
Ji Xiaoman is really powerful, and she has weakened her strength several times, but only Ma overpressed her

author:Talking about things

There are dozens of days of updates for the new season, passers-by are still working hard for the king rank, the master has already reached the peak of 2000 points, and the national server list of each hero has also come out. From the perspective of combat power ranking, Ma Chao is undoubtedly the first, with the largest number of people on the list, and the average combat power is also the highest. Ji Xiaoman is really powerful, weakened several times, the strength is gone, the number of people on the list ranks second, and the average combat power is also second.

Ji Xiaoman is really powerful, and she has weakened her strength several times, but only Ma overpressed her

Ma Chao's average combat power is 11003, and the competition is too fierce, so basic attack players should not think about using Ma Chao to fight the national uniform. Although the current version of Ma Chao is very strong, not everyone can eat benefits, his gameplay is more special, and people who can't pull can't understand Ma Chao. Some people say that Ma Chao has high requirements for three fingers, which is wrong, three fingers seem to be very powerful, but in fact, they can't improve Ma Chao's strength from the physical level.

Ji Xiaoman is really powerful, and she has weakened her strength several times, but only Ma overpressed her

Ji Xiaoman has been weakened since he was launched, from damage to skill mechanics, he has been weakened to varying degrees. Ke Ji Xiaoman's strength has always been consistent, and he has always been a T0 and T1 level performance, and he has never disappointed. The average combat power of Ji Xiaoman in the national service is 10816, second only to Ma Chao. Speaking of the difficulty of getting started, Ji Xiaoman seems to be simpler than Ma Chao, but in fact it is much more difficult than Ma Chao, and players can only play the ideal effect by making reasonable use of Ji Xiaoman's combos.

Ji Xiaoman is really powerful, and she has weakened her strength several times, but only Ma overpressed her

It is said that Ao Yin has become weaker, Ao Yin is not strong enough, the data will not deceive, Ao Yin ranks third in average combat power, and the number of people on the national service list is also the third. Although Ao Yin's ultimate is weakened and the skill is not refreshed during the release, it is not an unsolvable problem for players, at most, the timing of the ultimate release is not as random as before, but his damage data and mechanics have not changed, so he is still very strong.

Ji Xiaoman is really powerful, and she has weakened her strength several times, but only Ma overpressed her

The next top heroes are everyone's common heroes, such as Jing, Gongsun Li, Eldest Lady, Dharma, Yang Yuhuan, Tiger, and Goya. Here are the top ten heroes, all version answers, and players with conditions can practice one or two.

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