
Summary of the work of Chinese teachers

author:Template template sample assistant
Summary of the work of Chinese teachers

Summary of the work of Chinese teachers in the second year of junior high school 1

  In this school year, I am teaching Chinese in the second grade (1 2) class. In my work, I am guided by the work plans of the school and junior secondary language sections. In order to strengthen the construction of teachers' ethics and style, improve the level of teachers' morality as the focus, and improve the performance of education and teaching as the center, conscientiously perform their job responsibilities, and better complete the work objectives and tasks, the work of the past semester is summarized as follows:

  1. Strengthen study and strive to improve one's own quality

  Since taking up his current post, he has been ideologically consistent with the party's education policy. Be strict with yourself, constantly strengthen business learning, and strive to make continuous progress. On the one hand, conscientiously study the teachers' professional ethics and important thinking, and through learning, they have changed their teaching concepts and improved their teaching methods, which has laid a good foundation for future teaching.

  2. Lead by example and strictly abide by work discipline

  On the one hand, at work, I can be strict with myself, always and everywhere with high standards, abide by the rules and regulations of the school, and do not be late, leave early, or skip meetings. On the other hand, I was able to strictly abide by the professional ethics of teachers, care for students, do not physically punish students, and establish a good teacher-student relationship and establish a good image among students.

  3. Strengthen routines and improve the efficiency of classroom teaching

  Chinese is a subject full of interest, humanistic spirit and wisdom. In the classroom, we strive to make the classroom lively, so that students feel the joy of learning in Chinese learning. I was able to strengthen all aspects of the teaching routine: in-depth study and careful excavation of the teaching materials before class, and grasp the basic ideas, basic concepts, structure, key points and difficulties of the teaching materials; Understand the knowledge base of students, strive to prepare both textbooks and students in the process of preparing lessons, accurately grasp the key points and difficulties of teaching, and do not let go of every knowledge point. In the classroom, students can use a variety of teaching methods and teaching methods to fully mobilize students' multiple senses, stimulate students' interest in learning, ask for quality from 45 points in the classroom, and strive to improve the efficiency of classroom teaching; Chinese is language, so in addition to the classroom effect, students should also listen more, read more, and practice more. To this end, after class, I introduced a large number of beautiful texts to students in addition to the texts, so that they could taste the beauty of language. In class, each student is required to give a 5-minute reading speech before class, and students learn a large number of Chinese and foreign classics through mutual introduction. I want students to make it clear that the test questions and test papers are not all about language, but that paying attention to life and society, and listening to and integrating with the deepest cultural language in human history with their own hearts and minds is the real language. After class, I conscientiously correct homework in a timely manner, and do a good job in the ideological work and after-school tutoring of backward students in a timely manner; In self-study classes, we actively implement the principle of hierarchical teaching, and pay close attention to the transformation of junior students and the cultivation of eugenics; At the same time, periodic testing is carried out to keep abreast of the learning situation, so as to prescribe the right medicine and adjust the teaching strategy.

  Fourth, strengthen research and strive to improve the level of teaching and research

  In classroom teaching, we should implement advanced concepts, actively promote advanced teaching methods, and boldly try to learn independently, cooperatively, and exploratively while promoting advanced teaching methods such as target teaching methods and reading guidance methods, so as to give full play to students' main role, so that students' emotions, attitudes, and values can be fully exerted, and lay a good foundation for students' lifelong sustainable development. In one year of teaching work, two of the students I taught won the third prize of the National Essay Competition, and my paper "Let the "Personality" of Classical Chinese Teaching Fly" won the second prize of the Municipal Education Paper.

  Fifth, face up to yourself and clarify the direction of future efforts

  One year of Chinese teaching has enabled me to accumulate a lot of valuable experience and gain a deeper understanding of the concept of Chinese education. Here are my ideas for the next semester and measures to improve my teaching work:

  1. Further strengthen the understanding of the new curriculum reform, and strive to improve the efficiency of classroom teaching while promoting advanced teaching methods and using multimedia to mobilize students' enthusiasm for learning.

