
A 63-year-old man suffers from coronary heart disease and dies suddenly while walking!

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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"No matter how old you are, you can't stop your 'young heart', but don't let it get too excited. ”

In a certain restaurant, Zhang Daming (pseudonym) was helpless when he heard this.

A 63-year-old man suffers from coronary heart disease and dies suddenly while walking!

As a retired librarian, he shouldn't have been in the spotlight in such a way on a day like this.

But the fact is that at a friend's birthday party, Zhang Daming suddenly felt dizzy, and then fell headlong on the table.

After being sent to the hospital, the doctor informed him that Zhang Daming had coronary heart disease.

A 63-year-old man suffers from coronary heart disease and dies suddenly while walking!

The old librarian, who was accustomed to a quiet life, was incredulous at the sudden news.

On weekdays, he takes medicine on time, has regular physical examinations, and has a regular life, why is it suddenly like this?

Zhang Daming's case aroused the interest of the attending doctor. During the conversation, the doctor learned that although Zhang Daming seemed to live an orderly life, he hid several small secrets that no one knew.

A 63-year-old man suffers from coronary heart disease and dies suddenly while walking!

First of all, he is an avid writer and often reads around the clock, which makes his sleep both longer and less enjoyable.

Secondly, although he went out for a walk every day, the speed of his walking was relatively slow, the intensity was not enough, and the effect on cardiovascular exercise was limited.

In addition, his control of diet seems to be limited to "not eating too greasy", but ignoring the diversity and nutritional balance of food types.

A 63-year-old man suffers from coronary heart disease and dies suddenly while walking!

Finally, although he took the medication regularly, he rarely understood the specific mechanism of action and possible side effects of the medication.

In Zhang's case, doctors found that many elderly people had similar problems.

They believe that as long as they take their medication regularly and walk occasionally, they can live a healthy life.

A 63-year-old man suffers from coronary heart disease and dies suddenly while walking!

But in reality, such a concept of health is incomplete and incorrect.

Doctors emphasize that older people should pay more attention to all aspects of life, including mental health, sleep quality, moderate physical activity, and a balanced diet.

Let's dive into these points. First of all, sleep is much more important than many people think.

A 63-year-old man suffers from coronary heart disease and dies suddenly while walking!

Long-term sleep deprivation can lead to endocrine disorders, which in turn increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

For example, a study involving more than 50,000 participants showed that people who slept less than six hours had a 20% increased chance of developing coronary heart disease.

Second, moderate physical activity is essential for maintaining cardiovascular health.

A 63-year-old man suffers from coronary heart disease and dies suddenly while walking!

Medical studies have shown that at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

However, not all activities can be called "beneficial" campaigns. The intensity and duration of the activity should be moderate, not too much and not too little.

Looking at diet, the impact of balanced nutrient intake on health is all-encompassing.

A 63-year-old man suffers from coronary heart disease and dies suddenly while walking!

People tend to focus on reducing fat intake, but overlook the importance of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

These foods are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, which help maintain the health of blood vessels.

Understanding about the drug is also key.

A 63-year-old man suffers from coronary heart disease and dies suddenly while walking!

Many older people take their medications as prescribed, but they don't know much about how they work on their bodies, their possible side effects, and how to manage them.

For example, some blood pressure medications can cause electrolyte imbalances that need to be adjusted with diet or other medications.

Through Zhang Daming's example, doctors hope to convey to society that the way of healthy living needs to consider many factors, not a simple repetition of a single behavior.

A 63-year-old man suffers from coronary heart disease and dies suddenly while walking!

Now, we raise a derivative question: for the elderly, what kind of mental health management can effectively prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular disease?

Research shows that the mental health of older adults has a profound impact on the cardiovascular system.

Persistent psychological stress, depression or anxiety conditions can increase the risk of heart disease through changes in the endocrine system.

A 63-year-old man suffers from coronary heart disease and dies suddenly while walking!

Therefore, effective mental health management should include regular social activities, psychological counseling, and appropriate relaxation exercises, such as yoga or meditation.

These activities not only improve mental state, but also directly or indirectly promote cardiovascular health.

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