
Upgrade the "brain change" wave by wave

author:China County Economic News

Recently, the reporter in the central control room of the optical fiber manufacturing workshop of Jiangdong Technology Co., Ltd., located in Rudong Economic Development Zone (High-tech Zone), Jiangsu Province, saw that all optical fiber production equipment is networked, and through 5G gateway equipment and high-definition cameras, the real-time operation status of each production line is clear......

As a city built on the "rock" of the manufacturing industry, at present, Rudong is accelerating the practice climax of "developing new quality productivity according to local conditions" with a "storm of intelligent transformation" focusing on the intelligent transformation and digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, promoting manufacturing enterprises to step on the "cloud", and empowering high-quality development and "digital" to "new". Over the past two years since the implementation of Rudong's Three-Year Action Plan for "Intelligent Transformation and Digital Transformation", 645 enterprises have been promoted to complete the "Intelligent Transformation and Digital Transformation".

Faucet drives, stimulating the "multiplier effect"

On March 22, the sun was very good, and the workshop of Nantong Keshun Building New Materials Co., Ltd., located in Yangkou Town, Rudong County, produced a hot scene. On a striking electronic screen, data such as the number of workers in each line, the real-time production volume of the day, and the monthly production situation are clearly visible.

"By building a data application platform, we can fully tap the potential of data collection and analysis, realize digitalization and intelligence in procurement management, production scheduling management, quality control, production system, warehousing and logistics, customer management, etc., and make enterprise process control more accurate. Zhang Hongxiang, general manager of Nantong Keshun Building New Materials Co., Ltd., introduced that "intelligent transformation and digital transformation networking" allows data to speak and help enterprises optimize production plans and improve production efficiency and flexibility. At present, the company's procurement arrival rate is 99%, the process completion rate is 100%, and the order delivery rate is 96% within 4 days.

The so-called "intelligent transformation and digital transformation to network connection" is the superposition of intelligent hardware transformation and software integration applications, and through the overall organizational update, process reengineering and digital introduction, enterprises are prompted to change their development mode and glow with new energy.

The digital practice of leading manufacturing enterprises has stimulated the "multiplier effect" of manufacturing transformation. At present, more and more Rudong manufacturing enterprises are actively embracing "intelligent transformation and digital transformation and networking", carrying out innovative applications based on intelligence and digitalization, and accelerating the construction of digital application scenarios represented by "intelligent scheduling", "intelligent production", "intelligent self-inspection" and "intelligent warehousing" to help enterprises improve quality and efficiency. Up to now, Rudong has built 7 provincial-level smart factories, 21 provincial-level smart workshops, 49 municipal-level smart workshops, and successfully cultivated 115 star-rated cloud enterprises.

Storing talents and cultivating talents, activating "a pool of spring water"

"Intelligent transformation and digital transformation", talent is the support. "Our own information-based R&D team has independently developed a unique intelligent manufacturing MES system, which realizes the centralization and unification of major data such as procurement, production process, sales, equipment, and quality through deep integration. In the view of Zhou Yijun, executive deputy general manager of Rudong Lianyi Electromechanical Co., Ltd., the appropriate talent team makes the pace of "intelligent transformation and digital transformation and networking" more stable.

From unknown nationality to municipal, provincial, and even national honors, in the past 10 years since its establishment, Lianyi Electromechanical has insisted on innovation and continued to "intelligently transform and digitally transform into networking", and every step taken has brought quantifiable changes. At present, the networking rate of the company's production line automation and intelligent equipment is greater than 95%, and it can "spit out" 46 billion capacitor shells throughout the year, ranking among the top two in the world in terms of production capacity.

Talent is the core of innovation and the key to development. "Rudong's various talent dividends are superimposed, which solves the worries of life. The major of materials science and engineering that I studied is also in line with the leading industries of Rudong, and I can give full play to my strengths. Yu Chengye, who graduated from the University of Science and Technology Beijing, is a doctor, and has been working in Zhongtian Technology Group Co., Ltd. in Hekou Town for more than half a year.

In recent years, Rudong has strengthened talent introduction and innovation, provided excellent talent services, and promoted the organic connection and integrated development of talent chain, industrial chain and innovation chain. It has successively formulated and introduced the "30 Manufacturing Innovation", "70 New Talent Policies" and "Fuhai Talents" plans, etc., and implemented special policies and financial support for the introduction, settlement, cultivation and development of high-end talents.

At the same time, it has built talent stations in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Xi and Jiangsu, established Rudong Talent Development Angel Investment Fund, and implemented the "Helping Innovation" commissioner service system to effectively solve the financing problems of talent enterprises and optimize the talent cultivation ecology. A total of 584 high-level talents have been introduced, more than 100 million yuan of talent loans have been issued, and 130 million yuan has been invested in 90 talent projects.

Accurate pulse, customized "good prescription to help enterprises"

"The construction of modules such as 'information system', 'data management and application', 'energy management and control' and 'warehousing and logistics' is relatively weak, and it is necessary to speed up the shortcomings of the identification conditions of the smart factory" - this is the "diagnostic plan" prescribed by the free diagnosis team of "intelligent transformation and digital transfer network" organized by Rudong after conducting a comprehensive visit to Nantong Liyang Chemical Co., Ltd.

"The solutions and benchmarking cases made us aware of the gap with the industry model companies. 'Intelligent transformation and digital transformation to networking' is a long and challenging road, and it is also the only way to improve the level of production, operation and management of enterprises. Gui Jinghao, director of the production department of Nantong Liyang Chemical Co., Ltd., said that during the diagnosis process, experts put forward targeted suggestions on the problems existing in the enterprise, and also formulated a medium and long-term "three-step" plan, so that the enterprise can see the flower from "seeing the flowers in the fog" to "seeing the sun through the clouds", and clarifying the "construction drawings" of the smart factory.

"Intelligent Transformation and Digital Transformation and Network Connection" is a systematic project, involving many aspects from hardware transformation to software application, as well as informatization capabilities and advanced manufacturing mode experience. To do a good job in the top-level design of enterprises, the government's "promising hand" is very crucial. In July 2022, Rudong adopted the method of government procurement of services, innovatively implemented the free diagnostic service model, and identified 8 consortiums as diagnostic service providers through public bidding, "diagnosing the pulse" for the first batch of 160 enterprises in the county, identifying key weak links, and tailoring the "intelligent transformation and digital transformation to network connection" plan of "one enterprise and one policy" to solve the problem of "not transferring" of enterprises. A total of 200 companies in the prefecture are provided with free diagnostic services throughout the year. This year, Xiao County plans to serve 430 enterprises and realize the "full diagnosis" of industrial enterprises above the designated level in the county.

To promote reform through diagnosis and to promote transformation through reform, "intelligent transformation and digital transformation to network connection" is very time-consuming, labor-intensive, and cost-consuming. How to promote enterprises to change from "I want to do it" to "I want to do it"? Real money investment is a good "catalyst" and "reassurance." Last year, Rudong successively issued the "Three-Year Action Plan for the Cultivation of Intelligent Workshops in Rudong County (2023-2025)" and "Policy Opinions on the High-quality Development of the Industrial Economy" to further improve the software subsidies and honorary awards and subsidies such as industrial Internet benchmark factories, star-rated cloud enterprises, management system standards, and industrial information security protection star-rated enterprises, so as to help more enterprises take the "digital express" with policy "plus".