
Play the sweet overture "Loquat" is very happy, everyone come and try it!

author:Zigong observes

Zigong Net reporter Xing Weiwei, Li Ting, Zhu Minshan, text/picture

Since April, thousands of acres of loquat orchards in Guozitang Village, Dujia Town, Rong County have entered the picking period one after another, playing a "sweet overture" for the villagers to increase their income.

Play the sweet overture "Loquat" is very happy, everyone come and try it!
Play the sweet overture "Loquat" is very happy, everyone come and try it!

On April 10, the reporter saw in Group 9 of Guozitang Village that the "golden fruits" were all over the mountains, and there was a bumper harvest.

On the same day, villager Chen Chaolin and his family seized the time to pick ripe fruits in the orchard. Chen Chaolin told reporters that this year, the sun is enough, the moisture is enough, and the loquat matures earlier. More than 10 days ago, the family was already busy in their own orchard, and they could pick about 500 kilograms of fresh fruits a day, and then divide them into different grades according to the size of the fruit, waiting for buyers to come to buy.

Play the sweet overture "Loquat" is very happy, everyone come and try it!

"We have been running a family farm for more than 10 years, with more than 20 acres of loquat trees, and the quality of the fruit is also very stable, so there is no need to worry about sales. At this time of the year, there are many foreign buyers who come to collect them, mainly to Chengdu. Chen Chaolin's son Chen Ke introduced that loquat fruits are ripe one after another, even if they are fruits on the same tree, the ripening period will be before and after. In addition, the bagged fruit is in good condition and full in color, while the non-bagged fruit is suitable for sweet and sour and has a better taste. This year, the loquat fruit period is expected to last until the "May Day" holiday, and the farm's loquat income should reach more than 200,000 yuan, which is basically the same as last year.

Play the sweet overture "Loquat" is very happy, everyone come and try it!
Play the sweet overture "Loquat" is very happy, everyone come and try it!
Play the sweet overture "Loquat" is very happy, everyone come and try it!

It is reported that about 3,000 acres of loquat have been put into production in Dujia Town, and the industry is concentrated in Guozitang Village. In the future, Dujia Town will continue to give full play to its advantages in resource conditions and geographical location, continue to promote the quality and efficiency of the characteristic industry of "one village, one product", develop the fruit industry into an industry that enriches the people, and inject new momentum into the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside.

Editor: Zhang Cuina

Editor: Yu Jia