
The new ideas proposed by Director Wang Yi were announced by the Russian Foreign Minister in a hurry, and China and Russia found a prescription to deal with the Western encirclement

author:Geo-Historical Archive
The new ideas proposed by Director Wang Yi were announced by the Russian Foreign Minister in a hurry, and China and Russia found a prescription to deal with the Western encirclement

The United States and its allies have encircled China in the Asia-Pacific region and sanctioned Russia in Europe, and China and Russia can only come together to deal with it. During Lavrov's visit to China, Director Wang Yi put forward a new idea on "the West's containment of China and Russia".

On April 8, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov visited China and met with Director Wang Yi, who put forward a new idea on how China and Russia should respond to Western containment: "double resistance" to "double containment". Lavrov agreed with this proposal and took the initiative to reveal it at a subsequent press conference.

The new ideas proposed by Director Wang Yi were announced by the Russian Foreign Minister in a hurry, and China and Russia found a prescription to deal with the Western encirclement

Dual containment means that the United States is trying to contain and suppress China and Russia around the world. The suppression of Russia by the United States and Western countries has been placed in Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is caused by Ukraine's continuous eastward expansion with the support of the United States and the West, squeezing Russia's strategic living space, and Ukraine has been able to hold out for 2 years under the attack of Russia, because of the West's strong assistance, the West's money and weapons, Ukraine's personnel, the Caucasus, Armenia and Azerbaijan, and the recent exchange of fire, and the shadow of the West behind it.

In fact, this is the so-called "proxy war" of the United States and the West, which successfully dragged Russia into the war, the United States and all its allies sanctioned Russia, and consumed Russia through Ukraine.

The new ideas proposed by Director Wang Yi were announced by the Russian Foreign Minister in a hurry, and China and Russia found a prescription to deal with the Western encirclement

In the Asia-Pacific region, the United States, together with Japan, South Korea, and Australia, has been constantly stirring up trouble in China's neighborhood, and has even instigated the Philippines to create trouble in the South China Sea to escalate the situation in the South China Sea, while India has created trouble on the Sino-Indian border, and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities have stirred up trouble in the Taiwan Strait. Obviously, the United States hopes that the successful experience of Russia can be replicated in the Asia-Pacific region to China's periphery.

Now that the United States is facing a $30 trillion U.S. debt crisis, Biden will still focus on the 2024 election with Trump, the Middle East issue, the United States has to side with Israel, and the United States cannot give up on the Ukraine issue.

The new ideas proposed by Director Wang Yi were announced by the Russian Foreign Minister in a hurry, and China and Russia found a prescription to deal with the Western encirclement

The Asia-Pacific strategy and Indo-Pacific strategy of the United States are aimed at containing China, the eastward expansion of NATO in Europe, and the layout of the Caucasus in order to contain Russia.

In the face of such encirclement, China and Russia can only strengthen mutual cooperation, increase strategic mutual trust, and deal with the encirclement of the West back-to-back. And what Director Wang Yi meant by "double resistance" is this. In the past Russia-Ukraine conflict, China has maintained an objective and neutral position and urged the resolution of the conflict, but with the Western sanctions against Russia, China has strengthened economic and trade cooperation with Russia.

The new ideas proposed by Director Wang Yi were announced by the Russian Foreign Minister in a hurry, and China and Russia found a prescription to deal with the Western encirclement

And double resistance may help Russia solve its strategic dilemma in a more direct way. For example, China is actively preparing for an international peace conference in which both Russia and Ukraine can participate, and is using its good offices to facilitate peace talks between Russia and Ukraine and help Russia get out of its strategic predicament.

In the same way, Russia can also help China get out of its strategic predicament, which is currently mainly facing the Taiwan Strait issue and the South China Sea issue, and in the past it only verbally stated that "Taiwan is part of China", but in the future, it may need to provide more direct help, such as joint military exercises, Russian warplanes and warships coming to the Taiwan Strait to put pressure on the United States.

The new ideas proposed by Director Wang Yi were announced by the Russian Foreign Minister in a hurry, and China and Russia found a prescription to deal with the Western encirclement

Once China and Russia reach a high degree of strategic mutual trust and in-depth cooperation in various aspects, the United States and the West will have a headache, so the United States and the West have been trying their best to prevent China and Russia from reaching such a relationship, and to smear and provoke. The US Deputy Secretary of State even clamored that the close relations between China and Russia will inevitably threaten US interests, and if China continues, it will affect Sino-US relations. Obviously, the United States has no choice but to threaten, because they know that the containment of China and Russia will only make the two countries more united, but they have to do so.

In fact, in the current international situation, if China and Russia want to get out of the encirclement of the West, they must use double resistance to deal with double containment, so the question at hand is how to increase the strategic mutual trust between the two sides, after all, it is not a simple matter for the two major powers to want a high degree of strategic mutual trust.

The new ideas proposed by Director Wang Yi were announced by the Russian Foreign Minister in a hurry, and China and Russia found a prescription to deal with the Western encirclement

Indeed, in the past 75 years of ups and downs, there have been honeymoon periods and confrontation periods between the two countries, and when it comes to China-Russia relations, it is often said that China-Russia relations are in the best period in history.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia was close to the West and hoped to integrate into the West. However, on the one hand, the United States is afraid of Russia's size and military strength, fears that Russia and Europe will come together, and on the other hand, in order to maintain NATO and control Europe, it deliberately forces Russia to the opposite side, but the overall relationship between Russia and Europe is still okay, and basically, a considerable part of Europe's energy is supplied by Russia.

The new ideas proposed by Director Wang Yi were announced by the Russian Foreign Minister in a hurry, and China and Russia found a prescription to deal with the Western encirclement

However, the United States has promoted NATO's eastward expansion step by step, compressed Russia's strategic living space, and pushed Russia into a desperate situation step by step, which eventually triggered the Russia-Ukraine conflict and made Russia completely "dead" to the West. It was also at this time that China and Russia achieved comprehensive economic and trade cooperation, and their relations have made great progress compared with before, and strategic mutual trust has begun to accelerate.

It is not easy for China and Russia to have good relations today, and it is also a reminder to the Russian side that even if the conflict between Russia and Ukraine ends and Russia gets out of its strategic predicament, it should cherish China-Russia relations. After all, religious beliefs and historical reasons will affect the deepening of strategic mutual trust between the two countries.

The new ideas proposed by Director Wang Yi were announced by the Russian Foreign Minister in a hurry, and China and Russia found a prescription to deal with the Western encirclement

Therefore, there should be more exchanges between the people, so that ordinary Russians and Russian media can understand the true and friendly China, and let them understand that it is not easy for China and Russia to get to where they are today, and only by deepening strategic mutual trust and strengthening cooperation between China and Russia can we break through the strategic encirclement of the West. And I also hope that even if the Russian government changes in the future, it will not affect the strategic mutual trust between China and Russia, and Lavrov will bring these points back to Moscow, believing that Moscow will respond.


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