  2. Pay close attention to inspection and implement the mastery of knowledge points. Keep the junior always in mind and grasp it in your hands;

  3. Strengthen students' reading training, broaden students' horizons, broaden students' thinking, and improve students' problem-solving ability;

  4. Take measures to strengthen training and implement knowledge points.

  5. Strengthen the management education of students, and strive to improve their performance.

  There are still many immature aspects of my approach, and I sincerely hope to get the advice of my colleagues, and I hope that one or two of these practices can inspire you.

Summary of the work of Chinese teachers in the second year of junior high school 2

  Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle, and in a blink of an eye, the teaching work of the second semester of the second semester of junior high school has ended. I never dare to slack off on my teaching work, and I study the teaching method in depth. After a semester of hard work, good results have been achieved. The specific work is summarized as follows:

  1. Study the teaching materials carefully and concentrate on preparing for the lesson

  In teaching, lesson preparation is an indispensable and very important link, and insufficient or poor preparation will seriously affect the classroom atmosphere and enthusiasm. A senior once said to me, "If you don't prepare well for class, it's better not to go to class, otherwise your efforts will be in vain." Therefore, every day I spend a lot of time on preparing for lessons, carefully studying the textbooks and teaching methods, referring to various materials, striving to deeply understand the textbooks, accurately grasp the important and difficult points, and pay great attention to the actual situation of students when formulating teaching objectives, write lecture scripts carefully, and constantly summarize lessons and lessons. At the same time, we should pay attention to the effect of classroom teaching, according to the characteristics of students, focus on pleasant teaching, do not engage in full lectures, insist on students as the main body, teachers as the leading, teaching as the main line, pay attention to the combination of lectures and exercises, pay attention to grasp the key points in teaching, and break through the difficulties. Due to the thorough preparation and obvious teaching effect, the students are easy to accept.

  2. Stimulate interest in learning and improve language literacy

  Chinese is a discipline full of thought, humanistic spirit and wisdom. In the context of the new curriculum reform, students' self-directed learning and cultivating students' innovation ability have become the focus of teachers' attention, and learning methods such as discussion, communication, and inquiry have become the mainstream of the classroom. In my Chinese classroom teaching, I strive to make students vivid, full of interest in learning, and so that students can enjoy the fun of learning in Chinese learning, so as to develop students' language literacy.

  1. Pay attention to the novelty of introducing new courses

  "Interest is the best teacher". In teaching, I pay great attention to cultivating and stimulating students' interest in learning. For example, when introducing a new lesson, so that students can be in a relaxed and harmonious environment as soon as they start class, and learn Chinese unconsciously, I design different introduction methods according to different types of lessons to stimulate interest and design suspense...... Triggering design can stimulate students' spirituality and open the door to learning more than simple narration.

  2. Cultivate the habit of active inquiry and develop the ability to think differently

  In Chinese teaching, readers' perception of language meaning, language emotion, and language skills is largely related to students' life experience, knowledge accumulation, cognitive ability, and comprehension level. To this end, in my Chinese teaching, I construct semantic understanding and experience, and guide students to see the benevolent, the wise, be bold, and express their own opinions. In the thinking debate, the teacher threads the needle and skillfully points to promote the sublimation of language and the development of spirituality in the fierce debate and the collision of thinking. Teachers should take advantage of the situation and let students think about the issues well, express different opinions based on their existing experience and accumulation of knowledge, and debate the issues on which they disagree. Through debate, students can further understand nature, understand that knowledge is infinite, and no matter how knowledgeable people are, they will not know something, and realize that learning is endless. In this kind of class, the classroom atmosphere is very active, during which the open classroom teaching gives students more space for independent learning, and I do not hesitate to let students think and argue, so that students can truly experience self-worth in learning. The design of this link fully allows students to express their understanding and perception of the text, so that students can understand and express, and the input and output complement each other, which truly provides a broad stage for students' learning.

