
Donghua Town: "Villagers" solves the problem of rural governance

author:Huating release

"Everyone is a neighbor, and you can't look up and see you down. Let's dissipate our anger first, sit down and talk about it well, and then we can solve the matter well!" Recently, in Wangxiakou Village, Donghua Town, Huating City, two villagers had a quarrel over "a gossip". Under the mediation of Wu Renbao, secretary of the party branch of the "peacemaker", the two sides gradually stabilized their emotions and finally shook hands and made peace.

This is a scene of the party organization secretary of Donghua Town "fixed visit day" to resolve the contradictions and disputes of the villagers.

Grassroots governance is the cornerstone of national governance. In recent years, Donghua Town has focused on the blocking points and difficulties of grassroots governance and the people's anxieties, explored a new path for party building to lead rural governance, and took "villagers and common prosperity" as the entry point, through creating a "discussion" position, smoothing the "internal circulation" of rural governance, activating the "capable person" effect, injecting "new impetus" into rural governance, cultivating the "co-governance" brand, and leading the "new fashion" of rural governance, forming a new situation of rural governance with depth of party building, warmth of governance, and improvement of efficiency. It has painted a beautiful picture of people and scenery and good governance in the countryside.

Donghua Town: "Villagers" solves the problem of rural governance

Build a good service position, so that the masses "have a place to say and a place to do things"

"Xiao Wu, what information do you need to apply for the old age subsidy?"

"Auntie, you need a copy of your ID card and social security card, in duplicate, and two one-inch photos. ”

At the beginning of this year, Zhang Yumei, a villager from Xiafan Society in Wangxiakou Village, called Wu Renbao, the party secretary, to ask how to apply for the old age allowance. According to the list of small and micro powers, the secretary of Xiao Wu immediately activated the love agency procedure and informed the elderly of the required information.

"You are not in good health, you don't run back and forth anymore, you prepare your ID card, social security card, and photos, I will go to your house to pick it up in the afternoon, and I will do the rest, and you will be comfortable at home." Xiao Wu said.

The Party and Mass Service Center helps the masses to do things and "help them to the end". Donghua Town has made a fuss in strengthening grassroots governance and serving the masses, and has made great efforts to build the Party and Mass Service Center into a comprehensive service platform and "discussion center" that gathers people's hearts, solves people's worries, resolves contradictions, and connects the ends, so that the masses can "have a place to say and things to discuss".

"We can enjoy intimate and warm convenient services at our doorstep." Yang Bolin, a villager from Wangxiakou Village, said, "The Party and Mass Service Center is a bridge between the Party and the masses, where you can read books and newspapers, understand policies, and receive training." ”

Walking into the Wangxiakou Village Party and Mass Service Center, the center has all kinds of functional facilities, including government services, party and mass activities, comprehensive management, consultation and deliberation, culture, sports and health care, etc. Wu Renbao introduced, "Since the Party and Mass Service Center was put into use, the Party branch has played an active role in holding activities to facilitate the people and benefit the people from time to time, providing the masses with services such as publicity and consultation, free medical consultation, and popular science planting and breeding knowledge." In addition, the timely organization of the masses to participate in skills training, guide the masses to break stereotypes and bad habits, neighborhood harmony, pay attention to family style, not only let the masses enjoy the 'doorstep', 'zero distance' and 'refined' services, but also gradually formed a new type of neighborhood relationship led by party building, with morality as neighbors, mutual trust and mutual assistance. ”

Donghua Town: "Villagers" solves the problem of rural governance

Township capable people mediate so that the masses "have a place to go and someone to manage difficult things"

Conflicts and disputes in the village are usually not a big deal, but if they are not properly handled in a timely manner, not to mention hurting the feelings of neighbors, they may lead to more serious problems. How to resolve these contradictions and disputes at the grassroots level and quickly and effectively untie the "knots" in the hearts of the masses? Donghua Town has explored a new path.

Give full play to the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era of "township sage + mediation", pay attention to the "lead" of capable people, implement the selection and breeding plan, dig out outstanding reserve cadres at the village level in multiple directions, channels and levels, and focus on cultivating party members and cadres who are responsible, responsible, capable and potential, and set up mediation committees in each village (community) to form a work system of "organized work, backbone of the team, and village sages".

"Parents don't have to worry about their shortcomings, they come to the villagers if they have something. He is not a 'clean official', but he has broken the difficult neighborhood affairs, convinced people with law, reasoned with people, and moved people with feelings. In Yuguang Village, Donghua Town, when people talk about the old party member Bi Guifu, they will give a thumbs up and praise it. Since the establishment of a mediation committee in the village, Bi Guifu, the retired old branch secretary, recommended himself to become a mediator in the village.

