
Theoretical Vision丨Promote the integration and innovation of industry, university and research

author:Hebei News Network

To grasp innovation is to grasp development, and to seek innovation is to seek the future. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the symposium on promoting the rise of the central region in the new era: "Strengthen the main position of enterprise innovation, build an innovation consortium with close cooperation between upstream and downstream, promote the integration and innovation of industry, university and research, and accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productivity." "Industry-university-research integration and innovation refers to the integration and collaboration of functions and resources through various forms based on the comparative advantages of enterprises, universities, scientific research institutes and other innovation subjects, so as to realize the deep docking and coupling of the upstream, middle and downstream of technological innovation. Promoting the integration and innovation of production, education and research, and improving the conversion rate and industrialization level of scientific and technological achievements are important measures to accelerate the construction of innovative Hebei and cultivate and develop new quality productive forces.

Build an innovation community with the "three-chain integration" of education chain, industrial chain and innovation chain

The efficiency and effect of industry-university-research integration innovation not only depend on the innovation ability of the participants, but also on the collaborative innovation ability and the staying power of the participants. From a practical point of view, some enterprises, universities and research institutes still have some problems in the integration and innovation, such as the lack of synchronization of cooperation thinking, the lack of long-lasting cooperation momentum, and the reduction of cooperation efficiency. To solve these problems, it is necessary to build an innovation community with the "three-chain integration" of education chain, industrial chain and innovation chain.

Strengthen the "three-chain integration" talent guarantee. Give full play to the advantages of the party's talent management system, formulate linkage solutions for multiple departments, and "build nests and attract phoenixes" in the fields of electronic information, cutting-edge new materials, aerospace information, advanced computing power and satellite Internet, so as to provide a strong talent guarantee for the deep integration of education chain, industrial chain and innovation chain. Give full play to the "intermediary role" of colleges and universities in the "three-chain integration". Colleges and universities are not only the main front for talent training, but also the main source of innovation, and the hub for the convergence of various forces such as education, science and technology, talents, and innovation. It is necessary to guide colleges and universities in our province to actively serve the major national development strategies and the needs of our province's economic and social development, optimize the layout of disciplines and specialties around the industrial chain and innovation chain, take the road of integration of industry and education, science and education, explore the "order-based" training method of urgently needed industrial talents, and improve the fit and matching degree of our province's education chain, industrial chain and innovation chain.

Establish a "three-chain financing" driving mechanism. Enterprises, universities, and scientific research institutes should break boundaries, accurately identify their respective interests and common points, and explore the establishment of resource sharing mechanisms, benefit sharing mechanisms, and risk sharing mechanisms through various forms such as industry-education integration platforms, university science and technology parks, and school-enterprise cooperation in running schools. Governments at all levels should improve the policy incentive mechanism, and give targeted incentives to enterprises, universities and scientific research institutes that are at the forefront of innovation in terms of talent introduction, performance appraisal, professional title evaluation, financial subsidies, industrial policies, tax incentives, etc., so as to effectively stimulate the internal driving force of industry-university-research integration and innovation.

Build a multi-level industry-university-research integration and innovation platform carrier

Industry-university-research integration and innovation involves multi-dimensional and complex systems such as industrial system, education system, science and technology system, intermediary service system, etc., each system is a relatively independent interest subject, with obvious "cross-border" attributes, which can easily lead to problems such as asymmetry of supply and demand information, unsmooth financing channels, and high cost of financing and innovation. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a multi-level industry-university-research integration and innovation platform carrier.

Establish an enterprise-led industrial common technology research alliance. In 2023, our province will add more than 1,500 state-level high-tech enterprises, 62 national-level specialized, special and new "little giant" enterprises, and 26 enterprises will be listed among the top 500 private enterprises in R&D investment in the country, adding new impetus to Hebei's high-quality development. It is necessary to further strengthen the main position of enterprise innovation, led by leading enterprises and chain master enterprises, adopt the operation mode of "company + common technology alliance", focus on the "stuck neck" technology, key core component manufacturing, new product research and development pilot test and other clear industrial common difficulties, blocking points and pain points, attract domestic and foreign R&D teams, management teams, science and technology innovation platforms, scientific research institutes and upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain to "join the alliance to tackle key problems", form an industrial common technological innovation highland, and provide a high-level platform carrier for industry-university-research integration and innovation.