  3. Pay attention to reading aloud and cultivating a sense of language

  1. Use the morning reading time to let students read aloud to improve their sense of language

  Rural students are relatively weak in listening and speaking, and some students are incoherent in answering questions, and their language expression skills are poor, which also restricts their reading and writing skills, so I stipulate that such students in two classes must read aloud for 20 minutes every morning, and they must be able to learn Mandarin After this semester, although they are not very good, they have also made significant progress.

  2. Choose American texts to let students feel and understand

  Each text in the second volume of the Chinese textbook for the eighth grade is a masterpiece of literary quality and beauty, and its wonderful context description, exquisite use of language, profound expression of thoughts, and unique exposition of opinions are all important contents to guide students' understanding. In order to make these wonderful texts leave an overall impression on students, I focus on the key points in reading, guide students to recite the language and words repeatedly, so as to realize the rich image connotation, meaning connotation, and emotional connotation of the language. For example, in the reading teaching of "Day", I guide students to comment in the following way: "After studying this text, what do you think left a deep impression on you?

  4. Strengthen extracurricular reading, writing, and character practice training

  In order to improve students' reading and writing skills, I continued to increase my training this semester. To this end, I have made it mandatory for students to read two extracurricular essays and write two essays each week. The reading of extracurricular articles should be suitable for junior high school students, and the writing training is once a week on Wednesday and Sunday. At the same time, there are many students in the two classes who are not serious about writing, in order to improve their writing ability, I stipulate that they must practice words every day, one page a day, and hand in the content of the practice every Monday, mainly based on the copybook, and can also copy the text, in short, they must write seriously After such a long time of training, they have made a lot of progress.

  Fifth, the homework is set up reasonably and corrected in a timely manner

  In terms of homework setting, I mainly arranged two sets of essays (large and small compositions) this semester, synchronous training, as well as "one note a week", word practice, etc., in the homework correction, serious and timely, and strive to achieve full correction, focusing on revision, timely understanding of students' learning situation, so as to achieve a targeted goal in the tutoring.

  6. Participate in teaching and research, and learn from each other's strengths

  Insist on participating in teaching and research activities inside and outside the school, constantly learn from the valuable experience of others, improve their teaching level, often ask experienced teachers for advice, and often discuss teaching problems togetherThis semester, according to the arrangement of the teaching and research group, I listened to the open classes of my colleagues in the school, and learned a lot of useful experience from others by participating in seminars and collective lesson preparation and other activities.

  In short, I want to work harder, learn lessons, sum up experience, and strive for better results.

  In this scorching summer season, at the moment when the leaves are ripe and the fruits are flying, the students of the third year of junior high school are about to embark on a new journey with their attachment to the roots and the yearning for flowers, and the students of the second year of junior high school have also entered the intense review stage...... Looking at the review handouts and listening to the sound of the students' books coming from the classroom, my heart finally calmed down, sat in my own quiet corner, calmly reviewed the course of this semester, and hoped that through my own serious review and summary, the work of the semester will be turned into rational words, which can be regarded as a spur and encouragement to myself.

  The most embarrassing thing is that after the second year of junior high school, many students do not take learning seriously at all, and after a long period of disconnection with them, some students' learning status has changed greatly, so at the beginning of the semester, the difficulties and pressures faced are relatively large, and the joys and sorrows of a semester are put aside. I just want to say that I have accumulated some experience and lessons in my unremitting efforts, and I hope that it will be of some significance to my future teaching work.

  First of all, it is necessary to find ways to enhance students' interest in learning, patiently influence some backward students and students with academic difficulties, and strive to change students' stubborn and outdated concepts. Sometimes, in order to motivate students, they will also talk about the examination situation of the later classes, such as how high the high score is, but when we students hear a certain score, they think that it is an astronomical miracle, and it is impossible to achieve it, and even some people always feel that language and literature are the same as not learning, I don't know what concepts they are influenced by, and think that the current Chinese scores are completely dependent on luck. And some students who are more willing to work hard, learn and learn too hard, can't use their brains, they don't understand the method, pure rote memorization, the effect can be imagined. In the face of this embarrassment, I know that blindly complaining will only make the situation worse, so I can only muster up the courage to "struggle," actively and resolutely "confront" the diehards, and strive to create a good psychological environment for students to learn and teach Chinese themselves. Of course, it is not possible to correct the attitude of the students in a short period of time, nor can it be done by preaching alone, so I have tried to adopt the following methods:

  First, focus on the top 10 students in the class and students who are good in other subjects but weak in Chinese, teach them how to use their brains to learn Chinese, and use their spare time to help them clear up their doubts in learning, and encourage them to read more and do more reading comprehension. The patient explanation impressed them, hoping to bring about a change in the overall learning of the class through the improvement of their Chinese scores.

