
Green calyx plum, soothing the liver and stomach, making tea and cooking porridge can be, especially for women

author:Guangdong Traditional Chinese Medicine
Green calyx plum, soothing the liver and stomach, making tea and cooking porridge can be, especially for women

Chinese people have a long history of drinking flower tea for health, common flower tea has roses, osmanthus, chrysanthemums, jasmine, etc., and today I want to share with you is the green calyx plum (white plum blossom) that has the effect of soothing the liver and stomach peace, especially suitable for women.

The green calyx plum is a famous plum blossom, and it is also the plum blossom with the most gentlemanly temperament. It is recorded in the "Hundred Grass Mirror": "Plum blossoms, there are red, white, green calyx, thousand leaves, and single leaves, but the single leaf green calyx is especially good in medicine." Although there are white plum blossoms, green calyx plums, and plum blossoms in different ancient books of materia medica, the records of its traits are often the same, all of which are calyx green and white, and should be the same kind of plum blossom from the original research, and the clinical medication is preferably those with buds and fragrant smells, and those who bloom are secondary.

Green calyx plum into medicine

【Source】It is the dried flower bud of the Rosaceae plant plum, which is dried by picking the flower buds in early spring when the flowers are not open. 【Synonyms】White plum blossom, plum blossom, plum, spring plum, dry branch plum. 【Sexual taste】The taste is slightly sour, astringent, and flat. 【Return to the meridians】Return to the liver, stomach, and lung meridians. 【Function and Indications】Liver soothing and neutralizing, regulating qi and dissolving phlegm. 【Applicable Population】Patients with flank and rib pain, abdominal fullness, belching, loss of appetite, stomach pain, and indigestion caused by liver and stomach qi stagnation. People with irritability and depression, neurasthenia, plum kernel gas, throat discomfort, and chronic pharyngitis caused by emotional discomfort, liver qi stagnation, phlegm stagnation, neurasthenia, plum kernel qi, throat discomfort, and chronic pharyngitis. 【Precautions】This product is a qi regulating medicine, and those with severe qi deficiency and no qi stagnation symptoms should take it with caution.

【Usage and dosage】It is generally used to make tea and cook porridge. The decoction amount is 3~5 grams.

Green calyx plum, soothing the liver and stomach, making tea and cooking porridge can be, especially for women

Clinical application

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the green calyx plum is flat, sour and astringent, and returns to the liver, stomach and lung meridians, and has the effect of soothing the liver and regulating qi and dissolving phlegm.

When green calyx plum is used for liver and stomach pain, such as the treatment of liver and stomach qi stagnation, flank and rib pain, belly and abdomen, belching and sluggishness, etc., it is often used with Bupleurum, bergamot, green skin, incense, etc., or combined with roses, moon flowers, jasmine, etc., which also have the effect of relieving depression.

When used to treat the nuclear qi of plum with phlegm stagnation, it can be used in the same way as Banxia, Magnolia officinalis, Poria cocos, etc.

Xu Jingshi, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, believes that the medicinal properties of green calyx plum are soft, regulate qi without hurting yin, and it is good at mediating the coke qi machine, and it is good at soothing the liver and stomach in peace, and it is commonly used to treat a variety of qi depression internal injuries and miscellaneous diseases, and has achieved good clinical results. The 2020 edition of the "Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China" stipulates that the dosage range of plum blossom decoction pieces is 3~5g, and Mr. Xu Jingshi commonly uses 10~20g, emphasizing that when the green calyx plum is applied in large doses, it can play the role of nourishing the liver wood to relieve the main discharge, appetizing qi to benefit and lower, and awakening the spleen and soil to help transport, and the effect of small doses is not good.

Green calyx plum is an important medicine for relieving depression and pleasing the spleen, regulating the liver without hurting yin, awakening the spleen without drying the spleen, clear and nourishing, Anzhong Jiao and treating balance, especially good at regulating the spleen and stomach, liver and gallbladder qi machine lifting. The clinical syndrome can flexibly use green calyx to treat many miscellaneous diseases caused by depression, and reasonably grasp the dosage according to its specific medicinal characteristics and clinical needs.

In addition, female patients are especially suitable for using green calyx plum to regulate the liver and relieve depression, and green calyx plum can be used as a dietary therapy recipe to "cook porridge" and "steam dew point tea" to achieve the effect of appetizing and dissipating depression and quenching thirst.

Records in the classics

Zhao Xuemin's "Compendium of Materia Medica" records that green calyx plum has "appetizing and depressing...... good for lung qi, to phlegm" and other effects, and pointed out that "single-leaf green calyx into medicine is especially good";

Wang Ang's "Materia Medica" contains green calyx plum "fragrant, appetizing and depressed, quenching thirst, relieving heat and cleansing annoyance." It is believed that it is appetizing qi, relieving liver depression, and can raise the spleen and stomach and clear yang, and has a recuperating effect on the spleen and stomach and liver (gallbladder);

Wang Mengying's "Suixingju Diet Recipe" cloud: "Green calyx and white plum are preferred, and the medicine soothes the liver and relieves depression, clears the fire and thins the acne";

Wang Yiren's "New Ginseng of Decoction Pieces" also said: "Green calyx plums flatten the liver and stomach, relieve abdominal pain, dizziness, and eat and drink."

