
Big S has fallen! The real hammer of China, Taiwan, and Korean entertainment gave her a fatal blow, and the comments became a battlefield!

author:Xiaoshui said entertainment
Big S has fallen! The real hammer of China, Taiwan, and Korean entertainment gave her a fatal blow, and the comments became a battlefield!

Foreword: Wow, look at this title! Big S seems to be in trouble! Real hammers from the mainland, Taiwan, and South Korea have appeared one after another, dealing a fatal blow to her reputation. And online comments have become the main battlefield of this battle! This is not only a gossip, but also a confrontation of morality and cognition. In this colorful entertainment world, the boundary between truth and lies has become blurred, and Big S is at the center of the storm. Follow our report and unravel this striking mystery!

Big S has fallen! The real hammer of China, Taiwan, and Korean entertainment gave her a fatal blow, and the comments became a battlefield!

Big S, an actress who has attracted countless attention in the entertainment industry, her name has almost become a symbol of the times.

From the mainland to Taiwan to the stage in South Korea, her light shines on the hearts of countless fans.

A series of recent revelations about her private life, business practices and misconduct abroad have cast a heavy shadow over her image.

Big S has fallen! The real hammer of China, Taiwan, and Korean entertainment gave her a fatal blow, and the comments became a battlefield!

These exposed contents are all shaking the entertainment industry.

From her private mistakes, to some business misconduct, to some actions abroad, every detail is like a bomb, tearing away the cover of her perfect image in people's minds.

The impact of the exposure is not only limited to superficial waves, but also sets off a fierce controversy on the Internet.

The comment section has become a battlefield where opinions collide, and supporters and skeptics have gone toe-to-toe, setting off a storm of ideas.

Big S has fallen! The real hammer of China, Taiwan, and Korean entertainment gave her a fatal blow, and the comments became a battlefield!

In this storm, people began to re-examine the contributions and achievements of Big S in the entertainment industry.

Her work, her aura, seems to have become illusory and distant in this moment.

In front of her are exposed pictures, which make people doubt her character and personality.

The marriage turmoil between Da S and Wang Xiaofei, like a farce of earth-shattering ghosts and gods, has long become the focus of the entertainment industry.

Big S has fallen! The real hammer of China, Taiwan, and Korean entertainment gave her a fatal blow, and the comments became a battlefield!

And the recent revelations of Ge Siqi have added a bright color to this troubled divorce drama, which makes people can't help but add a touch of helplessness and embarrassment to the clutch of this once high-profile couple.

In the clutch of this marriage, Big S seems to have hidden scheming.

As early as June, she began to plan for divorce, cleverly laying many traps and waiting for an opportunity.

Big S has fallen! The real hammer of China, Taiwan, and Korean entertainment gave her a fatal blow, and the comments became a battlefield!

secretly installed people to monitor Wang Xiaofei, just to find Wang Xiaofei's flaws and fuel the divorce plan.

And Wang Xiaofei was not spared, and his every move was under the surveillance of Big S.

Even, his inadvertent behavior in the group of friends has become a handle to be manipulated, making him fall into a passive situation when he divorces.

Behind the divorce, there are conspiracies and schemes.

Big S has fallen! The real hammer of China, Taiwan, and Korean entertainment gave her a fatal blow, and the comments became a battlefield!

Ge Siqi's revelations are even more chilling.

Big S and his family are suspected of setting a trap to push Wang Xiaofei to a desperate situation.

They take advantage of negative public opinion, send their family members to play the emotional card, and even lie to achieve their own goals.

What's even more shocking is that Ge Siqi also hinted that Da S had already contacted Gu Junye before the divorce, which made the entire divorce plan even more conspiratorial, like a tight net, trapping Wang Xiaofei firmly in it.

Big S has fallen! The real hammer of China, Taiwan, and Korean entertainment gave her a fatal blow, and the comments became a battlefield!

And for the issue of child rearing, it is even more embarrassing.

Big S doesn't seem to care too much about the child's growth, and is even absent from the parent-teacher conference, which makes people worry about the future of the child.

In the crisis of divorce, she behaved positively and led people to pull her daughter away, which put Wang Xiaofei in a desperate situation.

This kind of indifference and snatching of children is even more unacceptable.

Big S has fallen! The real hammer of China, Taiwan, and Korean entertainment gave her a fatal blow, and the comments became a battlefield!

In addition, the image and behavior of Big S have also been questioned.

Ge Siqi harshly criticized her and her mother's actions, arguing that they lied frequently and even sent family members to muddy the waters, making the whole incident even more confusing.

This kind of unscrupulous behavior makes people doubt Da S's character, and her image has been seriously damaged.

Big S has fallen! The real hammer of China, Taiwan, and Korean entertainment gave her a fatal blow, and the comments became a battlefield!

The truth behind the divorce is still in doubt.

In this divorce turmoil, who is right and wrong between Da S and Wang Xiaofei, and what kind of story is hidden behind it, only time can uncover the mystery of all this.

As for the couple's clutch, everyone has their own opinions and judgments, but the ultimate truth can only be answered by the parties.

Big S has fallen! The real hammer of China, Taiwan, and Korean entertainment gave her a fatal blow, and the comments became a battlefield!

There are also appeals in the voices of controversy, calling on Big S to seriously reflect on his behavior and take due responsibility.

The public expects her to be brave enough to face it, apologize to them, and promise improvements.

This is not only a personal requirement for her, but also a warning to the entire entertainment industry, morality cannot be ignored, and responsibility cannot be shirked.

At the same time, there are also voices calling on netizens to treat the incident rationally and not to overly attack and abuse Big S.

Big S has fallen! The real hammer of China, Taiwan, and Korean entertainment gave her a fatal blow, and the comments became a battlefield!

To be understanding and tolerant, everyone will make mistakes sometimes, and true maturity and progress also lie in being able to learn from mistakes and start anew.

The entertainment industry, as a special industry, is not only a majestic stage for the pursuit of star halo, but also a palace of morality and morality.

Artists must not only have extraordinary talents, but also have excellent moral cultivation.

Big S has fallen! The real hammer of China, Taiwan, and Korean entertainment gave her a fatal blow, and the comments became a battlefield!

Only in this way can we create a healthier and better environment in the entertainment industry.

We call on the audience to establish correct values, not to blindly chase stars, and not to be confused by glamorous appearances.

It is necessary to look at the changes in the entertainment industry rationally, and face the life and behavior of every entertainment star with a more tolerant and understanding attitude.

Big S has fallen! The real hammer of China, Taiwan, and Korean entertainment gave her a fatal blow, and the comments became a battlefield!

We expect Big S to learn the lessons of this incident, re-examine his behavior, and make positive changes.

At the same time, we also expect the entire entertainment industry to pay more attention to the moral cultivation and moral construction of artists, so that every star can become a model and model for society.

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, delete or change it immediately after contacting.