  Second, try to use a variety of teaching methods in class, and try to use vivid and beautiful language to bring students into beautiful situations, so that they can feel the charm of language unconsciously; When you see some students slacking off and getting distracted, tell stories or jokes to boost their excitement.

  Thirdly, they should be good at capturing a certain bright spot in each student's language subject, so as to enhance their confidence in learning the language.

  Secondly, in addition to optimizing classroom teaching and improving efficiency, strive to give lectures and evaluations of homework or test papers. In addition to classroom participation, the ability to organize words and express language in the process of homework evaluation is also very important. Therefore, I believe that doing a good job in the part of commenting can help students firmly grasp the knowledge they have learned, improve their ability to apply what they have learned, and cultivate good thinking qualities and habits. Therefore, I try to do the following every time I give a commentary: carefully analyze the topic before the commentary, pay attention to the introduction of ideas, give time, and talk about skills during the commentary, and try to guide students to comprehend the summary and deepen and consolidate after the commentary.

  Thirdly, in order to enable students to make progress, the requirements for Chinese learning in this class are strict. Special emphasis is placed on students to pay attention to their daily accumulation. In fact, we all know that the subject of Chinese is a subject that pays special attention to accumulation, and few people can succeed without hard work. Therefore, at the beginning of the school year, I assigned the following routine tasks to the students: accumulating 5 words and 2 idioms that are easy to read and write incorrectly every day; Complete one weekly diary and three American abstracts every week; Insisting on small activities such as telling stories or recommending American literature appreciation before each class, through these three regular trainings, students have improved their various abilities such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. In addition, I strive to create a language learning atmosphere to broaden students' horizons as much as possible. It is recommended that students drink less than one bottle of drink and buy more excellent newspapers and periodicals such as "Reader", "Youth Digest" and "Examination Newspaper" to circulate in the class.

  In short, this semester, I feel that I am exploring while teaching, exploring and summarizing, many lessons and lessons are still very emotional, very rough, and sometimes, the problems and deficiencies found have not found effective solutions. I don't dare to say how well I teach or how well I do, I can only say that I have always worked hard to do a good job in every class, carefully graded every homework, and treated every student responsibly.

Summary of the work of Chinese teachers in the second year of junior high school 3

  The teaching life of the semester is coming to an end, and there is also too much learning in teaching and learning, but no matter what, there is a sense of relief and relaxation at the end. It is like a farmer lighting a cigarette and lying quietly looking at the neatly harvested stacks of wheat, although the eyes are still boundless fields, surrounded by mountains and white clouds, there is still a small sadness when you think about it, but the pleasure of satisfaction is at this moment. Every student is a seed, once watered and cultivated with heart, in this barren land, the thin seeds are also germinating tenaciously and strongly, silently sowing hope, so that people can see the ideal and see the light......

  This year, I took the Chinese and class teacher of the seventh grade class, and Chinese, mathematics, and English ranked first, fifth, and second respectively in the township unified examination, with 17 students scoring more than 300 points, 31 students scoring more than 270, and only one person failed. The total scores were 4884, 4161, and 4171, and the average scores were 108.54, 88.5, and 92.69 respectively. I feel that the future direction is that Chinese should be appropriately relaxed, leaving more time for English and mathematics, so that students have more free time. Teachers should not be too serious, they should communicate more with students, understand their inner world, engage in more colorful activities, reward more and criticize less, and be good at understanding students' shining points. Motivate students in a variety of ways. Understand whether a student's effort is proportional to their effort and help them find shortcuts to reach their goals.

