
Public officials beat hotel owners: The deputy mayor is only at the same level as me, what level are you, the police responded

author:Free and easy sky Atn

On the night of Feb. 15, Zhang from the Xiangyang Municipal Audit Bureau and his friend opened a room in a hotel called "Military Home" to play cards for recreation. However, their elegance seemed to be disturbed by the environment, so Zhang asked to check out. The hotel owner didn't want to make a big deal out of it, so he pushed the boat down the river and returned the deposit to Zhang.

Public officials beat hotel owners: The deputy mayor is only at the same level as me, what level are you, the police responded

The matter was supposed to end there, and the boss turned around to serve other guests, but Zhang came back, insisting that he had not received a refund, and urged the boss to return the money quickly so that he could leave early. Seeing this, the boss thought that it would be better for such vexatious people to cause less trouble, so he continued to busy his work.

Public officials beat hotel owners: The deputy mayor is only at the same level as me, what level are you, the police responded

At this moment, another person, Chang Mou, who is the section chief of the Taxation Bureau of Fuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Fujian Province, suddenly gave the boss two kicks from behind. The dispute escalated instantly, and the boss naturally did not want to suffer, and the two immediately had a physical altercation. Chang was emotional, beat the hotel owner, hurt people, and insulted the boss with extremely vulgar language. also sweared: What level are you, the deputy mayor of Zaoyang City is only at the same level as me.

Public officials beat hotel owners: The deputy mayor is only at the same level as me, what level are you, the police responded

After the incident, the Zaoyang Municipal Public Security Bureau imposed an administrative punishment on Chang and reprimanded him on the spot. However, such a punishment decision does not seem to have made Chang restrain his behavior, but has made the hotel owner feel more pressure. The next day, he received a call from the fire department, which led him to think it was a typical act of retaliation.

Netizen comments

The section chief admonished on the spot that if the boss beats the section chief, shouldn't a public official be fired if he opens a house and gathers a crowd to gamble during working hours?

Public officials beat hotel owners: The deputy mayor is only at the same level as me, what level are you, the police responded

This is our public servant? It shows that these four public officials have enough power to mobilize four departments!

Public officials beat hotel owners: The deputy mayor is only at the same level as me, what level are you, the police responded

He claims to be a servant of the people, but in fact he stands on the opposite side of the people!

Public officials beat hotel owners: The deputy mayor is only at the same level as me, what level are you, the police responded

A public official who drinks alcohol has committed eight regulations, and he also beats others and gathers a crowd to make trouble, which should be added to the crime!

Public officials beat hotel owners: The deputy mayor is only at the same level as me, what level are you, the police responded

Can't such a person be dismissed from public office? This is how the resentment of the common people accumulates little by little.

Public officials beat hotel owners: The deputy mayor is only at the same level as me, what level are you, the police responded

Such a story cannot help but make people ponder deeply: When power and arrogance are intertwined, and when unreasonable troublemaking becomes a habit, what is wrong with our society? The behavior of Zhang and Chang is undoubtedly a serious infringement on public order and the rights and interests of others. As public officials, they are self-centered and ignore laws and regulations, which is undoubtedly a grave desecration of their duties.

What is even more worrying is that when the matter was exposed, they did not show due remorse and introspection, but tried to evade responsibility by various means. Such attitudes and behaviors not only damage the image of public officials, but also pose a serious challenge to public order and good customs.

We call on the relevant departments to strengthen the supervision and education of public officials, so that they can understand their responsibilities and missions, match their words with deeds, and set a positive example for the community. At the same time, we also hope that the general public can enhance their legal awareness, safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, and jointly create a harmonious, civilized and law-based social environment.

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