In "Hundred Flower Mirrors", it is said that the green calyx plum: "Appetizing and dispersing evil, cooking porridge, helping the qi of Qingyang to rise, steaming dew tea, quenching thirst, relieving heat and cleansing troubles." ”

Green calyx plum, soothing the liver and stomach, making tea and cooking porridge can be, especially for women

Prescription sharing

1. Throat foreign body sensation, upper esophageal spasm: 3g of green calyx and rose. Brew with boiling water and drink tea often. (Medicinal Plants of Zhejiang)

2. Pregnancy vomiting: 6g of green calyx, brewed with boiling water, and substituted for tea. (Medicinal Plants of Zhejiang)

3. Scrofula: Open a hole in the egg, enter the green calyx plum blossom will open seven flowers, seal the mouth, steam the rice, go to the plum blossom and eat the egg, 1 piece a day, and heal in seven days. (Compendium of Materia Medica)

4. Acne rash: (1) In the early morning of the lunar month every year, pick 100 green calyx plums, add sugar, pound them into small cakes, and eat them. ("No Medicine") (2) The treatment of acne has not appeared, it does not come out, it is hidden in the skin, and the treatment of measles and rashes: one or two plum blossoms, two coins of peach kernels, cinnabar, and licorice, and five coins of loofah. for the end. Five minutes per serving, under the soup.

5. Sores on the lips: white plum petals are pasted, and those who are cracked and bleeding will stop. ("Red Water Xuanzhu")

Green calyx plum diet

Steamed eggs with green calyx plums

Ingredients: 5 grams of green calyx plum (white plum blossom), 1 egg, appropriate amount of salt and sesame oil.

Method: First fry an appropriate amount of soup with white plum blossoms, then mix the soup with egg liquid, pour it into a steaming bowl, add an appropriate amount of salt, steam it in a steamer over high heat for 10 minutes, make egg custard, and add sesame oil. Take 1 tablet daily for 7 days.

Efficacy: This formula is derived from the "Compendium of Materia Medica", which has the effect of soothing the liver, regulating qi and dispersing knots, and can be used for cervical lymph node tuberculosis (scrofula) caused by qi depression and emotional failure.

Suitable for: Suitable for neck lymph nodes caused by sadness, anxiety, emotional disability, liver depression and fire, often accompanied by hot flashes, weight loss, cough, night sweats, insomnia, anorexia and other symptoms. It is especially good to eat in spring.

Special attention: Qi deficiency and no qi stagnation should not be used.

Green calyx plum chrysanthemum tea

Ingredients: 3 grams of green calyx and white chrysanthemum.

Method: Put the green calyx and white chrysanthemum into a cup, pour in boiling water, cover and soak for 15 minutes, then pour out and drink. It can be brewed multiple times a day and drunk frequently instead of tea.

Efficacy: This tea can relieve liver depression, reduce liver fire, cool liver blood, and detoxify liver, and is suitable for liver stagnation and hyperactivity of liver yang.

Suitable for: Suitable for people with chest and flank swelling and pain, liver and stomach disharmony, and depressed mood caused by liver stagnation. It is suitable for people with dizziness, tinnitus, head swelling and pain, upset and bitter mouth, red face and red eyes, and sore throat caused by hyperactivity of liver yang. It is especially best drunk in spring.

Special attention: Qi deficiency, stomach cold, diarrhea should not be used.

Plum porridge

Method: 30~60g of japonica rice to cook porridge, add 5g of green calyx plum when the porridge will be made, and then cook until the flowers are just ripe.

Efficacy: This takes green calyx plum to "help (spleen and stomach) clear yang qi rise", and japonica rice nourishes stomach qi. It is used for the weakness of the spleen and stomach of the body, and the spleen and stomach of the dampness will not rise, resulting in stuffiness and loss of appetite.

Plum tea

Method: 3~6g of green calyx plum, appropriate amount of honey. Soak in boiling water instead of tea.

Efficacy: This recipe takes green calyx plum to clear heat and generate Jin, remove annoyance, and honey to clear heat and moisten dryness. It is used for summer heat or heat to hurt stomach yin and upset thirst.

Sanhua Liver Tea

Method: 3 grams of green calyx, rose, and acacia flowers, add an appropriate amount of water and boil them into flower tea to drink.

Efficacy: soothing the liver and relieving depression, dissolving phlegm and soothing the nerves. It is mainly suitable for people with liver depression and fire, usually manifested as thin body, easy to get angry, often feel pain and fullness in the two hypoclanks, accompanied by dry mouth and bitter mouth, red and swollen eyes, dry stool, yellow urine and other symptoms. ■

[Source: This article is comprehensively compiled from WeChat such as Health Righteousness, Chinese Medicine Magazine, Health News, etc., picture source: Medicinal Plant Illustrated]