
The artillery roared for 48 hours, and the PLA showed its sword in the South China Sea, fearing that China would flip the table, and the Philippines would take the initiative to succumb


Artillery roared, and the smoke of war filled the sky over the South China Sea. Recently, the sky and sea surface of the South China Sea suddenly became lively, not only because of a statement from the Philippines, but also because of the People's Liberation Army's South China Sea exercises. This article will take you to find out, how did the PLA's drills make the Philippines "take the initiative to soften", and what kind of strategic intentions are hidden behind it?

The artillery roared for 48 hours, and the PLA showed its sword in the South China Sea, fearing that China would flip the table, and the Philippines would take the initiative to succumb

Speaking of the ancient waters of the South China Sea, the recent storms have been more violent than before. Not long ago, the Philippine Department of National Defense actually released a rumor that it was going to conduct a large-scale joint naval exercise in its self-proclaimed "exclusive economic zone," which caused panic among the people. As soon as this happened, it was not only the Philippines' own actions, but also the old brothers of the United States, Japan and Australia. They took the outcome of the 2016 South China Sea arbitration as a treasure, and said that this was the rule of iron.

These four countries joined forces, each sent warships, and even had "anti-submarine warfare training" that Japan specifically emphasized. This posture is like an attempt to go head-to-head with China in an attempt to force China to accept the outcome of the so-called South China Sea arbitration. But this matter, no matter how you look at it, something is a little wrong, because everyone knows that the treasure land of the South China Sea is a matter of people's doorstep for China.

The artillery roared for 48 hours, and the PLA showed its sword in the South China Sea, fearing that China would flip the table, and the Philippines would take the initiative to succumb

The Chinese People's Liberation Army saw it in its eyes and was anxious in its heart. Just when the outside world was speculating about how the situation would develop, the PLA Southern Theater suddenly took action. They quietly launched a 48-hour military exercise over and on the surface of the South China Sea. The exercise included joint patrols and vigilance by naval and air forces, joint naval and air assaults, and combat-ready patrols by warship formations.

While the planes roaring and warships cruising in the PLA's southern theater of operations, the Philippines also seemed to feel an unusual atmosphere. Their attitude suddenly made a 180-degree turn, as if they had a premonition, and began to show a certain posture of "softness" to China. All these changes occurred in just a few days after the PLA's South China Sea exercises.

The artillery roared for 48 hours, and the PLA showed its sword in the South China Sea, fearing that China would flip the table, and the Philippines would take the initiative to succumb

The South China Sea, like a shining pearl, has always been the target of public criticism. Its location is so desperate that it is not only the southern gate of China, but also the golden waterway connecting the western Pacific and the Indian Ocean. To put it bluntly, whoever controls the South China Sea will be able to affect the lifeline of maritime trade between China, Japan, South Korea and other countries. There's also an abundance of oil and gas here, and who wouldn't want to take it for themselves?

As the big brother in the world, the United States naturally does not want to see China in its own backyard. The United States has always liked to play the role of police in various parts of the world, and the South China Sea has naturally become the focus of their attention. Their logic is very simple, even if it is not their own vegetable garden, they have to stick a few sticks in order to stir up the situation at any time. And the Philippines, as an old ally of the United States, naturally follows its pace on the South China Sea issue.

The artillery roared for 48 hours, and the PLA showed its sword in the South China Sea, fearing that China would flip the table, and the Philippines would take the initiative to succumb

For a moment, the situation in the South China Sea was like a fast-forward button, and everything was speeding up. The fact that the US-led coalition forces are openly conducting exercises at China's gates is undoubtedly a clear statement of war against China's sovereignty and security interests. As a great power, how can China be humiliated on its own turf?

The PLA's exercise is not only a warning to the Philippines, but also a clear signal to all countries outside the region that the South China Sea is not a place where they can be arrogant at will. The 48-hour military exercise was like a well-choreographed repertoire, demonstrating the strength of the Chinese military and China's firm determination to safeguard its territorial integrity and maritime rights and interests.

The artillery roared for 48 hours, and the PLA showed its sword in the South China Sea, fearing that China would flip the table, and the Philippines would take the initiative to succumb

The Philippines' emergency "relenting" may be a recognition of the PLA's strength, but it also reflects its fear of the consequences of China's tough response. In the big game of international politics, the Philippines obviously does not want to be the pawn that is sacrificed.

At a deeper level, this exercise is not just a military operation. Behind it is China's growing national strength and ability to respond to external challenges. In this way, China has once again demonstrated to the world its determination to defend its national interests. At the same time, it is also a clear signal to the international community that China's position on the South China Sea issue is firm and unshakable.

The artillery roared for 48 hours, and the PLA showed its sword in the South China Sea, fearing that China would flip the table, and the Philippines would take the initiative to succumb

On the chessboard of international relations, strength is always the most persuasive language. China's military exercises are undoubtedly the most direct way to show all countries concerned about the South China Sea that China has enough strength to protect its interests. Whether it is the Philippines or other countries outside the region, this should be clearly recognized.

The change in attitude in the Philippines may be just a small episode in this game. But the deeper meaning it reflects is worth watching. In this arena of great power wrestling, small countries must learn to find a balance between powerful countries if they want to protect their interests. For the Philippines, how to navigate between China and the United States is a question that it needs to ponder in the future.

The artillery roared for 48 hours, and the PLA showed its sword in the South China Sea, fearing that China would flip the table, and the Philippines would take the initiative to succumb

Although the waves in the South China Sea have subsided for the time being, the disputes and complexities in the region are far from over. China's military exercises and the abrupt shift in the Philippines are just one part of a long-term game. The eyes of the world are still firmly fixed on this sea area where many interests are entangled, and it remains to be seen how it will evolve in the future.

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