
Less than 24 hours after the Southern Theater received troops, the United States issued another challenge, and the US troops will double into the South China Sea

author:See the world in the vernacular

Less than 24 hours after the Southern Theater withdrew its troops in the South China Sea, the United States issued another "challenge letter," and the US military may double its pours into the South China Sea. What exactly is the US "challenge letter" and what does it mean? What is the purpose of the United States' repeated provocations in the South China Sea? What is our side doing about this?

On 7 and 8 April, for two consecutive days, the Southern Theater of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) organized naval and air forces in the waters of the South China Sea to carry out exercises and training activities such as patrolling and alerting fighters, joint naval and air assaults, and combat-ready patrols of warship formations. At the same time, the Southern Theater clearly stressed in the circular that all military activities that disrupt the South China Sea and create hot spots are under control. The reason why this training is held in the southern theater is mainly in response to the various provocative actions of the Marcos administration in the Philippines and the United States and other external forces in the South China Sea. At the same time as the Southern Theater is conducting exercises in the South China Sea, the United States, Japan, the Philippines and Australia are holding joint naval and air exercises for the first time near the Philippine island of Palawan, which faces the waters of the Spratly Islands, where the sovereignty dispute between the Philippines and China is fierce. It can be seen from this that its provocation against China is very obvious.

Less than 24 hours after the Southern Theater received troops, the United States issued another challenge, and the US troops will double into the South China Sea

Not only that, less than 24 hours after the end of the exercise in China's southern theater, the United States issued another "challenge letter", and on the day of the 9th, US presidential national security adviser Sullivan said bluntly in an interview with Japanese media, "This joint sea and air patrol of the United States, Japan, the Philippines and Australia is a new form of four-sided joint sea patrol, and there will be more such situations in the future." This also means that the US military may double into the South China Sea in the future, in fact, this also once again exposes the ambition of the United States to contain China by disrupting the South China Sea.

It is worth mentioning that at the end of the joint naval and air exercises of the United States, Japan, the Philippines and Australia, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos have started their visits to the United States. Some British media pointed out that the United States and Japan will announce plans to reorganize the US military command in Japan, and carry out the largest upgrade of the security alliance between the two countries since the signing of the security treaty in 1960, so as to strengthen the operational planning and exercises between the two countries, the purpose of which is to confront China. In addition, Biden and Fumio Kishida will discuss the possibility of Japan's participation in AUKUS cooperation in the development of defense technology. It is no exaggeration to say that in order to contain the mainland in the South China Sea, the United States has used all its means to the extreme.

Less than 24 hours after the Southern Theater received troops, the United States issued another challenge, and the US troops will double into the South China Sea

In fact, the Biden administration's deliberate attempt to undermine peace in the South China Sea and stir up regional stability is aimed at helping the United States get out of its predicament in the Middle East by frequently stirring up trouble in the South China Sea. At present, the two conflicts between Russia and Ukraine and Palestine and Israel have made the Biden administration "mired in the quagmire", and it is not the end, and the Netanyahu government in Israel is doing all kinds of things, just trying to pull the United States down. Therefore, the Biden administration obviously does not want to be led by the nose by the Netanyahu government, and stirring up the South China Sea will turn the contradiction to China, and in the face of this "political correctness", the focus of public opinion in the United States will inevitably shift, if our side does not have enough determination on the South China Sea issue, then the Biden administration has reason to turn its target to the direction of the South China Sea, and then get rid of its current predicament in the Middle East, which is one of the reasons why the Biden administration is currently provoking in the South China Sea. To put it simply, it is to force China to act in the South China Sea so that it can withdraw itself from the chaos in the Middle East.

Less than 24 hours after the Southern Theater received troops, the United States issued another challenge, and the US troops will double into the South China Sea

In addition to the above-mentioned Southern Theater of Operations, which explicitly mentioned that "all military activities that disrupt the South China Sea and create hot spots", Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning also made a clear response that China has always maintained that state-to-state military cooperation should be conducive to regional peace and stability, and should not be aimed at any third party, let alone harm the interests of any third party. We advise the countries concerned not to swim against the tide and not to try to replicate the pattern of bloc confrontation in the Asia-Pacific region. Obviously, the Biden administration's plot has long been seen through by our side, and on the South China Sea issue, our side has sufficient determination, and of course there will be no shortage of warnings and military deterrence.

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