  In short, because teachers teach living people, not like workers to make machines and parts, so it is destined to be complicated, to understand the whole of human nature, to understand how easy it is to do? to do is not as simple as writing a few sentences like this, knowing that I am sometimes too simple and rude, in a variety of training and speeches slowly know themselves, "with the wind into the night, moisturizing things silently", it is better to say well than to do well, in the future journey I will try to correct myself, the pursuit of progress and gradual growth!

  This semester, under the correct guidance of the leaders in charge of the school, our language group will continue to implement the spirit of the new curriculum standards in accordance with the semester teaching and research plan, guided by the scientific concept of development, further promote the school's teaching and research work, promote teaching reform with teaching research, creatively implement the new curriculum, and fully implement the curriculum reform goals. Taking the curriculum reform as an opportunity, taking the subject research as the starting point, and relying on the school-based training, the project research is used to solve the practical problems in the curriculum reform, promote the continuous deepening of the subject research, comprehensively improve the language literacy of students, and improve the quality of Chinese teaching in our school. The research work of Chinese discipline in this semester is summarized as follows.

  1. Pay attention to the research of topics and improve the level of research

  1. Focusing on research courses, we will strive to explore new modes of classroom teaching under the guidance of the new curriculum concept.

  2. Conscientiously do a good job in the research of language-related topics, attach great importance to the research process, be solid and effective, and strive to produce results as soon as possible. Carry out the practice of the project as planned, accumulate cases in a timely manner, and report the progress of the project in a timely manner.

  2. Rely on the subject to conduct in-depth teaching and research

  1. Classroom teaching attaches great importance to expansion and is closely integrated with the subject. This semester is the stage of implementation of the project in our school, so every teacher is required to actively participate in the study and research of the project and continuously deepen the understanding of the topic. I carry out teaching research around the sub-topics formulated in this year, and implement them in each class to make teaching attempts, especially in each seminar class, I conduct necessary research on the topic or for one aspect of the topic, and make better use and expansion of textbook resources, media resources, teacher resources, student resources, etc., and improve students' abilities in all aspects.

  2. Pay attention to the daily management of experiments. Pay attention to the collection and sorting of experimental data, and do a good job of post-teaching reflection and typical case records. They are required to use experimental teaching materials creatively, implement the daily work of subject research, and record the teaching of this lesson in a timely manner, and carefully summarize and reflect on it at the end of each class.

  3. Develop school-based teaching materials around the topic and build campus culture. This semester, I have strengthened the extracurricular reading guidance for students and increased the amount of extracurricular reading for students.

  3. Implement the project and highlight the characteristics.

  This semester, in the process of implementing projects and deepening teaching and research, I mainly use the four major sections as extracurricular positions to improve students' literary literacy.

  1. Use the school reading room and library as the carrier to improve students' reading ability. First of all, at the beginning of each term, students are given a list of literary classics to read, and the amount of reading that each person must complete in each term is preliminarily stipulated. The second is that students are required to write a reading notebook when reading a famous book. Finally, students are required to carry out aesthetic reading, so as to effectively improve students' cultural taste and literary literacy. Such as writing reading essays, book reviews, etc. A strong cultural atmosphere has become popular on campus.

  2. Take the "Art World" as a showcase to provide a platform for students to display their talents. This semester, our class continues to strengthen the guidance of students' writing in class, pay close attention to the teaching of writing, and emphasize the teaching of writing.

  3. Combined with "Teacher's Day", "National Day", "New Year's Day" and other festivals, carry out comprehensive language activities, such as recitation, poetry recitation, allegro performance, tongue twister display, story meeting, speech activities, hand-copied newspaper evaluation and other activities, explore various forms of Chinese extracurricular education activities, enrich students' learning life, cultivate students' interest in learning Chinese, and make extracurricular activities become a supplement to in-class teaching.

  In the next semester, I will make full use of the blog network to continue to strengthen exchanges and accumulation, and will be in line with the principle of "diligence, good thinking, and hard work", as always, make persistent efforts to do a better job.

