
Funny! Venus's remarriage twists and turns, full of laughter, and a happy blockbuster is coming!

author:Funny breeze pY

Independence Challenge: Venus's remarriage story

A match made in heaven? Countdown to divorce!

Six years is the digital code of everyone's complex relationship with Venus and Hans.

Funny! Venus's remarriage twists and turns, full of laughter, and a happy blockbuster is coming!

We can't help but marvel at this eighteen-year story, which is even more exciting than the Marvel Universe! This trick can be described as an "emotional college entrance examination", either with a high score or a retake. And they, hey, easily get a perfect score!

Funny! Venus's remarriage twists and turns, full of laughter, and a happy blockbuster is coming!

It can be seen that Venus is really teaching us what is the "art of love"!


Remarriage Carnival: Venus's Remarriage Celebration!

Eighteen years later, they re-registered their marriage, and this celebration must be a hundred times more lively than the royal wedding!

Funny! Venus's remarriage twists and turns, full of laughter, and a happy blockbuster is coming!

I have to sigh, this is not a remarriage, it is simply a passion like fire that ignites the flame of love again! Venus and Hans, you want to prove to the world that love is not a marathon, but a circus, always full of surprises and wonderful!


Venus's duty without hesitation, the responsibility is infinitely magnified!

Let's talk about Venus, whether it is a Venus man or a woman, as long as she does good deeds and personnel, she is a human being.

Funny! Venus's remarriage twists and turns, full of laughter, and a happy blockbuster is coming!

But think about it, she is the authority to host the show, and fairness and justice are her calling card. So, even though her emotional journey is stunning, people have been spreading positive energy, no wonder fans say that Teacher Venus is a magician!


Venus's divorce? The embarrassing truth discovered by netizens!

Oh, Xiaoyu, you really don't know enough, the past secrets of Teacher Jin Xing can't be hidden!

Funny! Venus's remarriage twists and turns, full of laughter, and a happy blockbuster is coming!

However, have you noticed that Teacher Jin Xing is a big vote without saying a word, and I really admire it. Such calmness, such chic, people have to be amazed by the case, and they have to admire this woman's courage and boldness!


Love is not afraid of retro? Venus's remarriage again!

Haha, looking at the remarriage of Venus and Hans, I can only sigh: this kind of love is enviable!

Funny! Venus's remarriage twists and turns, full of laughter, and a happy blockbuster is coming!

No matter what others say, I still have to admire Sister Jin's courage, this is a model of courage! Every love of Mr. Jin Xing is so intriguing, it is really a play more than a play, and it is not an exaggeration to make a movie!

Funny! Venus's remarriage twists and turns, full of laughter, and a happy blockbuster is coming!

Summary: Venus's remarriage is not only an emotional sublimation, but also a counterattack by a social vane!

Think about it, Venus's remarriage story is not just a love between a husband and wife, but more like a counterattack by a social weather vane!

Funny! Venus's remarriage twists and turns, full of laughter, and a happy blockbuster is coming!

In this era of fast-food love, their stories let us see the complexity and tenacity of love, and also gave countless people the courage to pursue their own happiness. So, whatever you think of Venus' story, let's praise their happiness together, because love, not a skittles, is more like an impromptu fireworks show, always full of surprises and possibilities!

Funny! Venus's remarriage twists and turns, full of laughter, and a happy blockbuster is coming!

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