
The wealth trap explains that the first rich cannot lead to the later rich: because the rich never help the poor

author:Financial Culture Review

Our ideal is that those who get rich first lead those who get rich later, but the reality tells us that rich people never help the poor, and rich people always cheat the poor. This also shows that the first rich cannot lead the later to become rich, why is that? Because of the wealth trap.

The wealth trap explains that the first rich cannot lead to the later rich: because the rich never help the poor

First, what is the wealth trap? That is, the rich will tell you the false appearance of wealth, which will lead the poor to cling to poverty

Many people have a desire to follow the big money, learn to make money with the rich, learn to earn more wealth from the rich. But what about reality? Do rich people really tell you how to make money? Do rich people really tell you the truth about wealth? On the contrary, all the rich people tell you is the illusion of wealth.

There is a billionaire boss who told his own example:

Many relatives of this boss know that she has made a lot of money over the years, has a company, drives a luxury car, and makes a lot of money. Many people praise her mother for having a good girl, and she thinks that there is envy, jealousy, and really praise.

When the family relatives gathered, many poor relatives asked the boss how much money he made? Do you think the boss would say that he really made tens of millions of dollars? Of course not. What would the boss say? This boss said: Everyone sees the superficial scenery, our company has hundreds of employees who need to pay wages, and the company rents more than 3,000 square meters of office space that needs to pay rent, and I have to think about the cost of more than 20,000 yuan today when I wake up every morning.

Uncle and aunt, you don't know, I can't sleep in the middle of the night every day, why? Because as long as it is past 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, it means that there are 20,000 yuan to pay today, so I am very anxious every day; I also gave birth to three bear children, you know that every child is a four-cornered gold-swallowing beast now, and the cost of school, interest classes, training classes, etc. is huge; if I can do it again, I will not have a meeting or a company, let alone have so many children, the pressure is too great. Let me tell you, I envy my cousin the most now, why? You see that although she works in the county town for three or four thousand a month, her work is easy and stress-free, and how good it is to go home for dinner every day and be warm together as a family?

Some people say, "Aren't you lying?" Why don't you tell the truth? The boss will never say, "Uncle, you are too right, the money I earn in one day is equal to the income of your girl who has worked in the county for 10 years, and if you say so, you will not live in the future." This is called high emotional intelligence communication. Because everyone is just talking, why take it seriously? Because whoever takes it seriously loses. But the terrible thing is that the people who said it didn't take it seriously, and the people who listened to it believed it, and they also added fuel and vinegar everywhere to spread it, saying that you see the person who looks like a Mercedes-Benz and a dog, but actually owes a lot of debt, maybe he is about to go bankrupt, and looking at the scenery in front of people may not be as good as our life. Then they all felt that what was going on so hard every day? It was not easy to make money, it was better to work in the county town for 3,008 a month and live a chic and comfortable life, so she continued to be poor in a down-to-earth manner, honestly poor, stable in the local poor, poor in peace, and more importantly, poor in peace, and more importantly, she was so poor that she felt superior to others when she saw the real rich, which was called the trap of wealth.

The wealth trap is that many of the rich people you hear tell you about the wealth phenomenon are lying to you, if there is a person who is very rich and willing to reach out and hold you a hand, this person is the noble person in your life. The real truth of wealth is that rich people won't help you, and they comfort you to farm well, and it's good to farm. Farming is easy and happy, farming has no risk and stable returns; tell you to play screws well, screwing can be easy, don't have to work so hard, the boss lets you do whatever you want, overtime and earn more, more importantly, no matter whether the boss makes money or not, you can get a salary anyway, the boss goes bankrupt and you change another boss to continue to make money, and the boss will go bankrupt and even pay off a butt of debts; encourage you to run takeaway, there is no risk in running takeaway, running a single is a single order, you can earn more than 10,000 yuan a month. This is the wealth trap, which makes the poor feel at ease and feel happier than the rich.

The wealth trap explains that the first rich cannot lead to the later rich: because the rich never help the poor

Second, three factors determine why the rich do not help the poor, which is a necessity of human nature

Why don't the rich help the poor? Is it really because the rich are unkind? Is it true that they don't recognize their six relatives? Is it true that the rich become bad? Yes and no. There are three main factors related to human nature:

The first factor is that the rich can't help you at all, and I am poor and I am justified, especially for those who do not know how to be grateful

It's not that the rich don't want to help the poor, some of the poor really can't afford to help, because some of the poor are not worth helping at all, and the result of helping the poor may become a burden for the rich, and some of the poor may not know how to be grateful for the help of others at all, but it will fuel the greedy desire of those people.

