
Surabaya County continues to polish the moral construction brand of "Aimanquan Township".

author:Jining release
Surabaya County continues to polish the moral construction brand of "Aimanquan Township".


On the morning of April 11, the Information Office of the Municipal Government organized a series of press conferences on the theme of Jining's characteristic moral construction brand (the 3rd). Introduce the relevant situation of the "Aimanquan Township" Surabaya moral construction brand, and answer questions from reporters.


Zhang Jianping, Member of the Standing Committee of the Surabaya County Party Committee and Director of the Propaganda Department, Zhang Tengfei, Secretary of the Party Group and Chairman of the Surabaya County Women's Federation, Duan Xiaoxue, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Miaoguan Town, Surabaya County, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Sizhang Town, Surabaya County


Ma Wen, Information Office of the Municipal Government

Surabaya County continues to polish the moral construction brand of "Aimanquan Township".


Surabaya County continues to polish the moral construction brand of "Aimanquan Township".
Surabaya County continues to polish the moral construction brand of "Aimanquan Township".

Physical display at the press conference

In recent years, Surabaya County has taken the cultivation and practice of the core values of socialism as a basic project to unite the soul and strengthen the foundation, implemented the "Love Manquan Township, Civilization Surabaya" spiritual civilization construction project, and constantly polished the "Love Manquan Township" Surabaya moral construction brand, and promoted the whole society to consciously and actively cultivate noble sentiments in moral practice, so as to provide a strong ideological guarantee and strong spiritual power for accelerating the high-quality development of Surabaya.

The following is an introduction to you in the past year, we have carried out several key tasks around building the moral construction brand of "Aimanquan Township":

1. Focus on civilized practice and consolidate the moral foundation

First, the construction of positions continued to deepen. Closely focusing on the construction of social morality, family virtues, professional ethics and personal morality, we will integrate, activate and drive the resources and forces of all parties to build 5 characteristic positions such as the civilization practice demonstration belt and the virtue and healthy lifestyle experience hall in the Longwan Lake Rural Revitalization Area, and build 13 demonstration areas for the new era of civilization practice in towns and streets. The training course for deepening and expanding the construction of the civilization practice center in the new era was held in our county. The Surabaya County Civilization Practice Women's Volunteer Sunshine Station was named the "National Civilization Practice Women's Volunteer Sunshine Station". The Surabaya County Civilization Practice Center (institute and station) has achieved full coverage of the "five haves" standard, and has become a "home for the people" that the masses want to come, are willing to come, and often come. Second, volunteer service is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. More than 400 special volunteer service teams such as "weekend engineers" and small bench propaganda at the head of the village have been established, and special volunteer service brand projects such as "Micro Love Mother", "Write Chinese characters well and be a good Chinese" and "Trinity" care for veterans have been outstanding, and Tsinghua University's high-level talent volunteer service to help rural revitalization has been reported by China Central Radio and Television and People's Daily. Our county won 1 gold and 3 bronze medals in the 2023 Jining Volunteer Service Project Competition. The first volunteer service project competition in Surabaya County was held, the "most beautiful volunteer" in Surabaya County was selected, and the theme song "Lighting the Light of Civilization" was released, which was forwarded and promoted by the WeChat public account of "Volunteer Shandong", and continuously promoted the county's volunteers to integrate individual moral pursuit into the public sphere of social life in the practice of volunteer service, and improve the moral level of the whole society. Third, the practice of civilization is rich and colorful. The "New Youth" music festival was successfully held, which was affirmed by the leading comrades of the Municipal Party Committee. Undertook the first event of Shandong Radio and Television's "Good Drama Arena" of "Good Drama in Every Village". Activities such as innovating people's livelihood and live streaming are closely integrated with the "Yellow River Gathering", and the launching ceremony of the 2023 Jining "Autumn Yellow River Gathering" and "Colorful Golden Autumn Travels" will be undertaken. Civilization practice activities such as the Surabaya Flower Appreciation Festival, the Surabaya Sweet Potato Festival and the Potato Carnival have been held, which have effectively improved the quality and degree of civilization of the masses.