Summary of the work of Chinese teachers in the second year of junior high school 4

  X years are about to pass, looking back on this year's work, fulfilling, happy, and fulfilling.

  1. Teaching work

  There are 17 classes per week, and it is very fulfilling and enjoyable to prepare for classes, attend classes, mark corrections, take exams, listen to lectures, evaluate classes, learn online, and study intensively.

  1. Prepare lessons carefully, do not use old lesson plans, and write realistic lesson plans according to the actual situation of students and the spirit of the new curriculum reform. It is practical, and never writes a lesson plan for the sake of writing a lesson plan.

  2. In the classroom, students can learn what they are interested in, learn knowledge in a pleasant atmosphere, and improve their ability imperceptibly.

  3. Don't put old qualifications, learn from all peers with an open mind, learn on the Internet, and do not get old.

  4. Students' grades have risen steadily, with the average score from 80 or 90 to 101 (out of 120)

  5. Slides and videos for electronic teaching are often completed at home. It saves time and effort, improves efficiency and keeps students up to date.

  6. Make full use of the resources provided by the school to teach, as long as the classes of the online school affiliated to the National Normal University are synchronized with the teaching, I can broaden my horizons with the students, and also promote the continuous improvement of my teaching level.

  7. In order to improve the students' writing level, they ordered magazines such as "Composition and Examination" and "Reader" at their own expense and circulated among students.

  2. Teach and educate people by word and deed.

  Although I was not a class teacher, I participated in the cultural construction of the two classes of the eighth grade, and participated in the whole process from review to pasting. Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Mother's Day, Teacher's Day, Thanksgiving Day, National Day and other major festivals, before the festival to provide students with materials, in the class from poetry to quotes, recitation, speech, text messaging, all kinds of literary styles for students to try, education in silence.

  3. The poem "My Motherland and Me" I composed won the first prize of the "XX Anniversary Essay Contest of the National Day" of the education system of XX City, and the third prize of the "XX Anniversary Essay Contest of the XX Anniversary of the National Day" of XX City, and was published in the "XX Daily" on September 15, expressing my blessings to the motherland.

Summary of the work of Chinese teachers in the second year of junior high school 5

  Looking back on the footprints of our Chinese teaching and research group this semester, it is not difficult to see that our steps are steady, steady, powerful, and commendable. According to the teaching work plan at the beginning of the semester, guided by the basic concept of the new curriculum standards, every member of the teaching and research group is conscientious and down-to-earth, and the teaching concept is changed, starting from the norms, and the classroom teaching is carried out in a purposeful, planned and step-by-step manner, so as to strengthen the classroom teaching research and comprehensively improve the level and quality of Chinese teaching in the group. In addition to enrichment, there is also a bit of a sense of generalization, and the work of the semester is summarized as follows:

  1. Work and achievements

  Renew concepts and improve capabilities

  In order to ensure the further implementation of the new curriculum standards, and to enable everyone to have more in-depth discussions on more teaching modes in the classroom, this semester, we have further changed the concept of education, focusing on creating an open and dynamic Chinese classroom, and striving to achieve high-quality teaching and high efficiency in the classroom.

  1. Teaching and research activities are activities that pursue classroom efficiency, and naturally involve the learning of teaching methods and educational teaching theories. This semester, we will focus on teaching and research activities once a week, learn new course standards, listen to expert lectures, conduct classroom teaching seminar activities, and listen to each other's lectures and conduct discussions. Bi-weekly business learning and seminars are organized in the preparation group unit. Through this series of activities, the teachers in the group realized that class is a kind of life, an interesting and vibrant activity, and only by constantly reflecting on their own teaching behavior can they integrate and deepen the theory in action.

  2. Organize the teachers of this group to actively participate in various trainings in and out of the district, feel the new curriculum language in the general environment, accept the influence of famous teachers, learn the teaching art of advanced teachers, and return to the school to convey to the Chinese teachers of the group, talk about what they have seen and heard, and talk about what they feel and think.

