
Kishida was given a "cold shoulder", the United States received a low-level pick-up, and the US-Japan-Philippines summit did not start, and cracks appeared first

author:See the world in the vernacular

Fumio Kishida's high-profile visit to the United States was met with a "cold reception"; the United States received a low-level pick-up, and the US-Japan-Philippines summit had not yet begun, and cracks first appeared.

On the day of the 9th, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida arrived in Washington by special plane to officially begin his visit to the United States. For Kishida's visit to the United States, for a period of time, the Japanese media and Western media have been hyping up, however, Fumio Kishida's high-profile visit to the United States was met with a "cold reception" on the day of his arrival in the United States. Although the Japanese media have repeatedly advocated that Kishida has enjoyed the "special treatment" of the United States, the United States has not only prepared a guard of honor for him, but also prepared a red carpet for Kishida, which is not the treatment of ordinary working visits. But what is the actual situation? It can be clearly seen from the video from the scene that only US Ambassador to Japan Emmanuel and his leaders came to greet Fumio Kishida at the airport. It is not difficult to see from the rank of the receiving official that the US side obviously "sincerely" regards Japan as a "little brother" and does not "treat it differently." From the US side's point of view, if the Japanese side is not satisfied with this, it can only be caused by its fragile self-esteem, and the problem is not on the US side. Of course, judging by the reports of the Japanese media, it is clear that the Japanese side is still very satisfied with this "special treatment", after all, if it is not satisfied, the Kishida government cannot say anything.

Kishida was given a "cold shoulder", the United States received a low-level pick-up, and the US-Japan-Philippines summit did not start, and cracks appeared first

However, some public opinion believes that this low-level pick-up by the United States has caused a rift in the summit of the United States, Japan, and the Philippines, which has not yet begun. It is understood that during Fumio Kishida's visit to the United States, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos will also visit the United States, and the United States, Japan, and the Philippines will hold talks between their leaders. Regarding the purpose of the summit meeting between the United States, Japan and the Philippines, Japanese media said that it aims to confirm the strengthening of security cooperation between the United States, Japan and the Philippines, and maintain and strengthen the "free and open" "international order" based on the rule of law, so as to curb China's "increasing maritime expansion actions" in the East and South China Seas. To put it bluntly, the United States, Japan, and the Philippines will continue to provoke and provoke trouble around China in order to maintain the hegemonic position of the United States, the "leading big brother", in the world.

Kishida was given a "cold shoulder", the United States received a low-level pick-up, and the US-Japan-Philippines summit did not start, and cracks appeared first

It is undeniable that in recent times, Japan and the Philippines have never stopped their provocative actions in the East China Sea and the South China Sea. First of all, in the East China Sea, Japanese politicians have recently been arrogantly clamoring on the issue of the Diaoyu Islands, not only to dismantle the ocean buoys set up by China around the Diaoyu Islands, but also to set up Japan's own buoys nearby. In the direction of the South China Sea, the Philippines has made even more moves, in addition to trespassing on the mainland's Ren'ai Reef, recently, it has also gone to the waters near the mainland's horseshoe crab reef to make trouble. Not only that, on the 7th, the United States, Australia, Japan, and the Philippines once again sent troops to the South China Sea to hold joint naval and air exercises near Palawan Island in the Philippines. Although Fumio Kishida claimed on the eve of his visit to the United States that his talks with US President Joe Biden were not aimed at China, who would believe this kind of official statement? Earlier, some British media told the truth that during Kishida's visit to the United States, the United States and Japan will announce plans to reorganize the US military headquarters in Japan, and to upgrade the security alliance between the two countries for the largest time since the signing of the security treaty in 1960, in order to strengthen operational planning and exercises between the two countries, and its purpose is to confront China.

Kishida was given a "cold shoulder", the United States received a low-level pick-up, and the US-Japan-Philippines summit did not start, and cracks appeared first

In response to the above-mentioned developments of the United States, Japan and the Philippines, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning has clearly responded that China has always maintained that state-to-state military cooperation should be conducive to regional peace and stability, and should not be directed at any third party, let alone harm the interests of any third party. We advise relevant countries not to swim against the current, not to try to replicate the bloc confrontation model in the Asia-Pacific region, and not to safeguard their own selfish interests at the expense of the strategic security interests of other countries and the well-being of the people of the Asia-Pacific region. As for what the United States, Japan, and the Philippines are doing in the South China Sea, our People's Liberation Army (PLA) is always keeping a close eye on its movements and is under control. On the 7th, the Southern Theater of the People's Liberation Army organized a joint naval and air combat patrol in the South China Sea. In the briefing, the Southern Theater clearly stressed that all military activities that disrupt the South China Sea and create hot spots are under control.

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