
Laugh every day: The doctor shouts: You don't need medicine, you just need to shut up!


In the hospital, there is such a doctor, who not only has excellent medical skills, but also has a kind heart. One day, an elderly patient came to his office with a melancholy face and a grumbling face. The doctor patiently listened to him complain of physical discomfort, carefully checked every detail, and finally gave him an unexpected advice: "You don't need medicine, what you need is to shut up!"

Laugh every day: The doctor shouts: You don't need medicine, you just need to shut up!

These words were like a bolt from the blue, and the patient fell into a deep shock. It never occurred to him that his words would affect his health. The doctor explained that patients often complain and complain, and this negative emotion can directly affect the health of the body. Shut up is not to keep him silent, but to hope that he can adjust his mentality, face life positively, and keep a happy mood, so that he can truly live a healthy and happy life.

Laugh every day: The doctor shouts: You don't need medicine, you just need to shut up!

This story teaches us a profound lesson: a good mood is essential for good health. We tend to ignore our emotional state, always complain about the unsatisfactory outside world, but forget to adjust our mentality. The doctor's advice is simple, but it has a profound truth: a positive mindset can help us overcome life's difficulties and maintain our physical and mental health.

Laugh every day: The doctor shouts: You don't need medicine, you just need to shut up!

So let's learn to give ourselves a smile every day and make happiness a part of our lives. Only when you are in a good mood can you be healthy and your life better. That's what doctors want to tell us, and it's something that every one of us should keep in mind.