
Seasonal flavors of spring: Eat the next spring in one bite


Seasonal flavors of spring: Eat the next spring in one bite

2024-04-11 14:24·

Spring is suitable for health, the earth is recovering, crops are growing, and all kinds of spring vegetables have been new. "Eat with the time, don't eat from time to time", it means that you want to eat seasonal food, and there are many "spring buds" that can be eaten in spring, which is the so-called "spring eclipse spring sprouts".

The "freshness" of the first stubble in spring is always a special surprise, with enough water vapor and tender green shoots, revealing a "fresh" fluttering. Today I will bring several spring vegetables and feel the taste of spring on the tip of your tongue together.


"The peach and plum in the city are sad about the wind and rain, and the spring is in the creek and the cauliflower." Shepherd's cabbage is one of the most representative plants in spring. It has relatively low temperature requirements and early rejuvenation, and is known as the "first fresh" of spring. The head of the shepherd's cabbage refers to the young shoots of the shepherd's cabbage after the beginning of spring.

Shepherd's cabbage likes a cold and humid climate, strong cold tolerance, and the requirements for the soil are not strict, but the fertile and loose soil can make the plants flourish, grow quickly, and have good quality.

Seasonal flavors of spring: Eat the next spring in one bite

(Source: Internet)

The calcium content of shepherd's cabbage is very high, even more than milk, and the potassium content is also very high, which is very suitable for people with high blood pressure.

Shepherd's cabbage also has a high medicinal value, shepherd's cabbage can be used as a whole herb, Chinese medicine believes that shepherd's cabbage has a sweet taste, can strengthen the spleen, improve water, and can also brighten the eyes. In this way, the shepherd's cabbage can be said to be a treasure all over the body!

Although shepherd's cabbage is good, you can't dig and eat it indiscriminately. It is not recommended to dig up the camellia in the wild without permission, in case you dig up other inedible wild vegetables, the gains outweigh the losses. In addition, remember to blanch the water before eating, boil the pot, grasp the heat, and then you can enjoy it to your heart's content!

Spring bamboo shoots

"If you don't eat spring bamboo shoots, you must know the meaning of spring"?

Spring bamboo shoots are grasses and herbaceous plants, and their edible parts are primary, fat, short and strong buds or whips.

Fertile, loose, well-drained soil, plenty of sunlight, and proper humidity are all conducive to the smooth growth of shoots.

Bamboo whip and shoot buds are protected by the soil layer, which is not easy to be damaged by frost in winter, and the temperature is warmer and the rain is abundant in spring, which is conducive to the growth of bamboo shoots, and the bamboo shoot period is mainly in spring.

Seasonal flavors of spring: Eat the next spring in one bite

(Source: Internet)

Spring bamboo shoots are rich in dietary fiber, of which the content of insoluble dietary fiber is as high as 2.8g/100g, which can promote gastrointestinal motility, promote bowel movements, prevent constipation, and be beneficial to intestinal health. However, because it has a large amount of dietary fiber, it is not very friendly to people with stomach problems or poor digestion, so remember to eat less.

Spring shoots are also high in potassium. Adequate potassium intake not only helps regulate blood pressure, but also helps reduce neuromuscular tension and relieve fatigue.

Spring bamboo shoots are rich in antioxidants, which can remove excess free radicals from the body and prevent cancer and blood vessel damage.

Fresh spring bamboo shoots are very crisp and tender, but do not eat them raw! Fresh spring bamboo shoots contain cyanide, cyanogenic glycosides, tannins, oxalic acid, ephedrine and other substances, which not only taste bad when eaten raw, but also affect the absorption of minerals, and also increase the risk of kidney stones. However, these ingredients are soluble in water and are not heat-resistant, so be sure to blanch them before eating!


Before and after Qingming, it is a good season to eat "tree vegetables" - toon. Toon is loved by many people because of its unique flavor and unique "umami". Because of its rich nutrition and many effects, it is also known as "ten perfect vegetables".

Toon likes light, temperature, and is more resistant to moisture, and is suitable for growing in fertile soil such as rivers and houses.

Seasonal flavors of spring: Eat the next spring in one bite

(Source: Internet)

Toon contains volatile aromatic organic compounds such as toonin, which can strengthen the spleen and increase appetite. Toon is also rich in vitamin C, carotene and other substances, which help to enhance the body's immune function and have the effect of lubricating the skin, making it a good choice for health and beauty. In addition, toon contains vitamin E, flavonoids, saponins and other substances, which can help scavenge free radicals, help antioxidant and anti-aging.

It should be noted that the nitrate and nitrite content in toon is high, and when selecting, it is necessary to choose short, red and thick young bud toon, the more tender the toon buds, the less nitrate. If you can smell the fragrance when buying toon, it means that it is relatively fresh. Toons also need to be blanched in hot water before eating, which can remove a lot of nitrite and nitrate, and at the same time better maintain the color of the toon.

Pea tips

First of all, it needs to be clear that pea tips ≠ pea seedlings, and pea tips are also known as "dragon mustache" or "dragon beard seedlings", which is the uppermost part of pea seedlings, and is the tender tip of pea's new life, fresh and delicious.

Seasonal flavors of spring: Eat the next spring in one bite

(Source: Internet)

Pea tips are rich in antacids, have good anti-aging properties, and can play a detoxifying role. The carotene in pea tips can protect the integrity of epithelial cells, prevent inflammation, and enhance immunity, especially for people who often stay up late with their eyes, have tired and dry eyes, and have blurred vision. In addition, pea tips are also rich in dietary fiber and calcium, and the content of oxalic acid is also very low, which helps to improve constipation, and is also suitable for people who are deficient in calcium, iron, and zinc.

In the spring full of vitality, the fresh side dishes have the fragrance of spring, and the taste buds are immersed in the spring food, enjoying the gifts of nature and feeling the fullness of spring.

WeChat editor: Chen Yichen

Source: Digital Beijing Science Center

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