
Doctors remind: to maintain the heart, we must keep in mind 4 points

author:Dr. Cai said in popular science

The heart, one of the most important organs of the human body, is like a tireless pump, beating non-stop, injecting endless vitality into our lives.

It sits in the center of our ribcage and is shaped like an inverted fist, but the size of our fist. However, its power is staggering, pushing blood to all corners of the body with every beat, providing essential nutrients and oxygen to every cell in the body.

The beating of the heart is the metronome of the rhythm of our lives. It accompanies our breathing, synchronizes with our steps, and can feel its powerful beating even when we sit quietly.

Heart health is the key to our overall health. A healthy heart is able to provide us with a stable blood supply that ensures that our body can function properly.

Doctors remind: to maintain the heart, we must keep in mind 4 points

However, when there is a problem with the heart, our body is severely affected. Therefore, we should cherish and take care of our heart to keep it in the best shape through a healthy lifestyle, a reasonable diet, and proper exercise.


Can't sleep on the left side of a heart patient?

The statement that people with heart disease can't sleep on their left side is actually a misconception. While the left side lying position may worsen symptoms in some people with heart disease, it doesn't mean that all people with heart disease can't sleep on their left side.

The location of the heart is on the left side of the human body. Therefore, when we lie on the left side, the heart will be compressed to a certain extent, which may increase the burden on the heart, making the symptoms more obvious in some heart patients.

However, this does not mean that all people with heart disease cannot sleep on their left side. In fact, many people with heart disease can still choose to lie on their left side, as long as they take care to maintain a comfortable position and avoid excessive pressure on the heart.

Doctors remind: to maintain the heart, we must keep in mind 4 points

In addition, the sleeping position of a heart patient should be determined based on their specific condition and the doctor's recommendations. For example, some people with heart disease may need to avoid the supine position, as this may worsen their breathless symptoms. Others may need to choose a semi-recumbent or sitting position to reduce the burden on the heart.


Doctor reminds: to take care of the heart, we must keep in mind 4 points

First and foremost, dietary modifications. Healthy eating habits are like rain for the heart. Reduce the intake of foods high in salt, fat and sugar, and increase fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, and whole grains, so that the heart can feel nourished with nutrients in every beat.

Secondly, regular movement is indispensable. Exercise is a "booster" of heart health. Whether it's a morning run, a late workout, or a break from work, it keeps your heart beating under a moderate load to keep it alive and resilient.

Furthermore, a good mindset is the "guardian" of heart health. Learn to regulate your emotions, avoid excessive anxiety and stress, and allow your mind to be nourished in peace and harmony. You can try meditation, yoga and other methods to relax the mind and body in sync and create a comfortable working environment for the heart.

Doctors remind: to maintain the heart, we must keep in mind 4 points

Finally, regular checkups are the "escort" of heart health. Through the detection of electrocardiogram, blood pressure, blood sugar and other indicators, potential heart problems can be detected in time, so that targeted interventions can be taken to ensure that the heart is running in the best condition.


There are 4 behaviors that hurt the heart, and many people are still unaware of them

First and foremost is overeating. With the fast-paced pace of modern life and the stressful nature of work, many people seek temporary solace through food.

However, excessive intake of high-calorie, high-fat foods not only causes weight to soar, but also puts a heavy burden on the heart. These foods accumulate into fat in the body, which not only clogs the blood vessels, but also makes the heart work harder with every beat.

This was followed by a lack of exercise. Sedentary lifestyles have become the norm for modern people, but such a lifestyle is a disaster for the heart.

Doctors remind: to maintain the heart, we must keep in mind 4 points

Long-term lack of exercise, cardiopulmonary function gradually declines, blood circulation is not smooth, and the burden on the heart is increasing day by day. While the heart cries out in silent protest, many people are still immersed in comfortable laziness, unaware.

In addition, poor lifestyle habits are also invisible killers that damage the heart. Smoking, drinking, staying up late...... These seemingly chic lifestyles quietly erode the health of the heart.

Both nicotine and alcohol in cigarettes stimulate the heart, putting it in a state of high tension, while staying up late disrupts the biological clock and leaves the heart struggling with exhaustion.

Finally, ignoring body signals is also a significant cause of heart injury. When heart discomfort occurs, many people choose to ignore or self-medicate instead of seeking medical attention. Not only can this delay treatment, but it can also leave the heart struggling in silent pain.

Doctors remind: to maintain the heart, we must keep in mind 4 points

Therefore, we must always pay attention to the health of the heart and stay away from these behaviors that harm the heart. Only when we truly value and care for our hearts can we have a healthy and happy life.


When you have heart problems, should you choose rest or exercise?

First and foremost, it's important to be clear that there are many types of heart diseases, and each has different demands on exercise and tolerance.

For example, for some people with arrhythmias or myocarditis, strenuous exercise may worsen the condition, and rest is a better option. For patients with coronary heart disease and heart failure, moderate exercise can help improve heart function and enhance the body's resistance.

Resting is not simply lying still in bed. In the process of recuperation, we can relax and reduce the burden on the heart by adjusting breathing, meditation, yoga, etc. At the same time, a proper diet and rest are also important parts of recuperation, which can help us better recover heart function.

Doctors remind: to maintain the heart, we must keep in mind 4 points

Exercise, on the other hand, requires a suitable exercise plan based on an individual's physical condition and exercise habits. For patients with heart disease, aerobic exercises such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc. are all good options.

These exercises not only strengthen the heart and lungs, but also promote blood circulation and improve the blood supply to the heart. However, it should be noted that it is necessary to avoid overexertion and strenuous exercise during exercise, so as not to put too much burden on the heart.

Therefore, whether you need to rest or exercise more when you have a bad heart should be decided according to your specific situation. Under the guidance of the doctor, choose the rehabilitation method that suits you, so that the heart can be better cared for.

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