
The 2024 Armed Work Conference of Youyang Autonomous County was held

author:Youyang release
The 2024 Armed Work Conference of Youyang Autonomous County was held
The 2024 Armed Work Conference of Youyang Autonomous County was held
The 2024 Armed Work Conference of Youyang Autonomous County was held

On April 10, the 2024 armed work conference of Youyang Autonomous County was held. Qi Meiwen, secretary of the county party committee and first secretary of the party committee of the county people's armed forces department, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Shui Weiliang, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee and executive deputy county magistrate of the county government, Tang Yi, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee and director of the county people's armed forces department, and Bai Chunyan, political commissar of the county people's armed forces department, attended the meeting.

The meeting conveyed the spirit of the enlarged meeting of the Party Committee of the Chongqing Garrison District, read out the 2023 Youyang Autonomous County military-civilian joint commendation notice, and summarized and deployed the county's armed work. The secretaries of the party (work) committees of five townships (streets), including Zhongduo Street, Longtan Town, Banxi Town, Yiju Township, and Yandi Township, made on-site reports on the work of party management and armed forces.

The meeting pointed out that this year is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, a key year for realizing the goals and tasks of the "14th Five-Year Plan", and a year for ensuring the realization of the centenary goal of the founding of the army as scheduled, and accelerating the national defense mobilization and reserve force building in Youyang. Youyang is an old revolutionary base area, an ethnic area, and a red highland, and the whole county should adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Strengthening the Army and the military strategic policy for the new era, and focus on the realization of the goal of the centenary of the founding of the army, in accordance with the deployment requirements of the Municipal Party Committee and the Party Committee of the Chongqing Garrison District, strengthen the party's management of the armed forces, pay close attention to training and preparing for war, consolidate the foundation of the grassroots level, and continue to promote political construction, mobilization preparations, and reforms. We will comprehensively and strictly administer the party to a new level, strive to create a new situation in national defense mobilization and reserve force building, and make new and greater contributions to speeding up the construction of a new Youyang with a strong county and a prosperous people in mountainous areas.

The meeting emphasized

  • We must unswervingly strive to create a model of double support. Firmly establish the goal of creating a model county with double support, strengthen responsibility and unremitting slackness, adhere to the problem-oriented, create an indicator system based on benchmarking, grasp the key points, break through the difficulties, break through the blockages, promote the creation of projects, lists, time limits, and responsibilities, and strive to grasp the creation tasks and achieve results.
  • It is necessary to strengthen military training and prepare for war and bravely strive for the upper reaches. Anchoring the centennial goal of the founding of the army, we will concentrate on making preparations for military struggle and national defense mobilization, extensively carry out training for war aid and defense, and "elite militia" competitions, etc., effectively enhance the ability to seek and study wars, strive to improve the ability to win battles, and strive to be the first to achieve excellence in the city's annual martial arts competitions, showing the demeanor of Youyang.
  • It is necessary to grasp the typical selection of trees and strong demonstration drive. Pay attention to giving play to the role of typical demonstrations and leading, widely publicize the advanced deeds of outstanding active-duty soldiers from Youyang, the most beautiful retired soldiers, and militia emergency rescue, continuously strengthen the national defense concept of the whole people and the enthusiasm for loving and supporting the army, and enhance the people's sense of honor and responsibility for fulfilling national defense obligations and supporting army building.
  • It is necessary to promote the establishment of a solid and strong militia force. It is necessary to further find out the potential of the militia, grasp the data and information of national defense forces, accurately and scientifically reorganize and optimize the militia ranks, absorb loyal, professional, and compound talents who are conducive to strengthening the military cause, and strive to build a militia force that serves in peacetime, responds to emergencies in emergencies, and responds to wartime battles, so as to better protect the safety of the people's lives and property.
  • It is necessary to strengthen the standardization of the party's management of the armed forces. Comprehensively implement the requirements for the standardization of the armed forces at the grassroots level, strengthen the construction of software and hardware, improve the rules and regulations for national defense education, militia study, emergency drills, etc., improve the level of standardization and standardization of the armed forces at the grassroots level, and do a good job in recruiting troops with high standards and strict requirements, so as to ensure that more high-quality soldiers are sent to the troops.

Present at the meeting were the principal responsible persons of the members of the county National Defense Mobilization Committee, the secretaries of the party (work) committees, armed forces ministers, and armed officers of each township (street) district, all personnel of the county people's armed forces department, and representatives of cadres at and above the company level of the county's militia detachments.


Reporter: Tang Yu, Li Song Trainee Reporter: Wang XueEditor: Zhao Shuting Duty: Ren Guirong ▏ Editor-in-Chief: Chen Jie Produced by Youyang Autonomous County Rong Media Center

The 2024 Armed Work Conference of Youyang Autonomous County was held

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