
The cozy cottage is popular, and this community has more good places to go!

author:Shanghai Fengxian
The cozy cottage is popular, and this community has more good places to go!

In recent years, Nanqiao Town has fully practiced the concept of people's city, and a number of grassroots governance brands have emerged. "Beautiful Nanqiao" specially launched the community grassroots governance characteristics publicity with the theme of "'Lane' to Happiness", so that citizens can follow the vivid explanations and guidance of the party committee secretaries of each community through the lens, gain an in-depth understanding of the grassroots governance characteristics of each community in Nanqiao Town, and comprehensively present the achievements of community grassroots governance in Nanqiao Town and the happiness of people's lives. Today, let's follow Yan Wei, Secretary of the Party Committee of Beigang Community, and walk into this community together!

The cozy cottage is popular, and this community has more good places to go!

"You look pretty good at this coaster!" How about looking at me?" Every week, in the Harbor One Residence Xianxin Women's House, the female compatriots in the community often carry out interesting and fun activities such as flower arrangement and coaster hooking. A year ago, this cosy place was a stinking and dirty unused dumpster room.

The cozy cottage is popular, and this community has more good places to go!

The original appearance of a one-bedroom idle garbage bin house in Bay Harbour

The cozy cottage is popular, and this community has more good places to go!

The garbage bin room was renovated and upgraded into a characteristic "Xianxin" hut

In order to solve this problem, the Bay Harbor community discussed with residents the public space renovation plan, and finally renovated and upgraded five idle garbage bin rooms in the community, leaving half of the space for residents to put in domestic waste, and the other half of the space was transformed into a characteristic "Xianxin" hut. After the renovation and upgrading, the inside and outside of the garbage bin room has a new look, and the property arranges special personnel to clean and clean it every day to keep the environment clean and the air fresh.

The cozy cottage is popular, and this community has more good places to go!
The cozy cottage is popular, and this community has more good places to go!
The cozy cottage is popular, and this community has more good places to go!

In the "Neighborhood Place", residents can enjoy medical consultations and free haircuts, in the "Yuedong House", residents can exercise in fitness, and in the "Huixue House", residents can learn to sing opera and inherit culture. Residents also brought in "sharing tools" from their homes to decorate the cottages. This renovation has realized the gorgeous transformation of the garbage bin room, which meets the diversified needs of different groups of people in the community to the greatest extent.

The cozy cottage is popular, and this community has more good places to go!

The original appearance of the Shenfan Garden promenade

The cozy cottage is popular, and this community has more good places to go!

The renovated and upgraded Shenfanyuan Party Building Cultural Theme Corridor

The public space belongs to the residents, and how to use it is up to the residents. In the Bay Harbor Yiju Shen Fan Yuan, there used to be a featureless corridor covered with dead vines. Under the appeal of the residents, the Bay Harbor community transformed this place into a cultural theme corridor for party building in Shenfanyuan.

The cozy cottage is popular, and this community has more good places to go!

Since its completion in January this year, it has been common to see parents taking their children for a leisurely stroll along the promenade. Residents strolled through the red corridor pavilion, read the red story, and built a new family civilization of "loving the country and family, loving each other, and striving for goodness" in "traveling, seeing, learning, and feeling".

The cozy cottage is popular, and this community has more good places to go!

In order to meet the growing needs of residents for a better life, the Bay Harbor community has also extended the transformable public space beyond the community. In recent years, the community has gathered forces from all walks of life to promote community governance, carried out the "Yibei Bay" public welfare bazaar with a number of red shops, set up a micro-position for party and mass services in the shops, and provided residents with convenient services such as resting and blood pressure and blood sugar measurement for nearly 300 times free of charge, making the "red shops" a warm-hearted landmark at the door of the people's homes.

The cozy cottage is popular, and this community has more good places to go!

Mobile Party Branch of Fengzhuang Town, Shou County, Anhui Province

A party member study meeting was held in the Meifu Famous Car Exchange in the six-residence jurisdiction of Bay Harbor

The cozy cottage is popular, and this community has more good places to go!

"Yibei Bay" Public Welfare Bazaar

In one of the shops along the six-bedroom street in Beigang, Maifu Famous Car Club, Fengzhuang Town, Shou County, Anhui Province has set up a mobile party branch to realize the exchange and mutual assistance of residents of the two places. The branch set up a volunteer service team in Yibei Bay, which regularly participates in public welfare bazaars and actively serves the residents of Bei Harbour.

The cozy cottage is popular, and this community has more good places to go!

In Bei Harbor, the residents still have many heart-warming moments: the teacher of the Bei Gang two-bedroom opera class has taken over the baton for eight years, and most of the students have been in school for more than eight years; Haixian Energy, a cooperative unit of the "100 Enterprises and 100 Districts" of the four residences in Bei Gang, goes into the residents' homes every quarter to carry out public welfare services such as gas inspection and safety publicity......

The Bay Harbor community will continue to be guided by the demands of residents

Take residents' autonomy as the starting point

Really do practical things, solve problems, and do good things for residents

Actively build a shared emotional connection

The "Beijia Harbor" where the common culture is cohesive!

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