
The 44-year-old eldest brother died of pancreatic cancer, he ate regularly and loved exercise, and the doctor reminded: pay attention to these 2 little things

author:Lao Li Health said

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"Hey, Lao Li is just leaving, it's really hard!"

Aunt Zhang was talking about her neighbor Brother Li, 44, who died of pancreatic cancer not long ago, leaving the whole community feeling sorry and shocked.

Brother Li is a postman, thin, usually optimistic and cheerful, with a regular life and rest, a balanced diet, and a special love of sports. He rides his bicycle every day to deliver letters, and when he comes home in the evening, he goes to the gym in the community to work out.

The 44-year-old eldest brother died of pancreatic cancer, he ate regularly and loved exercise, and the doctor reminded: pay attention to these 2 little things

But pancreatic cancer, this disease came too suddenly, too fiercely. When it was diagnosed, it was already at an advanced stage and there was no hope of treatment. The death of Brother Li makes people think: no matter how healthy life is, it is impossible to completely avoid the invasion of disease.

At this time, an experienced doctor stepped forward and reminded everyone of two seemingly inconspicuous but crucial little things.

The 44-year-old eldest brother died of pancreatic cancer, he ate regularly and loved exercise, and the doctor reminded: pay attention to these 2 little things

First of all, it is important to have regular medical check-ups. Pancreatic cancer is known as the "king of cancers" because it is insidious and almost undetectable in the early stages. He stressed that early detection and early treatment are the key to fighting any disease.

Secondly, there is the management of mental stress. Although Brother Li always seems to be smiling, as a postman, the pressure and rhythm of work are actually not small.

The 44-year-old eldest brother died of pancreatic cancer, he ate regularly and loved exercise, and the doctor reminded: pay attention to these 2 little things

Long-term mental stress, especially subtle chronic stress, can affect the endocrine system and may even induce various diseases.

Doctors caution that moderate stress is normal, but excessive stress needs to be released and managed in appropriate ways, such as relaxation training, listening to music, and participating in community activities.

The 44-year-old eldest brother died of pancreatic cancer, he ate regularly and loved exercise, and the doctor reminded: pay attention to these 2 little things

He further explained that mental stress can affect health in a number of ways. For example, long-term stress can lead to chronic inflammation, which in turn is a trigger for many chronic diseases. In addition, stress can affect the function of the immune system and weaken the body's ability to fight off disease.

Residents in the community got together to discuss, and one asked, "So what should we do to effectively prevent pancreatic cancer?"

The 44-year-old eldest brother died of pancreatic cancer, he ate regularly and loved exercise, and the doctor reminded: pay attention to these 2 little things

The doctor patiently replied, "Actually, it is difficult to prevent pancreatic cancer completely, but there are ways we can reduce the risk." First of all, maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat a balanced diet, and exercise moderately.

Secondly, it is necessary to take care to avoid high-fat, high-sugar diets, as these are potential triggers of pancreatic cancer. Again, it is important to minimize alcohol intake, as alcohol is also an important factor in increasing the risk of pancreatic cancer.

The 44-year-old eldest brother died of pancreatic cancer, he ate regularly and loved exercise, and the doctor reminded: pay attention to these 2 little things

Finally, it is very important for people who have a habit of smoking to quit because smoking is strongly associated with several types of cancer, including pancreatic cancer. ”

Residents are beginning to realize that even though a healthy lifestyle is an important means of disease prevention, there is no 100% guarantee of immunity to all diseases. Paying attention to the details of life, understanding and managing the various potential risks in life is also a non-negligible part of maintaining health.

The 44-year-old eldest brother died of pancreatic cancer, he ate regularly and loved exercise, and the doctor reminded: pay attention to these 2 little things

Some residents asked with concern, "Is there any good treatment for patients like Brother Li who have already suffered from pancreatic cancer?"

The doctor replied, "The treatment of pancreatic cancer mainly depends on the stage of detection. If it is advanced, chemotherapy or radiation therapy is needed to control the condition.

The 44-year-old eldest brother died of pancreatic cancer, he ate regularly and loved exercise, and the doctor reminded: pay attention to these 2 little things

At the same time, it is also very important to maintain an optimistic mood, eat well, eat nutritious things, and provide psychological support. Treatment of pancreatic cancer is a comprehensive process that requires more cooperation and family encouragement. ”

Through this discussion, the residents have a better understanding of the importance of health and how to better protect the health of themselves and their families.

The 44-year-old eldest brother died of pancreatic cancer, he ate regularly and loved exercise, and the doctor reminded: pay attention to these 2 little things

Although the story of Brother Li is sad, what it brings to people is the cherishing of life and the importance of health.

What do you think about pancreatic cancer?

The 44-year-old eldest brother died of pancreatic cancer, he ate regularly and loved exercise, and the doctor reminded: pay attention to these 2 little things

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