
Zhang Yifan and Fan Shiqi live together, the man has a rich love history, and he denies falling in love!

author:One meter moon

Text/Ju Tong

In the entertainment industry, there are more and more artists born in the 95s and 00s, and they have gradually stepped into the stage of history, after all, many post-70s and post-80s have taken a back seat, some have become directors, some have become design directors behind the scenes, and some artists have begun to cultivate new artists.

Zhang Yifan and Fan Shiqi live together, the man has a rich love history, and he denies falling in love!

So in this issue, we talk about the artist Zhang Yifan, this young lady, Zhang Yifan in February 2000, Chinese mainland actress, singer, former member of the girl singing group Hard Candy Girl 303, studying at Beijing Dance Academy. In October 2019, he participated in the variety show "Dance Storm" and attracted attention for his ballet performance;

Zhang Yifan and Fan Shiqi live together, the man has a rich love history, and he denies falling in love!

Since then, he co-starred with Zhou Dongyu, Yi Yang Qianxi and others in the youth romance film "Young You", and in December, he participated in Hunan Satellite TV's original sound charm competition show "Sound Immersive Season 3" and served as a guest in the program. In March 2020, she participated in the Tencent Video Energy Women's Group Growth Variety Show "Creation Camp 2020", and finally joined the group Hard Candy Girl 303 with the 7th place, and in August, she released her first mini album "Hard Candy Law" with the group. On December 12, he participated in Zhejiang Satellite TV's acting competition variety show "I Am an Actor Season 3".

Zhang Yifan and Fan Shiqi live together, the man has a rich love history, and he denies falling in love!

And as a post-00s, she has won unanimous praise from everyone, in the variety show "Dance Storm", Zhang Yifan and Fu Hongyi's dance is like a shock, which makes people go up. If you don't watch the show, you can't imagine the light she exudes when she plays Hu Xiaodie in the movie "Young You". Her appearance in the show amazed the audience, and from the camera to her, the audience praised "so beautiful".

Zhang Yifan and Fan Shiqi live together, the man has a rich love history, and he denies falling in love!

Long hands and feet, perfectly proportioned, impeccable. Although just looking at the facial features does not belong to that kind of top beauty, that youthful face is still exciting. Although Zhang Yifan was eliminated because her basic skills were not solid enough, the three professional tutors have been encouraging her. Although Zhang Yifan does not have many scenes in the movie, the audience really can't imagine her brilliance, she performed rhythmic gymnastics in the show "Supernova Games", with a light posture and full of fairy spirit.

Zhang Yifan and Fan Shiqi live together, the man has a rich love history, and he denies falling in love!

Recently, her love has also been exposed by everyone, Zhang Yifan and Fan Shiqi walked the dog arm in arm, but the next day they showed up with the female assistant; a few days later Fan Shiqi and the female assistant went on a business trip, Zhang Yifan went out wearing Fan Shiqi's jacket, the two seemed to have entered a state of cohabitation, but it was suspected that a third party had intervened.

Zhang Yifan and Fan Shiqi live together, the man has a rich love history, and he denies falling in love!

Regarding the revelation of Yu Ji, Fan Shiqi responded quickly, posted a photo with his mother and responded to the fact that the so-called "third party" was actually his mother, but he did not deny the relationship with Zhang Yifan, which can be regarded as a tacit acquiescence, so the male god is 8 years older than the woman, and in March 2023, the two recorded "Sportsmen Alliance" together, and they interacted very lovingly in the show.

Zhang Yifan and Fan Shiqi live together, the man has a rich love history, and he denies falling in love!

Before, some netizens met the two at Universal Studios Beijing, because there were also Qin Xiaoxian and others together, netizens thought that the two were just good friends, and they belonged to the state of unfulfilled lovers.

Zhang Yifan and Fan Shiqi live together, the man has a rich love history, and he denies falling in love!

It is reported that he posted every day looking forward to the two breaking up, and revealed that Fan Shiqi and Zhang Yifan have been together for a year, calculating the time, netizens guessed that the two should have sparked love because of "Sportsman Alliance".

Zhang Yifan and Fan Shiqi live together, the man has a rich love history, and he denies falling in love!

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