
China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is


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Someone at home often says that China's strength is getting stronger and stronger, but its diplomacy is getting weaker and weaker, and it will only be condemned internationally, and even rumored to be smooth: "The United States will hit whoever it wants, Russia will scold me, and China will scold me." ”

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

Internationally, however, other countries have a very different view from Chinese civilians, who are recognized as extremely tough in China's diplomacy, perhaps even the toughest in the world.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

So how tough is China's diplomacy, and where does this cognitive bias come from?

Mekong dam incident

The Mekong River is an international river that flows south through Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, and is arguably the mother river of these countries.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

In response to the frequent drought in Yunnan, the mainland has built eight cascade hydropower stations on the Mekong River, which not only improves the drought problem, but also precisely regulates the amount of water downstream.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

But as the mainland prepares to build dams, Southeast Asian countries oppose the mainland, claiming that the mainland is plundering their water resources, that the Mekong River is their mother river, and that China will never be allowed to do so.

And Vietnam and Thailand have been the most vocal in opposition, claiming that China's dams are killing the Mekong.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

However, the dams built by China are actually very beneficial in these countries, and if the dams are completed, then the flooding situation in Southeast Asian countries can be improved.

In times of drought, it also allows a greater flow of water to flow to countries, and building dams is a win-win in every way.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

When Southeast Asian countries protested against the mainland and deliberately smeared the mainland, the mainland had said all the good things and no longer tolerated it, directly declaring that the protests were invalid and began to build dams.

After China's tough response, these countries did not dare to say anything, and China completed the construction of the dam as quickly as possible.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

Nowadays, these dams have played a good role in promoting the allocation and utilization of water resources in Southeast Asian countries, and every year the mainland provides them with relevant data on the Mekong River to help these countries to the greatest extent.

In addition, in the construction of the Mekong River, the mainland has been cooperating with Southeast Asian countries all year round to help them complete water conservancy projects.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

But there are still people who use some events to smear China, and some in the United States have blamed Chinese dams for the drought in the lower Mekong and other bad phenomena.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

However, they have not been able to produce relevant evidence for these things, and in the end, according to scientific investigations, these disasters have nothing to do with Chinese dams.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

Interception of American destroyers

In 2023, U.S. and Canadian warships attempted to pass through the Taiwan Strait, a move that was undoubtedly a provocation to the mainland.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

In recent years, the cross-strait issue has been severe, and the United States is inseparable from it; although on the surface, the United States claims to uphold the one-China principle, but in action it is not.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

In action, the United States has been stirring up cross-strait relations, colluding with Taiwan independence elements in an attempt to prevent China's cross-strait reunification, and has also conducted military exercises and demonstrations in China's coastal waters.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

And the U.S. and Canadian warships, passing through the Taiwan Strait, wanted to provoke China, but China did not get used to him this time.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

After learning of this, the mainland immediately dispatched warships to monitor their movements in an all-round way, and openly stated that if the situation was discovered, it would take all necessary measures.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

However, the United States still went its own way, not caring what China said, and we ignored its repeated warnings, so we no longer tolerated it, and the warships went full force to intercept the US warship Zhongyun.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

According to US reports, the Chinese warship was only a little over 100 meters away from hitting Zhong Yun at that time, and if Zhong Yun did not change its course, then it would definitely be hit.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

In the end, the United States still relented, quickly slowed down and turned around to avoid being hit, and claimed afterwards that China's practice was very bad.

We have also made a strong response to this, and will take all necessary measures to deal with the provocation, and no one can infringe on China's sovereignty, and the measures we have taken are completely reasonable and legal.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

This means to tell the United States that the next time you dare to come over and provoke like this, we will continue to take tough measures and will not tolerate it.

In the world, the United States is accustomed to acting as a prestige, and it has always been him who bullies others, and no one bullies him, and if he suffers a loss, he will definitely find a way to get his face back, but in the face of China, he does not dare to do so.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

With regard to China's diplomacy, some people say that although China's military strength is stronger now, it feels that when its military strength was weak in the past, diplomacy was much tougher than it is now.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

China's diplomacy is tough

As for China's toughness in the past than now, in fact, we can't just look at the surface, we can see from the depths that China's toughness has not changed at all.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

In the past, the mainland's military strength was not strong, and its national defense strength was very weak, and this enabled US planes to enter our airspace at any time to conduct reconnaissance.

At that time, our approach was to shoot down an American plane whenever it spotted it, but the United States did not express its position, and from then on we were relatively tough.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

However, with our strength at that time, it was very difficult to shoot down US planes, because after all, military strength was not proportional to that of the United States.

Now that our national defense strength is stronger, some people say that we are weak to the outside world, but do you think that US planes still dare to fly into our skies? They are getting farther and farther away from our country, whether they are warships or planes.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

The United States is now paying more and more attention to us, but it is actually taking fewer and fewer actions.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

Moreover, in the international arena, we can see that in recent years, our attitude has become more and more tough, and as long as it involves national interests, we will never back down, no matter who the opponent is.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

The United States has often opposed us in the international arena, but we have always been tough and tough in the face of the United States, and we have never been soft, and this is our toughness.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

In many cases, some people say that China's diplomacy is weak, but we have only seen the superficial phenomenon, and after a careful understanding of what happened, we can find that China has lost its own interests in the international community.

We are now becoming more and more influential in the international community, and our attitude towards external provocations is becoming more and more tough, and the basic thing that we can be tough on is our national defense strength.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

In the world, if a country wants to have a say in the international community and wants dignity, then you can't do without a strong national defense.

Without a strong national defense capability, there is no opportunity to reason in the international community, and that is why we will vigorously develop national defense.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

In the eyes of outsiders, our country is getting stronger and stronger, but it is getting weaker and weaker, which is really wrong, and there is a good saying, when other countries can beat you, they don't even have trouble finding a valid reason.

When other countries send military planes to reconnoiter you repeatedly, it proves that they are not sure of defeating you, and when other countries attack you with public opinion, it means that they are beginning to fear you, and if they sit at the negotiating table with you, then they have nothing to do with you.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

As a major country, China has always taken peaceful development as its guideline, but when it comes to safeguarding national sovereignty and core interests, China has never backed down and has always shown its tough side.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is


Diplomatically, we prefer that all countries can sit down at the negotiating table and have a dialogue without a conflict breaking out, but if anyone wants to infringe on China's national sovereignty and interests, China will absolutely not tolerate it.

China's diplomacy is too weak? A few simple things tell you how tough China's diplomacy really is

If some people question the weakness of China's diplomacy, then it is worth understanding that from the founding of New China to the present, several countries have taken advantage of diplomacy with China.

The Chinese people do not cause trouble and are not afraid of it.

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