
Reduce salt, oil, and sugar so that the diet is healthy and →

author:Shanghai Changning

Today (April 10) from 19:00 to 20:00, the "Shanghai Changning" APP will be broadcast live with the "Dahongqiao Tongrenhui Health Live Broadcast" of Shanghai Tongren Hospital: three reductions and three health, and create national health together.

Reduce salt, oil, and sugar so that the diet is healthy and →

"Dahongqiao Tongrenhui Health Live Broadcast" was renamed from the "Great Health Wisdom Public Welfare Live Broadcast Hall", which is the first 5G health public welfare live broadcast hall in China. The "protagonist" of this live broadcast is Huang Shan, chief physician of the Department of Endocrinology of Shanghai Tongren Hospital, with the theme of "Three Reductions and Three Health, Creating National Health".

What are the "three reductions and three health"? Three reductions: salt reduction, oil reduction, sugar reduction, and three health reductions: healthy mouth, healthy weight, and healthy bones.

Salt reduction

Healthy adults should consume no more than 5 grams of salt per day. Use less salt and soy sauce in home cooking, learn to use a rationed salt spoon, eat less mustard, pickles and sauces and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, eat less high-salt packaged foods, read the nutrition facts list when buying packaged foods, and choose foods that are low in sodium.

Reduced oil

It is recommended that healthy adults should consume no more than 25 grams of cooking oil per day, and should maintain a healthy way of using and eating oil, not drinking vegetable soup, and using less cooking oil.

Sugar reduction

The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents recommend that adults should not consume more than 50g of added sugar per person per day, preferably less than 25g, and less than 10% of total energy intake. In your life, also take care to reduce the intake of added sugars, such as those found naturally in honey, syrups, fruit juices, and fruit juice concentrates. Reduce the number of high-sugar foods and avoid or reduce sugary drinks, and there is no added sugar in infant food.

Health oral cavity

A healthy mouth is defined as clean teeth, no cavities, no pain, normal gum color, and no bleeding. Oral health is the foundation and key to the health of the whole body, adults should have an oral examination at least once a year, children once a year, usually pay attention to brush their teeth with fluoride toothpaste before going to bed and after getting up, and rinse their mouths with water in time after meals.

Healthy weight

Keep your mouth shut, move your legs more, control your energy intake, and don't overeat. Overweight and obese people should adhere to a long-term weight loss plan, increase energy expenditure, ensure appropriate physical activity, advocate safe weight loss, and measure body mass index regularly.

Healthy bones

To avoid osteoporosis and its complications, to prevent osteoporosis, eat more calcium-containing foods, and consume low-salt and moderate protein foods to have a balanced diet, drink less alcohol, do not smoke, the elderly should prevent falls, high-risk groups should go to regular hospitals for examination and treatment as soon as possible, and usually bask in the sun to promote calcium absorption.

Topics in this issue

Three reductions and three health, creating national health

Live time

April 10, 19:00-20:00

Live streaming channels

Method 1: Scan the QR code below, download the "Shanghai Changning" APP, and you can enter the live broadcast room from the homepage.

Reduce salt, oil, and sugar so that the diet is healthy and →

Method 2: Scan the QR code below to watch the live broadcast

Reduce salt, oil, and sugar so that the diet is healthy and →
Reduce salt, oil, and sugar so that the diet is healthy and →

The picture is courtesy of Shanghai Tongren Hospital

Written by: Zhao Li

Editor: Zhu Jiaru

Editor-in-charge: Yan Wenbin

*Please indicate the source of the reprint from "Shanghai Changning"

Reduce salt, oil, and sugar so that the diet is healthy and →

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