At the Yuguang Village Committee, the two villagers were smiling and shaking hands. This is a dispute just mediated: villager Zhao Xu borrowed Cai Xiping's three-wheeled motorcycle to pull soil, but due to Zhao Xu's technical problems, Cai Xiping's motorcycle overturned and broken, and when it was returned, Cai Xiping asked Zhao Xu to compensate, Zhao Xu was unwilling, thinking that the car was not serious, and he was unwilling to compensate, and the two quarreled. Under the persuasion of the staff of the village committee and mediator Bi Guifu, the dispute was resolved in a timely and efficient manner. Zhao Xu agreed to pay Cai Xiping's family 500 yuan for car repairs, and the two said: "Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, and they will get along with each other in the future!"

Now, the old branch secretary Bi Guifu interprets the original intention of serving the people with loyal actions and responsibilities on his new battlefield.

"Xiangxian mediators do not have an 'official title', but they give full play to their own experience, persuasiveness, influence and the advantages of 'familiarity, face and place' in the village, and the way of mediating disputes is more flexible and diverse, which nipped the contradictions in the bud and resolved them at the grassroots level, and effectively promoted the comprehensive management of the grassroots to a new level. Liu Ying, director of the Party Construction Office of Donghua Town, said.

At the same time, Donghua Town relies on village-level WeChat groups, netizen message boards and other platforms to give full play to the role of grassroots policy propagandists, conflict and dispute mediators, and villager affairs agents, and build a five-step closed-loop disposal mechanism of "public opinion collection, analysis and judgment, problem disposal, tracking and feedback, summary and improvement" and a "red, yellow and blue" three-level early warning and supervision model, so that the "bitter water" of the masses has a place to pour, opinions are listened to, and difficult things are managed.

Rule by virtue and educate the heart, let the masses give birth to "gold" with virtue and "things" with goodness

Walking into Donghua Town, Huating City, clean and tidy villages, scattered courtyards, vibrant fields, and thriving industries all come into view, presenting a beautiful picture of beautiful scenery.

All this starts with the implementation of the civilized points management system in Donghua Town.

"This time I got 20 points that I could redeem for a pack of laundry detergent and a toothbrush. Although there are not many things, they have great educational and guiding significance. At the redemption site of the points supermarket in Pangmo Village, Donghua Town, villager Bi Ling said happily.

Points are added and subtracted, and rewards and punishments are clear. Environmental sanitation "excellent" can be scored, littering and dumping garbage will be deducted points...... Since the implementation of the civilized points management system in the village, the village has exchanged points for daily necessities. At the beginning, in the face of new things, Bi Ling, like many villagers, only muttered in her heart: "There will be rewards for good deeds, is it true?" What Bi Ling didn't expect was that she accumulated 2 points for cleaning the streets in the village at a time, and 4 points for helping the elderly living alone in the village cook a meal, and after a month, she actually accumulated 18 points and exchanged for a piece of soap and a box of toothpaste.

"This form is very good, do a good job, do a good thing, the points accumulated every month can be exchanged for a lot of daily necessities, not only save money, but also let me gain a full sense of value. Nowadays, the village is being governed day by day, the neighbors are becoming more and more harmonious, and everyone's happy life is also blooming. Bi Ling said proudly.

"In order to comprehensively promote the construction of Hemei countryside and enhance the ability of rural governance, Donghua Town is based on reality, innovates work ideas, relies on the 'Jiamei points supermarket', implements the civilized points management system, and focuses on the normalization of loving the party and the country, abiding by the law, respecting the old and loving the young, good daughter-in-law, good in-laws and the most beautiful family motto, beautiful courtyard evaluation, etc., to stimulate the enthusiasm of villagers to participate in rural governance, so that villagers can change from 'spectators' to 'masters', and promote grassroots governance from 'pushing and doing' to 'comparing and doing'. Strive to do the 'transformation', realize the exchange of points for actions, habits for points, and new wind for habits, and transform this new wind into a powerful driving force for rural revitalization. Meng Huiming, Secretary of the Party Committee of Donghua Town, said.

"Integrating the rule of ethics into rural governance and playing a leading role in morality can provide emotional support and social recognition for the rule of ethics and the rule of law, so that rural governance can achieve twice the result with half the effort. Meng Huiming said, "With virtue to produce 'gold', with good and easy 'things', so that good fashion has been widely disseminated, the masses of self-management, self-education, self-service awareness is increasingly enhanced, and the level of rural moral governance has been significantly improved." ( Ma Yingying, Qin Haiyan)

Donghua Town: "Villagers" solves the problem of rural governance

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