
Zhang, detained!

author:Guangzhou popularization of law

State security organs

In order to investigate an important case

I made an appointment with Zhang, the department manager of a courier company

After presenting relevant law enforcement documents in accordance with the law

The police handling the case asked Zhang to cooperate

Provide information about the suspect Pang X related to the case

and inform them of the law enforcement work

It must not be disclosed to any other person

Zhang said that he would cooperate with the relevant work

Read and sign carefully as required

Confidentiality Commitment

Zhang, detained!

The source of the picture is network, and the picture and text have nothing to do with it

However, after the state security organ cadres and police left, Zhang turned his head and told his colleagues about the matter due to his weak sense of confidentiality, although Zhang also told his colleagues "don't talk nonsense about this matter", but the news that "the state security organs are investigating Pang" still reached Pang, resulting in a serious impact on the case-handling work.

After learning that he was being investigated by the state security organs, Pang quickly fled, causing a serious impact on the case handling work of the state security organs. Later, after careful investigation and precise control, the state security organs finally successfully arrested Pang.

Zhang, detained!

The source of the picture is network, and the picture and text have nothing to do with it

Zhang's behavior

It is a leak related to counter-espionage work

State secrets

In view of his own admitting and repentance

The state security organs shall punish him

The penalty of three days of administrative detention

At the same time, a fine of 30,000 yuan was imposed

Zhang, detained!

Source: WeChat public account of the Ministry of State Security, Beijing Daily, etc. (the cover picture comes from the Internet, and the picture and text are unrelated)

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Zhang, detained!