
March 3rd, do you know what the festival is? There are 3 things don't forget to do, don't lose the old traditions

author:Chen Ai smiled

Weaving the splendor, spreading the fire of culture

Shuttling through the long river of time, we are like a weaver girl weaving the splendid of time, and each thread carries the weight of history and culture. Tomorrow, March 3rd, this festival that seems a little hidden in modern society, is actually a bright pearl on this splendor. It may not be known to everyone, but it contains a deep folklore meaning and a rich traditional spirit. In this fast-paced modern life, let us not forget the old traditions passed down by our great-grandparents, those three things that must be done on March 3 are the kite that keeps line between us and our ancestors, and the link between the past and the future.

March 3rd, do you know what the festival is? There are 3 things don't forget to do, don't lose the old traditions

Echoes of History: The Ancient Imprints of the Kamitsu Festival

"March 3rd", a poetic day, also known as the Shangsi Festival. It is like a clear spring, which originated in the Spring and Autumn Period and has been passed down to this day. On this day, the ancients bathed in orchid soup and gathered on the riverside, not only to wash away the dust, but also to cleanse the soul. They believe that this will ward off bad luck and bless good health in the coming year. The Shangsi Festival is not a simple historical node, it is a celebration of the beauty of nature and a yearning for the endless harmony of life. Men, women and children go out to enjoy the flowers, literati and ink writers recite poems and paint, and young men and women take advantage of this beautiful scenery to play together and socialize. Such a tradition is not only a celebration of nature, but also a human exchange.

March 3rd, do you know what the festival is? There are 3 things don't forget to do, don't lose the old traditions

Bathing in the spring breeze: cleansing the past and embracing new life

Among the many customs of the festival, clean bathing is an indispensable scenery. Legend has it that those who bathe on this day can wash away all bad luck and misfortune and regenerate their bodies and minds. Such a bath is not only a physical purification, but also a spiritual baptism, which symbolizes the farewell to the bad luck of the old years and the welcome of new hope. Although we are no longer confined to a specific day for bathing, in such a traditional festival, it is undoubtedly a kind of respect and experience for the wisdom of our ancestors to pick up the ancient custom of bathing.

March 3rd, do you know what the festival is? There are 3 things don't forget to do, don't lose the old traditions

Spring: In the footsteps of nature

Get out of the house and get away from it all, the festival is a great time to dance with nature. When spring caresses the earth with her gentle fingers, making everything awaken and flowers bloom, people also choose to enjoy the gifts of nature on this sunny day. A spring outing is not just a simple outing, it is a philosophy of life, an attitude of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Surrounded by flowers, breathing in the fragrance of flowers, listening to the birds, and feeling the breeze, people find inner peace and joy in the embrace of nature.

Taste memory: tradition on the tip of the tongue

Food will always be an important part of cultural heritage. In the Shangsi Festival, food is not only to satisfy the appetite, they carry more cultural meanings. Traditional foods such as shepherd's cabbage dumplings and five-color sticky rice are filled with nostalgia for the past and prayers for the future. The stories and symbolism behind these foods enrich our festive experience. In the process of making and tasting, we not only enjoy the deliciousness, but also invisibly continue the tradition of food culture.

March 3rd, do you know what the festival is? There are 3 things don't forget to do, don't lose the old traditions

Yesterday's seeds, today's flowers

The pace of the times has never stopped, and many once glorious traditional festivals are gradually fading from people's memories. However, as "March 3rd of Tomorrow" reminds us, every traditional festival is our common root and soul. They are like beacons of history, illuminating the path of our culture. By understanding, participating in and passing on these traditional customs, we not only have a deeper understanding of our own cultural identity, but also innovate and develop on the basis of inheritance, so that these precious cultural heritages can be revitalized in the new era. Tomorrow, March 3, let's celebrate this traditional festival together, not forgetting those three must-dos, and working together to protect and spread our precious cultural heritage.

March 3rd, do you know what the festival is? There are 3 things don't forget to do, don't lose the old traditions

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