
More than 20 banking institutions gathered to help build a strong financial county

author:Meet Minhou

"We will further strengthen the information docking of 'government, banks and enterprises', increase cooperation, and help enterprises develop with high quality. ”

"Promote the sustainable construction of the credit system, and build a good local financial ecology and credit environment. ”

More than 20 banking institutions gathered to help build a strong financial county

▲ ("Innovative Financial Services to Help Financial Strong Counties" Government-Bank-Enterprise Symposium Held)

Today, Shi Jiaxiong, the magistrate of Minhou County, presided over a symposium on government, bank and enterprise at the county conference center, where relevant county departments and more than 20 banking institutions gathered together to focus on the theme of "innovative financial services to help strengthen the county financially", focusing on "government-bank-enterprise" cooperation, building a high-quality communication platform, solving the financing needs of enterprise project development, and realizing local economy, financial inclusion, and mutual benefit and win-win enterprise development.

More than 20 banking institutions gathered to help build a strong financial county

▲ (Participating banking institutions exchange speeches)

How to introduce financial living water and build a strong financial county?

Build a "government-bank-enterprise" communication platform, establish a good interactive relationship, eliminate information barriers between enterprise needs and financial products, and continuously improve the adaptability of financial supply and enterprise financing needs;

Pay close attention to the development status of enterprises, explore characteristic financial services, accurately check the pulse of enterprises, and continuously enhance the ability to serve enterprises;

Optimize financial services around the industrial development needs of Minhou County, develop supply chain finance, promote the efficient docking and sharing of resources from all parties, and promote the high-quality economic and social development of the county.

At the meeting, the county financial office also reported on the operation of the financial industry in the first quarter.

More than 20 banking institutions gathered to help build a strong financial county

▲ (Participants listen carefully)

Zhang Chi, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee and deputy county magistrate, attended the meeting.

Minhou County Rong Media Center Chen Qiuxia Yu Shengjian / text Chen Qiuxia / photo

Editor: Lin Dan (small) Li Xiaolong Proofreader: Ning Yuanyuan Hong Tingting Review: Pan Jie Producer: Xie Yongjie Ni Xinxin

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More than 20 banking institutions gathered to help build a strong financial county

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