
Dali丨Announcement of charging standards

author:Shaanxi Net Weinan Station

About the convening of private primary and secondary schools in Dali County

and the announcement of the hearing on the standard price of accommodation charges

In accordance with the provisions of the "Rules for the Government to Formulate Price Behavior" and the "Measures for the Government to Formulate Price Hearings", it was decided to hold the "Hearing on the Price of Tuition and Accommodation Fees for Private Primary and Secondary School Students in Dali County" to conduct a public hearing on the charging standards of private primary and secondary school students in our county. The relevant matters for the hearing are hereby announced as follows:

1. Matters to be heard and time to be heard

It is planned to hold a "Hearing on the Price of Tuition and Accommodation Fees for Private Primary and Secondary School Students in Dali County" at 10 a.m. on April 16, 2024 in the conference room on the first floor of Shengda Experimental Junior High School in Dali County to conduct a hearing on tuition and accommodation fees.

2. The composition, number and method of selection of hearing participants

The participants of this price hearing: composed of the county people's congress office, the CPPCC office (3 recommended each), the Education Bureau, the Finance Bureau, the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, the Taxation Bureau, private primary and secondary schools (1 recommended each), students' parents (3 recommended by each school) and representatives of the masses. Representatives of the masses can register online or by phone (6 randomly selected). Registration website: E-mail: [email protected].

3. Registration conditions for participants of mass representatives

1. Have full capacity for civil conduct and be enthusiastic about the development of public welfare undertakings;

2. Be able to state opinions normally and attend meetings on time;

3. Consent to the disclosure of necessary personal information.

Fourth, the registration time and personal basic information of the mass representatives

Registration time: from the date of announcement to before 12 noon on April 12, 2024.

Registration requirements: name, ID card, work unit, contact information, home address.

The announcement is hereby made

Contact: Lei Kang, Price Management Unit, Development and Reform Bureau

Contact number: 0913-3396009

Attachment: Hearing plan for the formulation of tuition standards for private primary and secondary schools in Dali County.

Dali County Development and Reform Bureau

April 9, 2024

Dali丨Announcement of charging standards
Dali丨Announcement of charging standards
Dali丨Announcement of charging standards

Source: Dali Government Network Dali County Development and Reform Bureau

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