
Whether the kidneys are good or not, look at "5 places", internists: account for 2, the kidneys are good and the people are healthy

author:Yang Quanyan

In my career as a doctor, I have met a patient whose visit not only changed his own life, but also profoundly affected me. The middle-aged man had sought medical attention for a skin problem – his complexion had become dull and he was experiencing a constant feeling of fatigue. Initially, he didn't link these symptoms to kidney health until after a series of tests, we found out that there was something wrong with his kidney function. It reminded me that the body is a tightly connected system, and the health of the kidneys can often be revealed through some small signs. This story is about how to gain insight into the secrets of kidney health through the two windows of "skin" and "eyes".

Whether the kidneys are good or not, look at "5 places", internists: account for 2, the kidneys are good and the people are healthy

Skin color – a mirror of kidney health

"Whether the kidneys are good or not, depends on the skin color". Skin color not only reflects a person's lifestyle habits and nutritional status, but also a mirror of kidney health. The kidneys are the main detoxification organs in our body, and they are responsible for removing waste and excess water from the blood. When kidney function declines, these toxins and water cannot be effectively excreted from the body, affecting skin health, resulting in dull, dry, and even itchy complexion.

Practical Suggestions:

Pay attention to your daily diet: Maintain a balanced diet and reduce the intake of high salt and protein to reduce the burden on the kidneys.

Regular kidney function tests: Especially for people with a family history of kidney disease, regular kidney function tests can detect problems early and adjust lifestyle habits in time.

Eyes – the window to kidney health

The eyes are the "window to kidney health". Traditional Chinese medicine theories believe that the eyes have a close relationship with the kidneys, and modern medicine has also found that kidney disease can cause eye symptoms, such as puffiness under the eyes is one of the most common signals. This is because the kidneys are weakened and cannot effectively remove excess water from the body, resulting in water accumulation in the body and edema.

Whether the kidneys are good or not, look at "5 places", internists: account for 2, the kidneys are good and the people are healthy

Practical Suggestions:

Reduce the amount of water you drink at night: Especially within two hours of bedtime to reduce the burden on your kidneys at night.

Regular eye exams: For those who experience eye discomfort or blurred vision, further assessment of kidney function is recommended in addition to an eye exam.

Urine: A mirror to kidney health

Urine, a physiological phenomenon that we may not pay attention to in our daily lives, is actually a direct reflection of the health of the kidneys. Under normal circumstances, the urine should be pale yellow, clear and transparent, and have no abnormal odor. When urine is dark, cloudy, or smells strong, it can be a sign that the kidneys are not functioning. For example, dark urine may indicate dehydration or decreased filtration in the kidneys, while foamy urine may be a sign of proteinuria, indicating a compromised filtering barrier in the kidneys.

Key strategies for maintaining urine health

Adequate hydration: Maintain the right amount of water intake every day to help the kidneys effectively filter waste from the body.

Balanced diet: Reduce the burden of high salt and protein and avoid overworking the kidneys.

Regular check-ups: Urinalysis is important to stay up-to-date on the health of your kidneys, especially if you have a family history of kidney disease.

Whether the kidneys are good or not, look at "5 places", internists: account for 2, the kidneys are good and the people are healthy

Waist: the abode of the kidneys with alarms

Many people experience the discomfort of low back pain, but few will associate it with kidney health. In fact, persistent unexplained lower back discomfort can be an early sign of kidney disease. The kidneys are located on both sides of the lower back, and any kidney problems, such as kidney stones or nephritis, can trigger lower back pain.

Protective measures for the health of the lower back

Moderate exercise: Strengthen the lower back muscles, improve the support of the lower back, avoid the same position for a long time, and reduce the pressure on the kidney area.

Avoid the cold: Keep your waist warm to avoid the cold and reduce the discomfort caused by the cold in the kidneys.

Regular check-ups: If you have persistent discomfort in your lower back, you should seek medical attention in time to rule out the possibility of internal organ diseases such as kidneys.

Fatigue: A hidden warning of lack of energy

Long-term fatigue should not be ignored, it can be a reflection of certain problems in the body, including renal insufficiency. The kidneys are responsible for removing waste and excess water from the blood, and when kidney function declines, waste accumulation can lead to general fatigue and lack of energy.

An effective way to combat fatigue

Get enough rest: Make sure you get enough sleep to give your body enough time to recover.

Eat a balanced diet: Provide adequate nutrients, especially iron, protein and vitamins to help boost physical performance.

Moderate exercise: Promote blood circulation, enhance physical fitness, and reduce fatigue.

Whether the kidneys are good or not, look at "5 places", internists: account for 2, the kidneys are good and the people are healthy