  Improve methods and improve efficiency

  1. In order to reform the classroom structure and teaching methods, improve the classroom teaching level of teachers in the group, and improve the effectiveness of classroom teaching. We have conscientiously organized collective lesson preparation activities, combined with the research on oral communication topics in schools, each teacher participates in oral communication teaching seminars, and teachers participate in lesson preparation and seminars, from the analysis of oral communication language training points in each unit to the grasp of difficulties and key points, from the application of teaching methods to the discussion of students' learning methods, bit by bit, meticulous, and excellence. In the office, there is often an atmosphere of solidarity and mutual assistance, and some teachers encounter sudden teaching or student problems that need to be solved in the course of class, and the teachers in the office will give advice and help solve teaching problems and students' ideological problems.

  2. Our teaching and research activities are based on the participation of all employees and the improvement of all employees. Each teacher conducted a research class in the group, and recommended a teaching and research class in the group to present. In the activity, the teachers who taught the class actively prepared and listened to suggestions with an open mind; The teachers who evaluated the course spoke enthusiastically, did not pretend or pretentious, and sincerely helped the contributors.

  3. Solid and strict teaching routine is the guarantee for the orderly and benign operation of the school's Chinese teaching work, and the only way to effectively improve the quality of the school's Chinese teaching. This semester, the teaching and research department cooperated with the Academic Affairs Office to start with lesson preparation, class attendance, class listening, correction, tutoring, and reflection to fully implement the teaching routine. Carefully checked the teacher's preparation notes, teaching plans and students' homework corrections; Through rigorous academic study and persistent work, we have truly implemented the teaching routine. Whether it is Teacher He, Teacher Tan, Teacher Wen, or the younger Teacher Ye, Teacher Tang and Teacher Tao, they all pay close attention to the students' Chinese teaching routine, use the break time to tutor students, and comprehensively improve the students' language literacy.

  Set the mood and bathe in the scent of books

  Although the teaching time of this semester is short and relatively intense, the construction of the "scholarly class" is still in full swing. The recitation and accumulation of ancient poems, extracurricular reading, and the accumulation of 2 minutes before class,...... These have become part of a child's daily learning. In addition, the teachers also guide the children to spend a certain amount of time in extracurricular reading every day, so that the children can enjoy the joy of reading in the series of readings, accumulate certain vocabulary, develop the habit of reading consciously, and bathe in the strong fragrance of books. At the beginning of the semester, our fifth and sixth grade groups formulated a reading plan for the children, and promoted and tested some Chinese and foreign classics as compulsory reading books for students. In March and April, we carried out a series of activities of the Reading Festival: in May, we carried out the "Good Book Recommendation Meeting", and in June, we carried out the "Into the Stories of Classical Masterpieces" competition, "Comprehensive Learning" and other activities.

  According to the students' interests and hobbies, they participated in various interest group activities, such as calligraphy group, recitation group and poster group. Other language extracurricular activities were appropriately organized, such as visits, do-it-yourself newspapers, storytelling meetings, reading clubs, and lectures.

  The class actively carried out the training of the Chinese discipline quality competition, so that the training was wide-ranging, and the students were guided to run a reading tabloid through reading, and a display board for the display of achievements was published with this content; This series of activities greatly stimulated the students' interest in the combination of reading and writing, and it can be said that the reading activities in one semester were more effective.

  Hard work, fruitful results

Summary of the work of Chinese teachers in the second year of junior high school 6

  Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle. In the blink of an eye, a semester of education and teaching work has come to an end, and this semester I am the Chinese teacher of the two classes of 8th grade 115 and 116. Since I still have little teaching experience, I dare not slack off on my teaching work, carefully study the teaching materials, study the teaching methods in depth, and learn from my predecessors with an open mind. After a semester of hard work, I have gained a lot of valuable teaching experience and achieved good results. The specific work is summarized as follows:

