
The 58-year-old uncle died of cardiac arrest, and the doctor: 3 behaviors after meals hurt the heart a lot

author:Sharp eyes on the world

"Do you know? Uncle Li, Lao Liu in the community a while ago, just finished dinner, as usual, lit a cigarette, nested on the sofa and looked at his mobile phone, and then felt that he was almost digested, so he went out for a run. As a result, alas, this went ......"

Under the big banyan tree in the community square, Lao Zhao talked to his neighbors about this incident, and his regret was overflowing. Everyone is talking about how an ordinary act after a meal has become a fatal act, and what kind of health hazards are hidden behind this?

The 58-year-old uncle died of cardiac arrest, and the doctor: 3 behaviors after meals hurt the heart a lot

1. Reveal the three "killer" behaviors after dinner

A deadly trap after swallowing clouds and spitting fog

Smoking after a meal doubles the damage to the body: just after eating, the stomach and intestines are fully digesting and absorbing, at this time, smoking, the harmful substances in tobacco are more likely to enter the blood, the toxic effect on the heart increases exponentially, and the risk of inducing heart disease rises sharply.

The 58-year-old uncle died of cardiac arrest, and the doctor: 3 behaviors after meals hurt the heart a lot

Lie down after a meal and be careful to crush the heart: Many people think that lying down after a meal helps digestion, but in fact, lying down after a full meal will increase the pressure on the stomach and block blood circulation, which will put cardiovascular health at risk in the long run.

The 58-year-old uncle died of cardiac arrest, and the doctor: 3 behaviors after meals hurt the heart a lot

Running after a meal is like adding fuel to the fire: many people mistakenly think that exercise can help digestion, but if you exercise vigorously immediately after eating, a large amount of blood rushes to the limbs and muscles, and the heart and brain are not supplied with enough blood, which can easily lead to dizziness, chest tightness and even heart attack.

The 58-year-old uncle died of cardiac arrest, and the doctor: 3 behaviors after meals hurt the heart a lot

2. Develop a good habit of caring for your heart after meals

Smoke after a meal, an invisible knife: Many people are used to lighting a cigarette after a meal, which is called "Race Fairy". As everyone knows, this is a great destruction of the heart.

After eating, the gastrointestinal peristalsis is active, the blood circulation is accelerated, and at the moment smoking, nicotine and other harmful substances are more easily absorbed by the body, and the toxic effect on the heart is doubled.

The 58-year-old uncle died of cardiac arrest, and the doctor: 3 behaviors after meals hurt the heart a lot

So, dear friends, wait at least two hours after a meal before smoking, so that your stomach and heart can breathe and get through this golden digestive period.

Lying down comfortably after a meal may not be healthy: Don't think that lying down comfortably after a meal is a reward for your body, as it may inadvertently add extra burden to your heart.

After eating, the stomach swells, and lying down can easily compress the diaphragm, which in turn affects the normal functioning of the heart. It is recommended that everyone do not rush to lie down after eating, you may wish to stand for a while, or walk slowly for a few steps.

The 58-year-old uncle died of cardiac arrest, and the doctor: 3 behaviors after meals hurt the heart a lot

Allowing food to flow smoothly reduces pressure on the diaphragm in the stomach and allows the heart to calmly cope with the demands of blood circulation.

Exercise after meals, buffer period is indispensable: Although exercising after meals is a good thing, the timing is very important. Just after eating, most of the body's blood flows to the digestive system, and at this point immediately engage in high-intensity exercise.

The heart may be overwhelmed, leading to uncomfortable symptoms such as dizziness and palpitation. The correct way to do this is to wait for half an hour to an hour after eating, wait for the food to be initially digested, and then carry out light exercises such as walking and walking slowly.

The 58-year-old uncle died of cardiac arrest, and the doctor: 3 behaviors after meals hurt the heart a lot

This promotes digestion without putting too much strain on the heart. Remember, although exercise is good, it is also necessary to pay attention to rhythm and method, especially in the period after meals, and to give the body a process of adaptation and transition, which is the real care and care of the heart.

After Lao Zhao heard about Lao Liu's incident, he decided to change his past wrongs, no longer smoke after meals, and no longer lie down to rest or go out for a run immediately after meals.

The 58-year-old uncle died of cardiac arrest, and the doctor: 3 behaviors after meals hurt the heart a lot

He followed his doctor's instructions to take a leisurely walk after meals every day and wait for a while before doing some light exercise. After a few months, Lao Zhao obviously felt that his physical condition had improved a lot, his heartbeat was regular, his digestion was better, and his whole mental outlook was refreshed.

The 58-year-old uncle died of cardiac arrest, and the doctor: 3 behaviors after meals hurt the heart a lot

As the old saying goes, "Take a hundred steps after a meal, and live to ninety-nine." Lao Zhao's experience just confirms this sentence, and he uses his own changes to tell everyone that those seemingly inconsequential after-dinner habits are actually a matter of life and death. There are countless small choices in life that together form the cornerstone of our health. As the saying goes, "we can go far with every step of our life, and we can be cautious to achieve good health", let each of us start from today, pay attention to and correct those daily habits that are harmful to health, protect our precious hearts, and live a long and energetic life!

Note: The health and wellness suggestions in the article are for reference only (part of the picture is from the Internet, and the infringement contact is deleted)