
Don't want to quit drinking when you're old? It is recommended that you refer to "3 don't drink, 2 drink"!

author:Sharp eyes on the world

Recently, I met a 70-year-old gentleman named Mr. Li. He is a person with a bold personality and a positive attitude towards life, but because of his long-term drinking habits, some problems began to arise in his physical health.

Mr. Li was once a legend at the wine table, he liked to drink fine wine at friends gatherings or family dinners, and once called himself the "King of Wine". As he grew older and his health changed, he began to realize that drinking alcohol could be bad for his health, and he pondered whether he should quit drinking.

Don't want to quit drinking when you're old? It is recommended that you refer to "3 don't drink, 2 drink"!

The conversation between us begins with a discussion about health and life. I introduced him to the health regimen of "3 don't drink, 2 drink", that is, avoid drinking on an empty stomach, blended wine and three no-brewing, and choose wine and pure grain wine on the shelves of regular channels.

Mr. Li was very interested in this regimen, so he decided to try it for a while. A few months later, he came to me to share his experience. He said that although he did not completely quit drinking, his physical condition has improved significantly by adjusting his drinking habits, such as no longer drinking on an empty stomach and choosing only high-quality pure grain wine. He feels more energetic, digestive issues are relieved, and he doesn't feel dizzy as often as he does.

What's more, Mr. Li said that he now pays more attention to the quality and way of drinking, no longer drinking for the sake of being drunk, but enjoying the taste of wine and the joy brought by socializing. He feels that this lifestyle is more healthy and meaningful.

Don't want to quit drinking when you're old? It is recommended that you refer to "3 don't drink, 2 drink"!

01. "3 Don't Drink, 2 Drink"

Drinking plays an important role in our social lives. Drinking alcohol in moderation or in an inappropriate way can have negative effects on the body, including damage to the liver, stomach, and nervous system, and even affect heart health and immune system function. How to drink alcohol correctly has become a health topic that has attracted much attention.

Experts emphasize that the "3 don't drink, 2 drink" regimen is a healthy lifestyle that regulates drinking behavior. This regimen emphasizes "not drinking alcohol on an empty stomach", because drinking alcohol on an empty stomach can easily lead to rapid absorption of alcohol, which can easily make us drunk, and also cause damage to the liver and stomach.

Don't want to quit drinking when you're old? It is recommended that you refer to "3 don't drink, 2 drink"!

"Don't drink blended alcohol" is also to avoid drinking alcohol that contains additives and low-quality alcohol, which are harmful to health. "Don't drink the three nos self-brewing" is to avoid the harmful substances that may exist in the self-brewing, such as methanol plasticizers, etc., which are extremely unfavorable to the body.

Under the guidance of this regimen, we should choose the wine that is on the shelves through regular channels to ensure the quality and safety of the wine we drink. More attention should be paid to the choice of pure grain wine, because this wine does not contain additives and blended wine ingredients, which is more conducive to health.

The authoritative view is that the "3 don't drink, 2 drink" regimen can not only effectively reduce the damage of alcohol to the body, but also improve the quality and enjoyment of drinking, so as to better protect the body.

The promotion of this healthy lifestyle is a beneficial guide for modern people's drinking habits and a positive advocate of a healthy life attitude. Through sensible drinking, we can enjoy a healthy and happy life, while protecting our health from the adverse effects of drinking.

Don't want to quit drinking when you're old? It is recommended that you refer to "3 don't drink, 2 drink"!

02. Practical Suggestions and Activities

Based on the "3 Don'ts, 2 Drinks" regimen, we offer the following suggestions and activities to help you drink properly and protect your health:

Avoid "fasting alcohol": It is recommended that everyone eat something before drinking, especially foods that contain a certain amount of protein and fat, such as nuts, yogurt or whole-grain bread. This slows down the irritation of the stomach caused by alcohol and avoids the adverse effects of drinking on an empty stomach.

Don't drink "blended wine": When buying wine, you should choose wine that is on the shelves of regular channels, and pay attention to check the ingredient list and quality grade on the wine label. It is best to choose pure grain wine and avoid products containing additives and blended wines, which can effectively reduce the harm to the body.

Avoid "three nos": The quality of home-brewed wine is difficult to guarantee, and it is easy to have potential safety hazards. Therefore, it is recommended not to drink the three nos self-brewed, especially those that do not have a quality inspection certificate, so as not to cause damage to your health.

Don't want to quit drinking when you're old? It is recommended that you refer to "3 don't drink, 2 drink"!

Choose pure grain wine: When choosing wine, try to choose pure grain wine, that is, wine that only contains simple ingredients such as "grain + water". This type of wine tastes better and has relatively little impact on health.

Control the amount of alcohol you drink: No matter what kind of alcohol you choose, you should control the amount of alcohol you drink to avoid overloading your body from excessive drinking. It is recommended that women drink no more than one tael a day and men no more than two or three taels a day to maintain a healthy state.

Mix food wisely: When enjoying alcohol, you can properly pair some light and easy-to-digest foods, such as vegetables, fruits, lean meats, etc., to help reduce the irritation of alcohol to the stomach and provide the nutrients needed by the body.

Don't want to quit drinking when you're old? It is recommended that you refer to "3 don't drink, 2 drink"!

03. Conclusion

The "3 don't drink, 2 drink" regimen is not only a concern for health, but also an attitude towards life. By following this regimen, we can not only enjoy the pleasure of drinking, but also protect our health and improve our quality of life.

In modern society, drinking has become a common way to socialize and relax, but excessive or inappropriate drinking behavior can have negative effects on the body. We need to adjust and regulate our drinking habits, follow the principle of "3 don't drink, 2 drink", and choose high-quality alcohol and moderate drinking methods.