
Wang Xiaoya's current situation, dressed in old-fashioned but difficult to hide her elegant temperament, unfortunately she has no children in two marriages

author:Leave no trace in the Hall of Knowledge

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Wang Xiaoya's current situation, dressed in old-fashioned but difficult to hide her elegant temperament, unfortunately she has no children in two marriages

A new starting point for ambition

In 2022, Wang Xiaoya bid farewell to the busy life in front of the screen, and she can finally have more free time of her own. In the past, she was a high-profile and famous host on CCTV, and countless pairs of eyes were always staring at her, for fear that she would be a little negligent.

But now, she can finally unload this burden, breathe freely, and live the quiet life she has longed for for a long time.

"If I had to make my own choice, there would be no doubt that there was a sixty or seventy percent chance that I would choose to be alone and quietly immersed in my own world. Wang Xiaoya poured out her inner thoughts bluntly.

Wang Xiaoya's current situation, dressed in old-fashioned but difficult to hide her elegant temperament, unfortunately she has no children in two marriages

She was tired of being watched in the past, and only longed for a quiet environment where she could devote herself to the things she loved without any interruptions.

However, this does not mean that Wang Xiaoya completely closes herself off from the world. She would make time to gather with her best friends and talk about each other's state of mind. It's just that she doesn't want to be distracted by too much staring, but wants to live a life without fighting with the world.

"I was terrified of being criticized for being too conspicuous. She said truthfully.

Although she has left the spotlight, Wang Xiaoya still maintains her unique charm and elegant temperament after maturity. This temperament has faded away from the sharp edge of the year, and contains more of a restrained and calm charm.

Wang Xiaoya's current situation, dressed in old-fashioned but difficult to hide her elegant temperament, unfortunately she has no children in two marriages

It's just that this bearing is no longer so flamboyant and dazzling, but she is still beautiful and eye-catching.

Once upon a time, Wang Xiaoya's beautiful and bright appearance caught everyone's eyes. It's just that now, she can finally live the life she has longed for, and that freedom is written in her gentle eyes, which makes people sincerely happy.

A chapter of struggle in the north

To review Wang Xiaoya's career, we have to start with her initial experience of North Drift. In 1997, she resigned from her stable job in her hometown of Sichuan without hesitation and came to the coveted land of Beijing alone, opening a new chapter in her life.

Wang Xiaoya's current situation, dressed in old-fashioned but difficult to hide her elegant temperament, unfortunately she has no children in two marriages

When she first arrived in Beijing, Wang Xiaoya lived a very poor life. She lives in a small, dilapidated rental house and barely makes ends meet. In the dead of night, loneliness and confusion would envelop her heart.

During that time, she often had sleepless nights and felt lost and helpless about her future.

Fortunately, Wang Xiaoya's father, Wang Chuanting, has always fully supported her mentally and financially. Despite being separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, this kind old man still never gave up, and constantly gave Wang Xiaoya encouragement and strength with warm words and practical funding.

Every letter from her hometown is like a warm current injected into her daughter's heart, giving her the courage and confidence to move forward in the most difficult times.

Wang Xiaoya's current situation, dressed in old-fashioned but difficult to hide her elegant temperament, unfortunately she has no children in two marriages

In this way, with the support of her father, Wang Xiaoya gritted her teeth and persevered, and finally became the host of CCTV's "Economic Half Hour" program in 1998 with her excellent business ability, and her hard-working hosting career began.

Then, in 1999, she undertook the major task of broadcasting the "Source of the Yangtze River" event live on Tanggula Mountain at an altitude of 5,000 meters, and this arduous challenge tested her again.

At that time, Wang Xiaoya was extremely nervous, she prepared every detail of the live broadcast day and night, for fear of a slight omission. And her father, Wang Chuanting, was also full of uneasiness and worry when he saw his daughter taking on such a major live broadcast project.

But as a father, he did not show the slightest panic, but chose to express his support in a silent way, for fear of adding more pressure to his daughter.

