
What does the old saying "1 don't step on, 2 don't do, 3 want to eat"?

author:Talk about food moments


"Liri belongs to the Yuansi, the year is in Si, the flowers have turned the tree, and the flow is full of branches. This poem describes the scene of the third day of March, which, according to the old tradition, is one of the ancient traditional festivals, called the Shangsi Festival. In ancient times, it was used to "Ganzhi" day, the first day of early March, called "Shangsi", that is, we said Shangsi Festival, in the "Zhou Li" wrote: "The year is cleared, and now March is like water." Later, with the change of dynasties, the Shangsi Festival also had a specific time, that is, the third day of the third month of the lunar calendar. The year 2024 is the second day of the Wuchen month in the first year of the first month, and it is also the first day of the first month of March.

What does the old saying "1 don't step on, 2 don't do, 3 want to eat"?

On the third day of the first month of March, there are two threes, so it is also called "heavy three" or "March three". So what kind of customs do you have on this day? What does the old saying "1 don't step on, 2 don't do, 3 eat"? Don't lose the tradition. Let's take a look at these old traditions together and see if you understand them.

1. Don't step on it

Trampling on sacrifices, disrespectful to the ancestors

Shangsi Festival, it is also a traditional sacrificial festival, it is said that it is still Xuanyuan Festival, so people will worship it, and there is also a tradition of praying for fertility on this day. Its main activity is to worship the god of marriage and fertility. Gao Xu, also known as the suburbs, is named because it is offered in the suburbs. Through this kind of witchcraft activities, people ward off disasters and evil spirits, and pray for fertility. Be careful not to trample on the offerings during the sacrifice.

What does the old saying "1 don't step on, 2 don't do, 3 want to eat"?

2. Do not do

Sloppy and sloppy, it attracts bad luck

March 3 on the festival, people will choose to go to the suburbs to visit the spring, at the same time there is a tradition of soaking in hot springs, so personal hygiene, to pay special attention, do not sloppy to attract bad luck, this is not good, pull out ominous, but also easy to get into bad luck, to this day, bathing and changing, is also a respect for the tradition.

What does the old saying "1 don't step on, 2 don't do, 3 want to eat"?

Eating and drinking indiscriminately brings sickness

In ancient times, there was a word called purification, that is, to go to the plague, and the way is generally through bathing, and there is also an important measure that is diet, on the day of Shangsi, can not eat and drink indiscriminately, people believe that this can get rid of the causative factors, and at the same time can pray for the blessing to come, which is also an important method of health care for the ancients to exorcise evil and dispel plague in spring.

What does the old saying "1 don't step on, 2 don't do, 3 want to eat"?


Vegetables, Shina Chun Tian

At the time of the Shangsi Festival, people will go to the wild at this time, there is a thriving scene everywhere, and the flowers are in full bloom, you can pick a little wild vegetables at this time, and then come to taste the fresh, of course, the most worthy of eating wild vegetables, is the toon, fresh and tender and refreshing, eating is particularly enjoyable.

What does the old saying "1 don't step on, 2 don't do, 3 want to eat"?

Recommended Recipe: 【Toon Egg Cake】

Ingredients: toon, eggs, salt, five-spice powder, chicken powder

Method: 1. Clean the toon, blanch it, drain the excess water, and cut it into minced pieces.

2. Find a bowl, beat eggs into it, stir constantly, add salt, add five-spice powder and chicken powder.

3. Put vegetable oil in the pot, after heating, add the egg liquid, then put in the toon, and then start frying until both sides are golden, you can take it out and eat.

What does the old saying "1 don't step on, 2 don't do, 3 want to eat"?

Flower cake means as beautiful as a flower

Since the flowers are in full bloom in March, then we can also choose to eat a little flower cake at this time, which is also more appropriate, because today's March 3 is also known as Chinese Valentine's Day, and Women's Day, women hope that youth will last forever, as beautiful as flowers.

What does the old saying "1 don't step on, 2 don't do, 3 want to eat"?

Recommended Recipe: 【Rose Cake】

Ingredients: roses, glutinous rice flour, baking powder, sugar

Method: 1. Pour the glutinous rice flour into a bowl, add a little baking powder, and then stir continuously with warm water.

2. Put in white sugar, and we can put in a little processed rose to increase its fragrance.

3. Then put it into the mold, then start steaming through the water, steam it thoroughly, and then take it out, you can eat it directly.

Sticky rice for a strong physique

At this time, we can also choose a little sticky rice to eat, March is also a busy season, spring ploughing is needed, and at the same time field trips, it also requires a lot of physical strength, at this time to eat a little glutinous rice, can also be a good way to strengthen our physique, so that we are more physically energetic.

What does the old saying "1 don't step on, 2 don't do, 3 want to eat"?

Recommended recipe: five-color sticky rice

Ingredients required: glutinous rice, red and blue grass plants

Method: 1. Soak the red and blue grass in water, and then take the dye solution to soak our glutinous rice.

2. After the glutinous rice is soaked, we can directly put it into the steamer and start steaming, and after it is fully cooked, we can start eating.

【Food Carving】

In such days, we should not forget the tradition, but also accumulate blessings for ourselves, and at the same time, it is also better to help ourselves remove bad luck, so as to welcome good luck. In the later life, it will be more satisfactory, and the days will get better and better.

[This article is original by "Xiaotan Shike", and may not be deleted or misappropriated without permission, and infringement must be investigated]