
Deepen and expand the "three contentions" action丨Lian Xianghong went deep into the front line to investigate spring agricultural production

author:Hanjiang News
Deepen and expand the "three contentions" action丨Lian Xianghong went deep into the front line to investigate spring agricultural production
Deepen and expand the "three contentions" action丨Lian Xianghong went deep into the front line to investigate spring agricultural production

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On April 11, Lian Xianghong, Secretary of the District Party Committee and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Putian High-tech Industrial Development Zone, led the heads of relevant departments directly under the district to Baitang Town to investigate the spring agricultural production work. Deputy District Mayor Zheng Bi'e also attended.

Deepen and expand the "three contentions" action丨Lian Xianghong went deep into the front line to investigate spring agricultural production

It is the spring ploughing season, and the farmland in Zhenjiang Village is continuous, and all kinds of agricultural machinery are shuttling in the field, which is a busy scene. Lian Xianghong and his entourage watched while walking, had in-depth exchanges with the relevant person in charge, and learned more about the construction of high-standard farmland and the supply of agricultural materials. Lian Xianghong said that it is necessary to take the construction of high-standard farmland as a key measure to improve the comprehensive production capacity of grain and promote the high-quality development of agriculture, increase the promotion and application of improved varieties and good methods, continue to consolidate and improve grain production capacity, and consolidate the foundation of food security.

During the investigation, Lian Xianghong stressed that it is very important to do a good job in spring field management to seize the summer grain harvest, and all townships and relevant departments in the region should always keep in mind the "great man of the country", adhere to the strategy of storing grain on the ground and storing grain in technology, vigorously promote the construction of farmland water conservancy facilities and high-standard basic farmland, strengthen the supply of agricultural materials and the promotion and application of agricultural technology, and lay a solid foundation for ensuring food security. It is necessary to strengthen innovation in agricultural science and technology, adhere to the path of large-scale and scientific grain planting, strengthen the research and development of key agricultural technologies, improve the level of agricultural mechanization, and promote the improvement of agricultural production quality and efficiency. It is necessary to conscientiously implement the requirement that the party and government have the same responsibility for food security, seize the agricultural time to do a good job in all aspects of spring agricultural production, and earnestly ensure the stable and safe supply of grain and important agricultural products. (Text / Picture Zhu Xiuhua)

编辑 | 朱秀花 编审 | 林亦霞

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