Wang Xiaoya's current situation, dressed in old-fashioned but difficult to hide her elegant temperament, unfortunately she has no children in two marriages

In the end, with the joint efforts of the father and daughter, Wang Xiaoya perfectly controlled this difficult live broadcast in a calm, skilled and skillful state, and the pressure on the two was finally lifted.

After the live broadcast, Wang Chuanting was overjoyed, he picked up the camera to take a picture of his daughter's demeanor, and wrote a pair of festive calligraphy to Wang Xiaoya to praise her outstanding performance.

The metamorphosis from the front of the screen to the back of the scenes

In the most glorious period of Wang Xiaoya's hosting career, a sudden illness changed the trajectory of her life. In 2006, after a series of high-intensity work, Wang Xiaoya's body finally had problems, and she had to temporarily quit her job to recuperate.

Wang Xiaoya's current situation, dressed in old-fashioned but difficult to hide her elegant temperament, unfortunately she has no children in two marriages

This illness undoubtedly dealt Wang Xiaoya a heavy blow. As a high-profile front-line host, her work intensity and pressure are extremely huge, but she has never shouted tiredness and has always supported bravely.

However, when health problems suddenly came, she had to press the pause button of her life and recuperate.

Fortunately, during this special day, Wang Xiaoya regained the precious opportunity to spend time with her family. When her father, Wang Chuanting, learned of his daughter's condition, his heart was full of infinite worry, but he did not reveal the slightest, for fear of increasing his daughter's burden.

On the contrary, he immediately went to Beijing and began to take care of Wang Xiaoya wholeheartedly.

Wang Xiaoya's current situation, dressed in old-fashioned but difficult to hide her elegant temperament, unfortunately she has no children in two marriages

See the great truth in the quiet

Bidding farewell to the tense and busy hosting life of the year, Wang Xiaoya's days behind the scenes have become more leisurely and tranquil. She no longer needs to maintain a "presiding state" at any time, she can completely relax herself at any time and live the life she has longed for for a long time.

Far from the spotlight, Wang Xiaoya can finally breathe the free air and live the quiet life she yearns for. She clarified her new expectations for life: "I want to live a leisurely and comfortable life, away from the gaze of the crowd, and return to the most authentic face of my heart.

Once upon a time, she was the host who was stared at by countless pairs of eyes, for fear that she would be a little negligent. But now, she can finally unload this burden.

Wang Xiaoya's current situation, dressed in old-fashioned but difficult to hide her elegant temperament, unfortunately she has no children in two marriages

Wang Xiaoya was blunt, she was very afraid of the pressure brought to her by too much attention, and the feeling of being pushed to the forefront in the past made her sad.

So now, she yearns to live a life of no quarrel and obscurity.

Wang Xiaoya, who is behind the scenes, pays more attention to the bits and pieces of life. She has a special preference for food, especially the classic Sichuan-style mutton hot pot is her favorite.

When gathering with friends, Wang Xiaoya is also happy to talk about wine and talk. She loves sports, hiking, playing ball and other sports on weekdays, and maintains a healthy lifestyle.

Wang Xiaoya's current situation, dressed in old-fashioned but difficult to hide her elegant temperament, unfortunately she has no children in two marriages

In addition, Wang Xiaoya also attaches great importance to socializing with cultivated friends. She likes to make friends who specialize in literature, art, philosophy and other fields, and talk to them to broaden her horizons.

However, no matter what, family is still the highest concern in Wang Xiaoya's life.

In Wang Xiaoya's life dictionary, family is undoubtedly the most important entry. She knows that in her short life, she has to share her limited time with family and friends, so no matter how busy she is, she will find time to spend with her parents.

Sometimes I visit famous mountains and rivers with my parents and enjoy the scenery of nature; Sometimes they get together and share the taste of life.

Wang Xiaoya's current situation, dressed in old-fashioned but difficult to hide her elegant temperament, unfortunately she has no children in two marriages

Recalling the scene when she hosted the live broadcast at Tanggula Mountain at an altitude of 5,000 meters, Wang Xiaoya was also sincerely proud of her courage and perseverance.

She told herself that although she was now away from the spotlight, that hard work and sweat would eventually become her most precious treasure and memory.