Establish a government-led regional industrial cluster innovation alliance. With 9 key supported industrial clusters such as Shijiazhuang Biomedical Industry Cluster and Tangshan High-end Equipment Manufacturing Industry Cluster, as well as 8 key cultivated industrial clusters such as Xiong'an New Area Software and Information Service Industry Cluster and Baoding Modern Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry Cluster, regional industrial cluster innovation alliances will be established in Xiong'an New Area and Shijiazhuang, Tangshan, Baoding and other places respectively, and universities, scientific research institutes, key laboratories, technology innovation centers, engineering research centers, Intermediary organizations gather in the alliance, strengthen multi-subject cooperation, carry out industrial technology training lectures, industry science and technology consulting, scientific and technological achievements transformation and promotion and other activities, and realize the integration and innovation of government, industry, academia, research and application in the region.

Build a high-standard science and technology market. Support all localities to build a large science and technology market, improve the ability and service level of scientific and technological innovation, optimize the integration of scientific and technological resources, build a higher standard of "Hebei science and technology market", and improve the ability and energy level of Hebei Province to allocate innovation resources in a market-oriented manner. It is necessary not only to guide enterprises, universities, scientific research institutes and existing high-end platforms such as national key laboratories, academician workstations, and industrial research institutes in our province to enter the market, but also to attract high-quality resources such as universities with strong transformation capabilities of scientific and technological achievements in surrounding provinces and cities, science and technology intermediaries with strong technology transfer service capabilities, and intellectual property service teams with high industry recognition to settle in the market, so as to provide a high-standard, comprehensive and one-stop platform carrier for the integration and innovation of industry-university-research in our province.

Build a good ecology of industry-university-research integration and innovation

A good innovation ecosystem can effectively reduce the risks and uncertainties of integrated innovation, reduce the opportunity cost of integrated innovation, and stimulate and protect the innovation potential of innovative subjects. To promote the integration and innovation of industry, education and research, we must work hard in the following aspects.

Build an industrial ecology that integrates and innovates large and medium-sized enterprises. Large enterprises play a strategic engine role in tackling key core technologies and major scientific and technological tasks, and small and medium-sized enterprises have the unique advantage of full of innovation and vitality. It is necessary to encourage large-scale group enterprises and leading enterprises to set up a "double creation" platform, build a specialized industrial maker space, provide small and medium-sized enterprises with full life cycle services from product incubation to business incubation, and then to industrial incubation, and create an industrial ecology of large and medium-sized enterprises integrating innovation, capacity sharing, and supply chain interconnection.

Build a policy ecosystem that promotes integration and innovation. Establish and improve the multi-departmental collaborative management mechanism, strengthen the linkage of science and technology, finance, human resources and social security, natural resources and other departments, and formulate guiding opinions, implementation plans, action plans and supporting policies to promote the integration and innovation of industry, university and research in our province. Benchmarking against advanced regions such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen, Hebei Province has established the "Guidelines for Industry-University-Research Financing and Innovation Intermediary Service Standards", clarifying the standards and negative lists of intermediary matters and services such as industrial and commercial registration, intellectual property protection, financial consulting, patent transformation, and market expansion, so as to create a first-class policy ecology for promoting financial innovation.

Do a good job in science and technology finance. Set up a special fund for industry-university-research integration and innovation and a risk compensation fund to provide policy incentives to university teachers and researchers from scientific research institutes engaged in innovation and entrepreneurship. Cultivate a team of managers who understand science and technology, market, finance and law for the transformation of scientific and technological innovation achievements, and improve the level and ability of scientific and technological services in Hebei Province. Support financial institutions to innovate and carry out listing cultivation loans, "little giant" credit loans, supply chain finance, etc. Accelerate the promotion of science and technology insurance services, encourage insurance institutions to improve the science and technology insurance product system, create science and technology insurance franchise institutions, research and development of insurance products and service models suitable for the province's industry-university-research integration and innovation needs, and constantly enrich the variety of insurance business, and increase the intensity of science and technology insurance services. (Yan Dongbin)

(The author is a professor at Hebei University of Finance)

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