2. Persist in the creation of civilization and cultivate moral cultivation

The first is to change customs and advance in an orderly manner. Deepen the special promotion action of "changing customs and rural customs and civilization", hold a county-wide on-site observation and promotion meeting for changing customs and customs, select 26 outstanding red and white councils, and set up a civilized volunteer service team in 403 villages (communities) in the county. The first new Chinese-style collective wedding in Surabaya County was held. Four villages (communities) in our county have won the title of Jining Excellent Village Rules and People's Convention (Residents' Convention). The second is the continuation of cultural inheritance. Carry out the research and interpretation of the spirit of Surabaya in the new era of "hard work without hard work and strive for the top", and hold the Surabaya County to jointly build "warm Surabaya" and carry forward the Surabaya spirit preaching contest in the new era of "hard work without hard work and striving for the top", showing the surging spiritual power of Surabaya people who respect virtue and goodness, and think about progress. Adhering to the principle of educating people with culture and culture, more than 3,000 rural Confucianism lecture activities have been carried out on a regular basis, and more than 70 online classes have been held in the Shengyuan Parent School and the "Micro Love and Inheritance" public welfare classroom project, inheriting and promoting excellent traditional culture and further cultivating the moral soil. Third, new trends and new looks are constantly emerging. Innovatively promoted the construction of the "Quanxiang Study" and the "Quanxiang Joy Reading Club" series of activities, and carried out more than 1,200 special reading activities such as the "So Life" reading club. Coordinate the advancement of the establishment of "virtue credit+", include the promotion of a new life of virtue and health, participation in civilized practice, volunteer service, environmental remediation, and so forth in the virtue credit establishment system, and promote practices such as "volunteer + creditworthiness" point supermarkets and the selection of virtue credit merchants, so that virtue and credit can achieve two-way empowerment and high-quality development in the two-way transformation and two-way rush.

3. Focus on the cultivation of civilization and lead the new style of virtue and goodness

The first is to build a moral typical tree selection network in the whole chain. Continue to polish the county-level brand of "Shengyuan Surabaya with many good people", improve and improve the chain of moral typical tree selection, organize and carry out the 6th "Moving Surabaya" Top 10 Figures and the 9th Surabaya County Top 10 Moral Model Selection Activities, and hold a series of press conferences between moral models and good people around them. The county's "Most Beautiful Retired Soldiers" and "Top Ten Soldier Mothers" and other advanced typical award ceremonies were held to inherit the red gene and continue the revolutionary spirit. The second is to select moral models from multiple angles. In 2023, Chen Hongyou of our county will be listed on the "China Good Person List" in the second quarter of 2023 and won the 9th Shandong Provincial Moral Model Nomination Award. 6 people were awarded the "Good People of Jining", and 2 people were awarded the 9th Jining City Moral Model, fully demonstrating the new style of Surabaya that is high-spirited and striving to be a pioneer. The third is to publicize moral models in an all-round way. Online, carry out various forms of learning and publicity activities, set up publicity columns such as "Shengyuan Surabaya has many good people" on WeChat public accounts and other platforms, and actively promote and report the advanced typical touching deeds and noble character of our county through People's Daily Online, Xinhuanet and other media. Offline, all levels and types of moral models are invited to make the "spirit of good people" reach the hearts of the people by participating in the Spring Festival Gala, press conferences, publicity activities and other forms.

Nowadays, the moral light of the land of Susi shines brightly, and the flower of civilization blooms everywhere. In the next step, Surabaya County will work closely around the moral construction brand of "Aimanquan Township", nourish morality with culture, promote social harmony with morality, actively promote the construction of civic morality, inherit the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, and promote the formation of a strong atmosphere of advocating virtue and goodness and thinking together in the whole society.

Q&A session with reporters on the spot

Reporter of the popular network

As a mass organization, how does the Surabaya County Women's Federation unite women to help build the moral brand of "Aimanquan Township"?

Zhang Ruichao

Secretary of the Party Group and Chairman of the Surabaya County Women's Federation

In recent years, in order to promote the construction of the moral brand of "Aimanquan Township", the Women's Federation of Surabaya County has continued to make efforts to focus on the volunteer service of "for the small", combined with the objective reality that there are many left-behind and difficult children in rural areas in the county, and innovatively implemented the action of "Growing up with We-Ai Mothers", recruiting a total of 507 "We-Ai Mothers", and through the "one-to-one" and "one-to-many" methods, 2,145 children have been paired to accompany the healthy growth, realizing the full coverage of left-behind and difficult children. The project was selected as the "Four 100" advanced model of Shandong Province's Lei Feng volunteer service, was rated as the best volunteer service project, and was awarded the first prize of the Shandong Province Women's and Children's Family Public Welfare Project Venture Capital Competition by the Provincial Women's Federation. This work experience and practice was published by the General Office of the Provincial Government, and the innovative case was published in the "Shandong Reform Bulletin" twice and reported to the Central Reform Office, and was selected as the "National Exhibition Project of Women's Social Organizations Serving Children".

