
"Have you been beaten today", 46 parents petitioned the boy with ADHD to transfer to another school, and the child was beaten every day

author:Break the new orange with a slender hand

Recently, the parents of a class of students in the first grade of a primary school in Wuhan will ask their children every day after school: "Have you been beaten today?", which seems to be a ridiculous question, but in fact, it is also a helpless and angry thing for parents.

Cause of the incident

At first, everyone went to school normally, until a new classmate suddenly transferred to the class and often beat people. Parents thought that children were naughty, and they just had to educate them well. But things got worse, and most of the 46 children in the class were beaten by this transfer student.

Parents angrily signed a petition to let the beating transfer student leave the school and move elsewhere.

"Have you been beaten today", 46 parents petitioned the boy with ADHD to transfer to another school, and the child was beaten every day

The climax of the event

Seeing that things were getting bigger, the transfer student's mother came out to speak, and she said: Her child is 7 years old this year, diagnosed with "ADHD", and is not a bad child.

However, she also said that the child was not prescribed medication.

"Have you been beaten today", 46 parents petitioned the boy with ADHD to transfer to another school, and the child was beaten every day

This makes people scratch their heads, and parents who have been diagnosed actually avoid medical treatment and do not give their children medicine for treatment, as if this can make the child recover. In fact, it is self-deception.

In the face of the joint request of 46 parents to transfer to another school, the mother was also helpless, her child's "ADHD" manifested as bullying classmates, but it was far from the standard of being able to go to a special education school, so she had no choice but to come to an ordinary school.

"Have you been beaten today", 46 parents petitioned the boy with ADHD to transfer to another school, and the child was beaten every day


Pity the hearts of parents all over the world, this mother also thinks that her child may be cured subtly when he comes to an ordinary school. However, blindly avoiding medical treatment and not receiving treatment correctly will only bring embarrassment and exclusion to the child, which is even more wrong.

Accompanied by parents, receiving formal treatment is the right solution!

"Have you been beaten today", 46 parents petitioned the boy with ADHD to transfer to another school, and the child was beaten every day

Parents still need to take their children for more in-depth examinations and correct diagnosis in order to cure the cure.

"Have you been beaten today", 46 parents petitioned the boy with ADHD to transfer to another school, and the child was beaten every day

Different subdivisions of ADHD have different symptoms, but the children in the same class suffer.

"Have you been beaten today", 46 parents petitioned the boy with ADHD to transfer to another school, and the child was beaten every day

Transferring schools does not completely solve the problem, but schools and teachers can do their best to regulate the student's behavior and prevent him from bullying his classmates at will. Parents are also clearly derelict in their duties, neither educating their children well nor providing treatment help, and parents who are negligent should review it carefully.

What do you think about this?

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