
The seven hole cards that must be kept as a human being

author:Interesting history

Life is like a wonderful chess game, every step needs to be carefully considered, and every step is related to victory or defeat. In this chess game, we must hold the seven hole cards tightly, in order to show calmness, advance and attack, retreat and defend on the unpredictable road of life.

The seven hole cards that must be kept as a human being

[Hole card one: forbearance - tolerance is great, ninja invincible]

Forbearance is a kind of bearing, but also a kind of wisdom. On the road of life, we will encounter various challenges and difficulties, and at this time, "forbearance" has become an essential weapon for us to move forward. Confucius said: "The foundation of a hundred lines, forbearance is the best." "Ninja is not blindly giving in, but making a wise choice after careful consideration. True ninjas have their own hearts and minds, they know how to retreat as advance, defend as attack, and use tolerance and patience to resolve all disturbances.

[Hole card two: Hide - Hide the edge and hide the skill, the winner always laughs at the end]

Hiding is a strategy, but also a kind of wisdom. On the stage of life, we need to learn to hide our edge and avoid exposing our strength and intentions too early. Wise men are always hidden, and they are good at showing their talent and wisdom at critical moments to achieve ultimate victory. And those who are sharp and like to show off tend to encounter more setbacks and difficulties on the road of life.

The seven hole cards that must be kept as a human being

[Hole card three: defense - the strong are the ones with the fewest "loopholes"]

Prevention is a kind of vigilance, but also a kind of self-protection. In the journey of life, we need to be vigilant at all times to guard against people and things that may pose a threat to us. Only by taking precautions can we reduce the chances of making mistakes and avoid getting into unnecessary difficulties. At the same time, we must also learn to protect our weaknesses and not let our opponents take advantage of them.


Hidden is a kind of low-key, but also a kind of stability. On the road of life, we need to learn to be down-to-earth, steady and steady, not to pursue temporary speed and efficiency, but to focus on long-term development and accumulation. Only in this way can we avoid detours and reduce unnecessary losses and waste. At the same time, we must also learn to hide our strength and intentions, and avoid exposing our hole cards too early.

The seven hole cards that must be kept as a human being

[Hole card five: change - change is passable, general is long, change is to win]

Change is a kind of adaptation, but also a kind of innovation. In times of rapid change, we need to constantly adapt our thinking and strategies to adapt to changing circumstances and needs. Only by constantly seeking change can we maintain our competitive edge and win more opportunities and successes. At the same time, we must also learn to find opportunities and breakthroughs in the midst of changes, and turn crises into opportunities.

[Hole card six: pull - secretly contain better than the compulsion on the bright side]

Pulling is a strategy, but also a kind of wisdom. In the game of life, we need to learn to use some factors to contain the other party so that they cannot do whatever they want. This kind of containment is not coercion and suppression on the surface, but covert manipulation and guidance. By mastering the psychology and needs of the other person, we can better control the situation and achieve our own goals.

The seven hole cards that must be kept as a human being

[Hole card seven: retreat - victory and defeat are impermanent, leaving a way back for yourself is to leave hope]

Retreat is a kind of wisdom and a strategy. On the road of life, we need to learn to make concessions and compromises at the right time in exchange for greater benefits and space. Retreat is not defeat and giving up, but for better progress and victory. At the same time, we must also learn to leave a way out for ourselves to avoid falling into a desperate situation in a difficult situation. Only in this way can we remain calm and confident on the road of life and meet the challenges and opportunities of the future.

The seven hole cards that must be kept as a human being

The seven hole cards that must be kept as a human being are important weapons and strategies on the road of life. Only by grasping these hole cards can we show calmness, attack, and retreat in the chess game of life. Therefore, we should always keep in mind the meaning and value of these hole cards, and keep learning and practicing them to better cope with life's challenges and opportunities.