1. Adhere to comprehensive and accurate, and build a multi-dimensional dynamic mapping mechanism with upper and lower linkage

The premise and key to the implementation of the project is to identify children in need of help in a timely and accurate manner, and to realize that they should be accommodated and helped. On the one hand, bottom-up and comprehensive investigation. Establish a smart platform for the protection of minors in Quanxiang Township, establish mechanisms for regular screening and dynamic monitoring, include all eligible children in the ledger management, and implement care measures by category and level. On the other hand, top-down, accurate identification. Cadres of women's federations at all levels regularly go to villages and households to keep abreast of changes in children's families and include them in file management as soon as possible. The school conducts regular surveys on students, and through daily communication, home visits, and other means, and through in-depth exchanges with the surrounding people, they can understand and discover children in distress in a timely manner.

2. Adhere to individualized policies, and build an equal, respectful, refined and accurate "five accompaniment" care service model

With the theme of "everything is child-centered, give children a mother's love", we provide children with careful, meticulous and colorful family care. The first is to accompany life and be a good "caretaker" of children. Organize regular home visits of "Weiai Mother", accompany children to clean up their personal hygiene, clean their living environment, and educate and guide children to develop good living habits. The second is to learn to accompany and be a "counselor" for children's progress. Recruit outstanding teachers to join the "Weiai Mother" team, impart learning methods and skills, carry out interest training, and stimulate children's interest in learning. The third is to accompany the mind and be a good "guide" for children's growth. Carry out red education, strengthen ideological and political guidance, and help children establish lofty ideals. The fourth is emotional companionship, and be a "confidant" of the child's soul. Provide one-on-one psychological counseling for children to care for their healthy and happy growth. Fifth, accompany them safely and be a "guardian" of children's physical and mental health. Set up psychological counseling classes, set up child safety education such as sexual assault prevention, drowning prevention, and electric shock prevention, and improve children's safety awareness.

3. Adhere to the standardization of professions and build three-level service platforms and teams at the county, town and village levels

On the one hand, improve the service positions at the county, town, and village levels. The county has built 166 women's and children's activity positions at all levels, becoming the main position of "micro-love mother" accompanying activities. At the same time, make full use of existing schools, kindergartens and other resources, and establish children's activity stations and psychological counseling rooms in more than 90 schools in the county, providing a strong supplement to the "Micro Love Mother" activity. On the other hand, strengthen the construction of the volunteer team of "Micro Love Mother". Innovate and establish a closed-loop mechanism for recruitment, training and evaluation of "Weiai Mother", and attract caring women from all walks of life such as party members and cadres, teachers, and doctors to join the "Weiai Mother" team.

Fourth, adhere to the long-term effect of normalcy, and build a sustainable and scalable operating mechanism

The first is to establish a dynamic service mechanism. Establish the "three files" of children's growth and changes, Weiai mother's work performance, and evaluation and feedback, grasp the dynamics in a timely manner, and adjust the methods and methods. The second is to establish a fund-raising mechanism. Establish a three-in-one fund raising system of "financial expenditure, social fundraising, and individual donations", and the county government sets aside special funds every year, and actively donates money and materials to raise social funds for special injection. The third is to establish an incentive and guidance mechanism. Cadres of government agencies and institutions participating in the "Micro Love Mother" activities will be given preference in terms of evaluation, evaluation, rewards and punishments, and enterprises and other social personages participating in the activities will be praised in a timely manner.

Reporter of Jining Daily

What innovative measures have been taken by the grassroots townships and towns in Surabaya County to promote the construction of characteristic morality, and what results have been achieved?

Zhang Tengfei

Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Miaoguan Town, Surabaya County

In recent years, Miaoguan Town has given full play to the role of the practice position of civilization in the new era, created a characteristic brand of grassroots social governance of "Miao Affairs", and actively integrated into the construction of the characteristic moral brand of "Aimanquan Township" in Surabaya. The relevant information is introduced as follows:

The first is to consolidate the construction of the position, and the practice of civilization in the new era is solid and new. Relying on the construction of the city-level rural revitalization demonstration area in the Sihe River Basin of Miaoguan Town, and taking the new era civilization practice stations such as Guojiazhuang, Jiangjiahe, and Yanzhai as the core, we will build a new era civilization practice demonstration belt along the Sihe River in Miaoguan Town. Among them, the New Era Civilization Practice Station of Guojiazhuang Village integrates all kinds of resources and builds a "five-color system" service place composed of a "volunteer + integrity" points supermarket, a "red memory beginner's heart cinema", a convenient service station, a home for women and children, and a science museum, so as to realize the integrated service functions of fitness, literature and art, reading, popular science, and publicity. Donggu'an Village has built a "happy canteen" for the practice of civilization in the new era, and combined it with the "Rural Confucianism Lecture Hall" to realize the excellent traditional culture to be grounded and popular.

