
The single dad sports car did not return late at night, and the two children were starving, only I used to think he was pitiful



Seeing the story of a single father, many people were moved, this father is not easy, this is a fact, but for me, only I used to think he was pitiful.

What is there for a person who is struggling for life? Even if he is under a bit of financial pressure, even if he doesn't notice that he is hungry for two children, the reason why some people look at this matter with pity is simply because their perspectives are different.

If you stand on the same level and at the same height as him, you will admire his efforts and the courage of his two children. Although he is a single father who takes care of his children on his own, he educates his children very well and lets them know who to find to help when they encounter difficulties.

The single dad sports car did not return late at night, and the two children were starving, only I used to think he was pitiful

(The pictures in this article are all from the Internet)

This kind of education is correct and makes people see the direction, after all, if the child is not educated well, parents may have more headaches. And a phone call from a child solves the problem, which is the goal of education.

This story of the father and the child reminds me of another story not long ago, the boy in that story, which makes people a little stunned, because after his mother fainted, he only symbolically went out, and after finding no one, he didn't care about the family who fainted on the ground, but chose to continue to sit in front of the TV and watch TV.

How can a single father be so sensible when a child is the same age? Is this a genetic problem or an education problem?

The single dad sports car did not return late at night, and the two children were starving, only I used to think he was pitiful

Compared with sympathy and pity for the single father this time, I feel that the mother in that story is more pitiful, because the character of a child is not developed in a day, if you want to say that it is because the child is too young to find a way, but the child of a single father here, just because he is hungry, can find a solution, why is his mother over there falling, but he is so calm?

Is it calm or indifferent? The child may not be able to deal with emergencies, this situation exists, but not knowing how to deal with it does not mean that he should be so indifferent. Apathy is an emotional expression, but can you say that the child doesn't care about his mother?

Children may not know life and death, but children's attachment to their parents almost comes from instinct, so is it the parent's education that has a problem?

The single dad sports car did not return late at night, and the two children were starving, only I used to think he was pitiful

Although the child's mother was stabbed in the back in that incident, she knew that her son's actions might be sad after waking up and recovering, but education is supposed to teach children the right values, whether parents are wrong or not, and the child's reaction needs to be received by parents.

This time, a single father with two children, his usual life must be very hard, not to mention that his job is still running online car-hailing, and he has to leave if he has an order, and he may even ignore the child's diet, not to mention taking good care of himself, and arranging all three meals a day.

The single dad sports car did not return late at night, and the two children were starving, only I used to think he was pitiful

But such a father, such a busy father who is busy making a living, still educates his children so well, so don't always shirk being too busy and have no time, for parents, children are what you should care more about, because parents are the first teachers of children!

And this single father his hard work, will also give a better reward in the future, I believe that since he can educate his children so well, these children will also be very good, when they grow up, will the children not be considerate of their father, give back to their father?