  1. Study the teaching materials carefully and concentrate on preparing for the lesson

  In teaching, lesson preparation is an indispensable and very important link, and insufficient or poor preparation will seriously affect the classroom atmosphere and enthusiasm. A senior once said to me, "If you don't prepare well for class, it's better not to go to class, otherwise your efforts will be in vain." "Since then, I have understood the importance of lesson preparation. Therefore, every day I spend a lot of time preparing for classes, carefully studying the textbooks and teaching methods, and referring to various materials in various ways to try to understand the textbooks in depth and accurately grasp the important and difficult points. Great attention is paid to the actual situation of the students when formulating the teaching objectives. Lesson plans are carefully written, and lessons are constantly summarized and summarized. At the same time, we pay attention to the effect of classroom teaching, according to the characteristics of students, focus on pleasant teaching, do not engage in full classrooms, adhere to the student-oriented, teacher-led, teaching as the main line, and pay attention to the combination of lectures and exercises. Pay attention to the key points and break through the difficulties in teaching. Due to the thorough preparation and obvious teaching effect, the students are easy to accept.

  2. Stimulate interest in learning and improve language literacy

  Chinese is a discipline full of thought, humanistic spirit and wisdom. In the context of the new curriculum reform, students' independent learning and cultivating students' innovation ability have become teachers, and learning methods such as discussion, communication, and inquiry have become the mainstream of the classroom. In my Chinese classroom teaching, I strive to make students vivid, full of interest in learning, and so that students can enjoy the fun of learning in Chinese learning, so as to develop students' language literacy.

  1. Pay attention to the novelty of introducing new courses.

  "Interest is the best teacher". In teaching, I pay great attention to cultivating and stimulating students' interest in learning. For example, in the introduction of new lessons, students can be in a relaxed and harmonious environment as soon as they start class, and learn Chinese unconsciously. According to different types of courses, I design different introduction methods to stimulate interest, design suspense, and trigger design, which can stimulate students' spirituality and open the door to learning more than simple narration.

  2. Cultivate the habit of active inquiry and develop the ability to think differently.

  In Chinese teaching, readers' perception of language meaning, language emotion, and language skills is largely related to students' life experience, knowledge accumulation, cognitive ability, and comprehension level. To this end, in my Chinese teaching, I construct semantic understanding and experience, and guide students to see the benevolent, the wise, be bold, and express their own opinions. In the thinking debate, the teacher threads the needle and skillfully points to promote the sublimation of language and the development of spirituality in the fierce debate and the collision of thinking. Teachers should take advantage of the situation so that students can fully think about the problem, and then students can express different opinions based on their previous experience and accumulation of knowledge, and debate the issues on which they disagree. Through the debate, students can further understand nature, understand that knowledge is infinite, and no matter how knowledgeable people are, they will not know it, and realize that learning is endless. In this kind of class, the classroom atmosphere is very active, during which the open classroom teaching gives students more space for independent learning, and I do not hesitate to let students think and argue, so that students can truly experience self-worth in learning. The design of this link fully allows students to express their understanding and perception of the text, so that students can understand and express, and the input and output complement each other, which truly provides a broad stage for students' learning.

  3. Pay attention to reading aloud and cultivating a sense of language

  1. Use the morning reading time to let students read aloud to improve their sense of language.

  Rural students have relatively weak listening and speaking skills, and some students have incoherent language in answering questions, and their language expression skills are poor, which also restricts their reading and writing skills, so I have stipulated that students in these two classes must read aloud for 20 minutes every morning, and they must be able to use Mandarin accurately.

  2. Choose American texts to let students feel and understand.

  Each text in the second volume of the Chinese textbook for the eighth grade is a masterpiece of literary quality and beauty, and its wonderful context description, exquisite use of language, profound expression of thoughts, and unique exposition of opinions are all important contents to guide students' understanding. However, due to the limited time in the classroom, it is impossible to guide students to perceive the wonderful points in the text. In order to leave an overall impression on the students, I focus on the key points in the reading and guide the students to recite the language and words repeatedly, so as to realize the rich image, meaning and emotional connotation of the language. At the same time, on the basis of their perceptions, students are guided to condescendingly evaluate the texts, deepen their understanding, sublimate their understanding, and fill in the gaps. For example, in the reading teaching of "Day", I guide students to comment in this way: "After studying this text, what do you think left a deep impression on you? At this time, students fully express their true feelings.


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