in the first grade of a primary school in Wuhan. The reason is that a new classmate Xiao Ming (pseudonym) was transferred to the class this year, and he often beat people, and in less than two months after being transferred to the class, almost all the classmates in the class were "bullied" by Xiao Ming. At first, parents thought that the children were still young and ignorant, but after communicating with Xiao Ming's parents, they did not change much, and even intensified. Out of desperation, after several discussions, the parents decided to jointly submit a "petition" to the school to let the beating student transfer to another school.


See what netizens have to say

Do you think children with ADHD have anything to do with homeschooling?

The boy with "ADHD" bullied his classmates many times, and 46 parents collectively petitioned for him to transfer to another school

Some netizens believe that hyperactivity is hyperactivity, and bullying is bullying. Some netizens said that "free-range" children are generally more active. Netizens in Shanghai said that children with ADHD need more guidance and education, rather than forcing them to change schools.

The boy with "ADHD" bullied his classmates many times, and 46 parents collectively petitioned for him to transfer to another school

Netizens said that it was really a headache to meet such a child. Some people also say that this child does not follow the usual path, has a good fortune, and his wealth belongs to a small number of people, and other classmates are not wrong with commonality, there is no characteristic, and being a boss belongs to the characteristic and does not need commonality. Is this reverse thinking?

The boy with "ADHD" bullied his classmates many times, and 46 parents collectively petitioned for him to transfer to another school

Netizens believe that the remaining 46 children in the class should not be wronged for the sake of one child, either he should be transferred away, or the other 46 classmates should be transferred to another class, and most people should not be allowed to accommodate individual classmates. What do you think?

The boy with "ADHD" bullied his classmates many times, and 46 parents collectively petitioned for him to transfer to another school

In response to this phenomenon, special education experts said that for children with ADHD or mania, they are far from meeting the standards for going to special schools, but in ordinary campuses, they are prone to make some out-of-the-ordinary behaviors.