
When the stool turns black after eating animal blood, is it the lungs detoxifying, or is the stomach detoxifying?

author: Longnan Wen County released

Source: Dr. Cai said in popular science

In the cold winter, people always love the steaming hot pot, and in this hot pot world, duck blood is undoubtedly an indispensable delicacy.

Just yesterday at the dinner table, his mother enthusiastically recommended pig blood to him, explaining its rich nutritional value. In the face of his mother's enthusiasm, although Xiao Zhang was a little hesitant, he was still moved by the deep maternal love, and he gave it a try.

When the stool turns black after eating animal blood, is it the lungs detoxifying, or is the stomach detoxifying?

After tasting it, he realized that the taste of pig's blood was not as unacceptable as he imagined, but had a unique deliciousness. So, with the encouragement of his mother, Xiao Zhang let go of his worries and enjoyed the delicacy to the fullest.

When he went to the toilet the next day, Xiao Zhang was shocked to see that his feces were dark and as black as the night sky. His heart sank, thinking that it was a precursor to cancer, and the fear hit him like a tidal wave, causing the hairs all over his body to stand on end.

Just as he was in a state of endless panic, his mother told him with a serious face that it was a sign that his lungs were detoxifying, and that it was actually a sign that his body was getting better.

His mother's explanation made Xiao Zhang temporarily let go of the big stone in his heart, but he still couldn't help but wonder: Does eating pig blood really cause black stools? And does pig blood really have the miraculous effect of clearing the lungs and detoxifying?

When the stool turns black after eating animal blood, is it the lungs detoxifying, or is the stomach detoxifying?

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What nutrients does animal blood contain?


Protein is the main component of blood and is an important substance that makes up the body's tissues and organs, while also helping to maintain the normal physiological functions of the body.

Iron element

Iron is another important component in the blood and is one of the main components of red blood cells that help transport oxygen. In addition, animal blood also contains a certain amount of vitamin B12, folic acid and other water-soluble vitamins, as well as calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc and other trace elements, these nutrients are very important for human health.


Animal blood contains treasures of vitamins such as vitamin B12 and folic acid. These vitamins act as guardians of the body, maintaining normal metabolism and health. The importance of these vitamins is especially indispensable for special groups such as pregnant and lactating women.

Other minerals and trace elements

Animal blood is rich in minerals and trace elements, such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, etc. These precious ingredients are essential for maintaining the normal physiological functioning and health of the body.

Like industrious craftsmen, they silently play an indispensable role in the body. The presence of these minerals and trace elements makes blood a vibrant source of life.

When the stool turns black after eating animal blood, is it the lungs detoxifying, or is the stomach detoxifying?


Why do you have black stools after eating animal blood?

The reason for the blackening of stools after eating animal blood is indeed a curious phenomenon. We all know that animal blood is rich in hemoglobin and blood cells, and their main responsibility is to transport oxygen.

This deep red or bright red color actually comes from hemoglobin and divalent ferrous ions in blood cells. So, why does the stool turn black after eating animal blood?

This brings us to one of the properties of hemoglobin. In the gut, hemoglobin is broken down, releasing a chemical called hydrogen sulfide.

This hydrogen sulfide combines with sulfide in the intestines to form black iron sulfide. Therefore, when the animal's blood is digested, this black iron sulfide causes the stool to become darker or even black. This is the answer to our doubts, an interesting phenomenon produced by the interaction of biology and chemistry.

When the stool turns black after eating animal blood, is it the lungs detoxifying, or is the stomach detoxifying?


When the stool turns black after eating animal blood, is it the lungs detoxifying, or is the stomach detoxifying?

As for the claim that eating animal blood products can detoxify, the scientific community has not found conclusive evidence at present. According to expert research, the spread of this statement stems from the long-term false rumors in the development process of human society.

In ancient times, due to the low level of medicine, there was no corresponding medicine to treat many diseases, so people pinned their hopes on the ingredients in daily life, believing that eating animal blood products such as pig blood could detoxify.

However, experts have found that these ingredients do have certain benefits for the human body, for example, the fungus contains a lot of alcoholic compounds, which can promote the discharge of phlegm in the human throat.

In ancient times, due to the backward level of science, people did not have sufficient understanding of human science, and after excreting phlegm, they felt that their breathing was much easier, so they believed that the fungus had the effect of clearing the lungs.

This method of falsification continues to this day, leading many people to still believe that the consumption of animal blood products can detoxify. Therefore, we should look at this statement rationally and not blindly follow the trend.

When the stool turns black after eating animal blood, is it the lungs detoxifying, or is the stomach detoxifying?

The claim that eating animal blood products can detoxify actually stems from an ancient concept. At that time, animal husbandry was not yet developed, and most people rarely tasted meat products, but mainly cereals and nuts.

When people were lucky enough to taste animal blood products, the intestines were not badly stimulated. What's more, substances such as phospholipids in the animal's blood play a role in lubricating the intestines and promoting smoother bowel movements.

As a result, when people see the dark excrement, they mistakenly think it is the excreted toxin. Therefore, there is a belief that the consumption of animal blood has a detoxifying effect.

However, there is no scientific basis for the belief that animal blood products can detoxify. In fact, nutrients such as iron and protein in animal blood products are of great benefit to human health.

However, if people consume large amounts of animal blood products in pursuit of the so-called "detoxification" effect, it may put an unnecessary burden on the body.

Therefore, although animal blood products do not detoxify, eating them in moderation can still help us replenish the nutrients our body needs.

When the stool turns black after eating animal blood, is it the lungs detoxifying, or is the stomach detoxifying?


What are the effects of regular consumption of animal blood on the human body?

Prevent anemia

Animal blood is rich in iron and is a high-quality food for the prevention of anemia. Iron is one of the essential trace elements in the body and is responsible for the synthesis of hemoglobin, which is an important molecule for transporting oxygen. Therefore, regular consumption of animal blood can help the body take in enough iron and effectively prevent the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia.

Boosts immunity

Animal blood is also rich in protein. Protein is an important component of human cells, tissues and organs, and plays a vital role in maintaining life activities. By consuming animal blood, people can get high-quality protein, which helps to boost immunity, promote muscle growth and repair, and improve the body's resistance.

When the stool turns black after eating animal blood, is it the lungs detoxifying, or is the stomach detoxifying?

Supports bone health

Animal blood is also rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals. These nutrients play an important role in the maintenance of normal physiological functions of the human body.

For example, vitamins A, B vitamins and E help protect eyesight, maintain skin health and promote metabolism, while minerals such as calcium and phosphorus help to maintain bone health and normal heart function.

Clears away heat and detoxifies

Animal blood also has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness. In TCM dietary therapy, animal blood is often used to treat cough, asthma, bronchitis and other diseases.

These effects are mainly due to the nutrients in animal blood that can nourish yin and nourish blood, moisturize dryness and nourish the body, help regulate the balance of yin and yang in the human body, and enhance the body's resistance.


Although animal blood is good, these 4 types of people are not suitable for consumption

Patients with high blood pressure

The sodium content in animal blood is high, and eating too much in people with high blood pressure may aggravate the condition.


Animal blood is also high in sugar and fat, and eating too much of it may affect blood sugar control.

When the stool turns black after eating animal blood, is it the lungs detoxifying, or is the stomach detoxifying?

Patients with liver disease

The protein in animal blood needs to be metabolized by the liver, and eating too much in patients with liver disease may increase the burden on the liver.

People with weak stomach and intestines

Animal blood is rich in iron, but it is not easy to digest and absorb, and people with weak stomach may experience symptoms such as indigestion and diarrhea if they eat too much.