
What this woman says can make you stunned just by looking at one sentence

author:Book and Newspaper Digest

"You are love, warmth, hope, you are the April day of the world!"

Every time it is spring, I always think of Lin Huiyin.

The talented woman who is "a poetic Qianxun Waterfall, April in the world of the ancients".

The pioneer woman who was once confined to love by the world, but opened up a new choice in life with sobriety.

Today, you might as well read Lin Huiyin together and explore the secrets of being a big heroine in her pen.


I finally understood that there are some roads that can only be walked alone.

When I was young, I always felt that friends should be a lifetime.

Someone accompanied, fresh clothes and angry horses, singing about wine, admiring the geometry of life, and feeling that the road ahead is broad.

However, walking and walking found out.

Some people can only walk with you for a while, and some roads can only walk alone.

Even if you were once inseparable, even if you were once inseparable.

But under the pull of time and space, the relationship will still slowly drift apart.

And those dark and difficult ones need someone to help them at the time, and they will come over with gritted teeth.

On the road of life, it is beautiful to have friends with you, but if you don't, you can live a wonderful life alone.

When friendship is there, we are honest with each other and care for each other, and when friendship is gone, we can fly freely.


Gentleness should be there, but not compromise, we should be strong in silence and unhurried.

There are always some people who don't like "gentleness" very much.

Narrowly feel that women's "gentleness" is cowardice, withdrawal, compromise, and will not protect themselves.

But after going through the baptism of the world, I suddenly found that the truly powerful people are gentle.

They don't pretend to be fierce and use the spikes of hedgehogs to attack others.

They don't pretend to be strong, use the shell of an egg, and go to crash stones.

On the contrary, they are quiet, unhurried, soft but indomitable.

They are like water, containing all things, and they are like fire, warm and hot.

And such gentleness and tenacity can make them go long and open.

What this woman says can make you stunned just by looking at one sentence


Only by sitting down lonely can people regain the hustle and bustle;

Only when the sorrow is exhausted can we see the joy again;

Taste the bitterness all over to naturally return to sweetness.

Many people sigh with emotion, I don't know when they suddenly understand that the world is not divided into two.

The opposite of white is not necessarily black, and the other half of bitterness is not necessarily sweet.

On the contrary, they always go hand in hand.

A lot of times, good and bad always go hand in hand.

When I was a child, in Chinese textbooks, this truth was called "If you lose your horse, you don't know if you are blessed".

When I became an adult, in all kinds of chicken soup, I called this philosophy "Before prosperity, there must be difficulties".

Indeed, only by experiencing loneliness can we know the meaning of companionship;

Only by experiencing sadness can we know the rarity of happiness;

Only after tasting bitterness can you understand the difficulty of sweetness.

So, don't be afraid of bitterness and sorrow, because luck and goodness are nearby.


Everything is just a moment.

Many times in life, life is just a few moments.

It is true that many people have been busy all their lives, but looking back, what can be remembered fiercely seems to be those few shining moments.

Most of the time, the days are uneventful, but we can also find a moment of dazzling light in the ordinary.

The past, the present, and the future, strive to shine.

Let every moment be wonderful, so that every moment will not be disappointed.

In this way, life can have thickness, life can have quality, and life can be meaningful.

To live up to a moment is to live up to a lifetime.

What this woman says can make you stunned just by looking at one sentence


On the stalk of memory, who doesn't have two or three graceful flowers, draped in emotions.

There will always be a time in this life when you will be afraid of memories.

Because, on the stalk of memory, anyone has it, so two or three flowers, clothed with emotions.

Maybe sadness, maybe joy, but it just doesn't belong to this moment anymore.

With stories, contaminated with emotions, and soaked with years, it also proves that you have been to this world and that you have loved someone.

So, even if you are sad, please don't ignore it.

The reason why you are who you are is because of those who were.

Those emotions hidden in memory, those petals hidden in the years, belong to you alone.

I like this quote very much:

"Occasionally be a reader in the world, and occasionally a writer in time. ”

Let us continue to explore the world and enrich our own philosophies.

Light up the end of the article [watching], may you see the world, please yourself, and be a sober heroine on the road of life.

What this woman says can make you stunned just by looking at one sentence