We all know an old saying: Ascend Mien, fight Mi Qiu. It means that if the rich help the poor, if they help too much, they become enemies. Why? Because your help has aroused their greedy desires.

We often see some sponsored college students, but endlessly ask for money and money from the sponsors, and once they can't be satisfied, they will make all kinds of accusations and even abuse. The college student once sponsored by the famous movie star Sun Li even sent an open letter accusing her because she did not satisfy her growing material desires. In reality, this phenomenon cannot be said to abound, but it is not uncommon. Your funding and helping the poor can become a burden on you in the future. Do you still dare to help the poor?

The second factor, the fear that the rich will help the poor will create an unscrupulous opponent, which is also a very scary thing

Our market is big, not big or big, all the bosses and rich people fight in the fierce market competition every day, if he tells you the truth about wealth, he lets you know how to make money, and even brings you to your own company to work, training, the end result is likely to cultivate a group of competitors, because you work in his company knows his company best, You learn best how his company makes money, and in the end, once you learn, most of the people you help do the same thing as you do, because you can't do anything else but do the same thing as his way of making money.

Spend money and energy to develop a competitor of your own, if you were rich, would you do that? Don't tell me that there is no end to money in the market, because there is a lot of money in the market, and if you don't make someone else, you will make it.

The third factor is that the money earned by the rich is the money earned by the poor, according to which there is no so-called common prosperity

Common prosperity is our ideal and goal, and it simply does not exist in real life. Because the rich cannot make the money of the rich at all, but the money of the poor. Look at our current e-commerce platform, starting from a certain treasure, to the current spelling, which is not to make money by selling to the poor at a low price, once everyone has money, many bosses will lose their ability to make money, so they will tell you and encourage you to make money? If you have a monthly salary of 100,000 yuan, will you still buy 9.9 free shipping?

So, the rich don't help the poor to make money, because once he helps you make money, he can't make money, because all the money he earns is from you.

The wealth trap explains that the first rich cannot lead to the later rich: because the rich never help the poor

Third, how can the poor really change themselves? The important thing is to uplift and change themselves

Don't rely on the help of others, don't believe in the nonsense that the rich live badly, don't believe the nonsense that the rich are unhappy, and don't try to learn to make money by relying on the rich.

So how can the poor really change themselves? If you want to make money, you must improve yourself, and the key to changing your destiny is in your own hands. Specifically, there are three main factors:

The first major factor is to change the perception of wealth and improve the cognitive ability of wealth

There is a saying that how much wealth people earn depends on your own cognition, you can never earn money outside of your cognition, and even if you are lucky enough to earn money outside of your cognition, there will be 100 ways to make your money lose back.

To change the perception is to change the fate of wealth.

The second factor is to learn to be grateful, people who don't know how to be grateful can't make money

Gratitude is the emotional intelligence of a person's wealth, and it is also the password of personal wealth. Only by knowing how to be grateful and repaying your kindness, your fortune will become more and more prosperous.

Fortune is a person's wealth environment, just like some people say, fortune can not be stopped, why? Because if you can be a person and know gratitude, others will be willing to help you, and those who help you once, you don't know how to be grateful, and even cross the river and tear down the bridge, will never be rich. And those who know how to be grateful, there will be more and more friends, the reputation will get better and better, and more people will be willing to help you, and then your fortune will come.

The third major factor is to have the determination to change poverty, not to be willing to be poor, and never to believe the nonsense that the rich are unhappy and the rich envy the poor

As the old saying goes: People must first help themselves before God helps. It is also said that opportunities always come to those who are prepared. It is said that it means that the poor want to change their fate, first of all, they must change themselves, do not wait, do not rely on, do not rob, do not, and clarify the goal of making money, although most of us cannot first clarify a small goal, but we can clarify a goal to improve our lives, and then work hard to achieve it.

Don't believe the words of those rich people who are unhappy, are you happy if the rich are unhappy? Isn't a rich person living in a 500-square-meter villa happier than you living in a 70-square-meter cottage? Isn't a rich person driving a luxury car or even a private jet every day happier than you are by subway or bicycle? Isn't a rich person going to his own island for a vacation happier than you are when you are on vacation in a street park? The rich are even more false to envy the poor, why do they envy the poor people who don't donate all or most of their money to the poor and live the life of a poor person?

If the poor want to change their fate, they must first have the ambition and determination to change poverty, which is the first priority to change their fate, and then the direction and method of their efforts.

Why can't the rich help the poor? Why can't the first rich lead the later rich? Why can't there be no way to achieve common prosperity?

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