
There is no need to sympathize with the cat abuse student, and the rejection of the retest is not because of cat abuse, but because the grades themselves are not qualified



The cat abuse student was brushed again, and he was not among the graduate students twice, such a regret is very profound for any student, but the comments of some netizens are full of happiness and worth pondering.

The failure of the transfer means that his chances of studying in graduate school in the future are becoming more and more slim. More and more these three words are a process and a result.

The two schools he participated in before were both relatively well-known schools, and the choice of the same student by the two schools is not only the student's proof of his or her grades, but also the basis for the school's judgment.

There is no need to sympathize with the cat abuse student, and the rejection of the retest is not because of cat abuse, but because the grades themselves are not qualified

(The pictures in this article are all from the Internet)

However, after all, he is in graduate school, and he always has another opportunity to adjust, and next time, maybe this student can get a new start. After all, choosing and not choosing, each accounting for 50 percent, the possibility is either/or, there is a lot of hope, and there is also a lot of disappointment.

Is it a pity that a student who once had the first grade missed the opportunity to graduate school twice?

Most people who go to graduate school do so in order to gild their academic qualifications, some do not want to find a job for the time being, and some like their study career, so they choose to continue to live on campus.

There is no need to sympathize with the cat abuse student, and the rejection of the retest is not because of cat abuse, but because the grades themselves are not qualified

Although for this cat-abusing student, the transfer of admission is a possibility to be able to go to graduate school, but the adjustment itself is a two-way choice, which is not only the student choosing the school, but also the school choosing the student. Well, the school chose not to choose, and there is no fault for it.

The pity of netizens is nothing more than from the perspective of a student, for the school, screening a student is nothing more than to find a more suitable student. He got the first grade in the previous time, but he was not admitted, and the next time he didn't pass the re-examination process, note that it is not because of his cat abuse that it affected the school choice, but that his grades are not qualified!

It is precisely because of this that this student has not even entered the stage of ideological and political assessment! Therefore, there is really no need to sympathize with this abusive student.

There is no need to sympathize with the cat abuse student, and the rejection of the retest is not because of cat abuse, but because the grades themselves are not qualified

I think of the story of my own exams, sometimes I play extraordinary, and the results are very good, but this does not mean that I am usually a person with good grades, so the occasional first place does not make me proud, only I know how many pounds and taels I have, and outsiders will always rely on your results to see your level.

Just like if I take a failed test paper and ask my parents to sign it, my parents will say that you have poor grades, and if I show them a test paper with good grades, I will inevitably become the object of my parents' bragging. Achievement is a display of achievements, not the inclusion of personal talent, of course, it is not a comprehensive denial of a person.

There is no need to sympathize with the cat abuse student, and the rejection of the retest is not because of cat abuse, but because the grades themselves are not qualified

The previous school's refusal to admit students had nothing to do with the grades of students who abused cats, but the latter time, it had nothing to do with ideology and morality, and the different reasons for the two times were also fair and open, so why should we worry that a good student would be treated unequally?

If you think he is in a special situation, you have to think about why this student's situation is special, is it because he is famous, or because of his past actions that made him famous?

Regarding the fact that he once abused a cat, when a reporter interviewed the student, he said a thought-provoking sentence. He actually said that he didn't understand online public opinion, but in response to the reporter's request for him, he said that if he said a lot, it might cause an uproar on the Internet.

There is no need to sympathize with the cat abuse student, and the rejection of the retest is not because of cat abuse, but because the grades themselves are not qualified

If he really doesn't understand, he won't know the effect of his words, so it's not that he doesn't understand the reasons for the formation of public opinion, but why netizens are so unwilling to let him go, pester him, and suppress him because of a cat.

His values, revealed in his words, his grades are proof that he has good grades, but his screening is also proof of whether he is suitable, it can only be said that in the choice of graduate students, what can the school be wrong?