
In state-owned enterprises such as electric power and tobacco, nepotism is very serious!

author:Yi Ding Hui said

A primary school student's wish: Inherit his father's career and become the president! Because his grandfather is the president, his mother is the vice president, and his father is also the president!

In state-owned enterprises such as electric power and tobacco, nepotism is very serious!

CCTV commented: Three generations of tobacco, son-in-law and two bank presidents! It really verifies the ridicule of "work hard, pass it on from generation to generation, and inherit the mantle in the future"! This also directly confirms the phenomenon of "nepotism and inbreeding" in some state-owned enterprises and party and government units!

In state-owned enterprises such as electric power and tobacco, nepotism is very serious!

Although the state system of "recusal from office" has been implemented for more than 20 years, it is still a self-evident "secret" in the private operation of many state-owned enterprises! My college classmate's father is in the power supply bureau, and he also went to the power supply bureau after graduation, saying that it is the priority choice for the children of workers!

In state-owned enterprises such as electric power and tobacco, nepotism is very serious!

Some people say that as long as the whole people enter the public service, they will have to take the examination! But after the examination, it depends on the internal decision! There is nothing to refute the priority choice of workers, but it is said that under the same conditions, the children of employees are given priority, and it is easier to apply through the Internet! The unit will count whether the children of workers have applied for the national grid every year! Perhaps the state will come up with corresponding policies in the future!

In state-owned enterprises such as electric power and tobacco, nepotism is very serious!

Some recruits "tailor-made radish pits" on the basis of their relatives' personal resumes! Some even engage in "resource exchange"! Powerful people in the two departments exchange conditions with each other to help each other work smoothly!

There is a man in his thirties in my friend's unit, and I heard that his father does what he wants. The position of deputy general manager has been specially established. Only his son meets all aspects! The main thing is that now this kind of job technology has been formed, and normal people can do it, and there is no need for a high degree of education, which is really incomprehensible!

In state-owned enterprises such as electric power and tobacco, nepotism is very serious!

If you think it's unfair, report it! But who will check after the report? Is the person who checks the person also your own person, and can anyone have any restraint on the person who investigates the person? The family has the final say, and this problem is unsolvable!

In state-owned enterprises such as electric power and tobacco, nepotism is very serious!

Many times they know what the corresponding major of the unit is, they can share resources, and they can break the information gap, while many people can only make a simple estimate by the name of the major when applying for the major.

In state-owned enterprises such as electric power and tobacco, nepotism is very serious!

My husband's classmates were in school, not undergraduates, and after graduation, because my mother was a tobacco leader, they went directly to work in tobacco! Fortunately, there are many people who are stammering, and they can easily become small leaders! The state should have grasped the blow a long time ago, and it cannot watch them fight for the tiger for so many years! Only by not blocking the upward channel of the civilians can the country go further...

A friend spent more than 2 months to take the state-owned enterprise exam, a total of three rounds of interviews, the written test was stable, the interview was passed, the third round was to hand in the information to join, was told that it was full, and I heard that the person who parachuted down replaced him, and there was no chance for ordinary families to be born!

In state-owned enterprises such as electric power and tobacco, nepotism is very serious!

The institutional units represented by state-owned enterprises should set an example and exemplary role for the society, truly achieve fairness and justice, give the people more opportunities, and give ordinary people more opportunities!