The second is to coordinate resources and strength, and continue to polish the brand of volunteer service. Focus on the needs of the masses, highlight team building, ability shaping, and precise service, and strive to create excellent volunteer service projects such as "Miao Heart", "Love Sangyu, Warm Heart to Help the Elderly", and "Sunshine Childhood", and further promote the standardized, systematic, and project-based development of civilized practice volunteer service. In cooperation with Shenzhen One Foundation and Surabaya County Micro Public Welfare Association, a high-standard children's service station has been built to provide children with voluntary services such as tutoring, interest and specialty cultivation, and safety knowledge education every weekend, benefiting more than 400 children. Set up a cultural and artistic volunteer service team, make full use of the "micro stage" such as the New Era Civilization Practice Station, the Confucian Lecture Hall, the Rural Bookstore, and the People's Stage, and carry out "door-to-door" literary and artistic performances, so as to further enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the broad masses of the people. Advocate a new life of virtue and health, plan activities such as "virtue + literature and art" and "virtue + public welfare", and promote the concept of virtue and credit to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The third is to create a characteristic brand of "Miao Shi 'Miao (Seconds)' to do", and the efficiency of grassroots social governance has been continuously improved. Focusing on the core of "continuously strengthening the construction of the cadre team", based on the three main lines of "collecting public opinion, approving and doing things in seconds, and casting the soul of culture", we will carry out N actions such as "collecting public opinion at a small square table", "gathering peace on a small grid", "solving problems" and "sending culture on a micro stage", so as to create a characteristic brand of "Miao Shi 'Miao (seconds)" in grassroots social governance under the leadership of party building, open up the "last mile" of policy implementation, and serve the "forefront of the front line" of the masses, and continuously improve the modernization level of grassroots social governance in the new era.

Reporter of Jining Evening News

What are the good practices of Sizhang Town, Surabaya County, in promoting the construction of characteristic morality, please introduce them in detail?

Duan Xiaoxue

Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Sizhang Town, Surabaya County

In recent years, Sizhang Town has actively participated in the "Love Manquan Township, Civilized Surabaya" spiritual civilization construction project, focusing on building a "Sixin Sincere" spiritual civilization construction brand, and steadily promoting moral construction. The relevant information is introduced as follows:

The first is to adhere to typical guidance and comprehensively improve the atmosphere of moral construction. Sizhang Town deeply excavates local moral models, relies on red culture and traditional culture, and regularly organizes various forms of propaganda activities and includes them in the compulsory courses of party member training. Carry out the selection activities of "good daughter-in-law", "good mother-in-law", "civilized family", "good people in Surabaya" and "civilized village" on a regular basis, fully excavate the deeds around more people, form "positive energy" with the characteristics of Sizhang Town, guide the masses to respect virtue and goodness, and guide the town to establish a positive social atmosphere with positive typical cases.

The second is to focus on the old and the young, and vigorously promote the construction of volunteer service brands. Sizhang Town will meet the higher living needs of the people as the starting point and foothold of spiritual civilization construction, and innovate to create a characteristic brand of "Sixin Sincere" volunteer service. At present, Sizhang Town has formed a special volunteer service system such as "Student Aid Alliance", "Dumpling Heart of the First Nine", "Spring Ploughing Action" and "Small Bench", among which, the volunteer service brand of "Spring Ploughing Action" focuses on activities such as "Helping the Elderly and Spring Ploughing" and "Doing Field Affairs" and other activities have achieved good results; The volunteer service brand focuses on loving and respecting the elderly, which was initiated by Xingjiazhuang Village in 2018 and holds exchange activities and dumpling banquets on the ninth day of each month.

The third is to cultivate a new style of civilization and enhance the effectiveness of moral construction. Sizhang Town adheres to the Confucianism lecture hall as the main position, and the traditional Chinese festival as the main combination point to carry out the activity of "stressing civilization and cultivating a new style", and organizes villagers to set up various clubs according to their interests and hobbies to enrich the spiritual life of villagers. Guide the villagers to study and read the classics of Chinese culture, so that the excellent traditional culture and traditional virtues can be internalized in their hearts and externalized in their actions. Relying on the "points supermarket", "points barber shop" and "points clinic", we will innovate and carry out the "virtue credit construction", increase the form of credit exchange, incorporate the points haircut, points for medical treatment and other life peripherals into the points exchange system, enrich the varieties and types of points supermarket items, and further enhance the enthusiasm of the masses to participate in the construction of beautiful villages, filial piety and love for relatives through the dual incentive model, so that the masses can spontaneously participate in the construction of villages and contribute to the development of their hometowns. Give full play to the role of the "Red and White Council" of village residents, curb bad habits, and advocate the civilization of rural customs. Vigorously carry forward the core values of socialism, constantly enrich rural culture, and cultivate simple folk customs.

Surabaya County continues to polish the moral construction brand of "Aimanquan Township".