
The 800,000 dowry house was transferred to the uncle by the mother-in-law, and the daughter-in-law divorced: I am not your daughter, I am not used to you

author:Mature milk tea 3NW

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The 800,000 dowry house was transferred to the uncle by the mother-in-law, and the daughter-in-law divorced: I am not your daughter, I am not used to you

Our family of three lives in the county, an ordinary small city. His father, Zhang Guoqiang, worked as a plasterer at a construction site, and his mother, Zhao Shuzhen, worked in a small restaurant. Their income is not high, but they can barely support the basic living expenses of our family. In order to give me a better educational environment, they saved 800,000 yuan in the past few years, and finally bought a small two-room house as my wedding room when I graduated from high school.

"Xiaowen, this house will be used as a dowry room for you. My father smiled and said to me, "You have to study hard, get a good university, get a decent job, and live a stable life." "

"Yes, daughter," the mother nodded repeatedly, "you must cherish this opportunity." If we children from poor families have a dowry house like yours, it will pave the way for your future life. "

The 800,000 dowry house was transferred to the uncle by the mother-in-law, and the daughter-in-law divorced: I am not your daughter, I am not used to you

I nodded, my eyes moistened. I am a good child who is well-behaved and sensible, and I know the good intentions of my parents. I will definitely work hard to achieve their expectations of me and will never let them down.

After graduating from university, I got my wish to work for a foreign-owned company. Step by step, the blind date also began. Through the introduction of a distant cousin, I met Li Ming, who is from the city and works in a state-owned enterprise.

"Xiaowen, you have to seize this opportunity. My cousin took my hand and said, "Li Mingren is good, you are of the same age, and the conditions are quite matched." If you can accomplish this kind of work, you will have a certain guarantee for your future life. "

I took a careful look at Li Ming's photos and materials, and it was indeed not bad. So we met a few times, and we felt that we got along well, and we decided to get married. After I got married, I transferred the dowry house to my name.

The 800,000 dowry house was transferred to the uncle by the mother-in-law, and the daughter-in-law divorced: I am not your daughter, I am not used to you

Newlywed Yan'er, Li Ming and I can be said to be in love. We buy new furniture, buy electrical appliances, prepare a bride price, order wedding dresses, and have fun together.

"Xiaowen, we finally have our own nest. Li Ming said happily, "We will live here in the future, and we will add two little babies in the future, and our family will be happy." "

"Yes, we'll be happy forever. I happily agreed.

The 800,000 dowry house was transferred to the uncle by the mother-in-law, and the daughter-in-law divorced: I am not your daughter, I am not used to you

Li Ming's mother, who is my mother-in-law, is also very good to me. She often praised me in front of me for being virtuous and capable, and said that she would definitely be a good daughter-in-law in the future. I also serve my mother-in-law wholeheartedly, and I call her to say hello when I have something to do. At that time, I was convinced that this was what happiness looks like. As long as the husband and wife are loving and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are harmonious, life will naturally continue to be beautiful.

Three years after we got married, a sudden economic crisis caused Li Ming and I to lose our jobs at the same time. In order to lay off employees and reduce the burden, the company ruthlessly laid off me; And Li Ming's state-owned enterprise was also closed due to losses. All of a sudden, our family lost their financial resources and our lives were in dire straits.

Fortunately, with that dowry house, we sold the old house, and with some savings from our parents, we could barely sustain ourselves for a while. But the future is confused, and Li Ming and I are looking for jobs everywhere but repeatedly hit a wall.

It was during that time that my mother-in-law's attitude towards me began to change. She always counted me as unemployed at home, thinking that I had no financial means.

The 800,000 dowry house was transferred to the uncle by the mother-in-law, and the daughter-in-law divorced: I am not your daughter, I am not used to you

"Look at you, you have nothing to do at home all day, you know that you eat honestly! If it weren't for you young people, my son would still be working in a state-owned enterprise, and that would be an iron rice bowl!" My mother-in-law often said this to my face.

Although my heart was full of complaints, I was helpless. We are now completely dependent on the rent of the dowry house, and we are afraid that my mother-in-law will kick us out, so we can only endure it and try to please her.

Under questioning, Li Ming was unexpectedly arrogant: "Look at you, you don't do anything at home all day, and I go out for the sake of my family." If you can work and earn money like you used to, why should I go out and find other women?"

The 800,000 dowry house was transferred to the uncle by the mother-in-law, and the daughter-in-law divorced: I am not your daughter, I am not used to you

I was completely disappointed, my husband was saying this to me, what should I do? Tears welled up in my eyes, and I felt that this marriage had come to an end.

One day, my mother-in-law suddenly came to me and said that she wanted to give half of the house to her youngest son. I never expected that she would take away half of the wedding room that my parents carefully prepared for me!

"This won't work, mother-in-law!" I strongly objected, "This house is my parents' savings for many years, and it is a dowry house for me!"

"What's wrong with the bridal room? This house belongs to my son, and I have the right to do it!" The mother-in-law was straightforward, "Besides, you young people will always have their own homes in the future, and it is reasonable to give half of this house to my youngest son to live in, right?"

The 800,000 dowry house was transferred to the uncle by the mother-in-law, and the daughter-in-law divorced: I am not your daughter, I am not used to you

We had a big fight, and finally my mother-in-law left in a rage. I had tears in my eyes, I never thought this would happen.

When Li Ming came back in the evening, I aggrievedly told him about my mother-in-law's unreasonable demands, hoping that he would uphold justice for me. Unexpectedly, he actually stood on his mother-in-law's side!

"You don't want to think about it, it's reasonable to give half of my brother's house. Besides, this house is ours, so why are you alone?" Li Ming said loudly to me.

The 800,000 dowry house was transferred to the uncle by the mother-in-law, and the daughter-in-law divorced: I am not your daughter, I am not used to you

I was completely desperate, I didn't even support my husband, what should I do?

After several days of repeated weighing, I finally made up my mind to divorce Li Ming!

At this age, I've never thought about divorce. But now it seems that if I continue to maintain this marriage, I will only fall deeper and deeper and eventually lose myself.

I went to my parents and confided to them bitterly what had happened to me these days. The father was so angry that he stamped his feet, and the mother burst into tears. Although they were sad, they respected my decision and expressed no regrets.

The 800,000 dowry house was transferred to the uncle by the mother-in-law, and the daughter-in-law divorced: I am not your daughter, I am not used to you

"Daughter, that's our hard-earned money for a few years. The father said, "I didn't expect you to suffer such a sin after you got married." Don't worry, Dad won't let them take advantage of you in vain!"

I hugged my mother tightly and wept silently. The decision to divorce was painful for all of us, but I knew it was the only way out of it.

The divorce process was strongly obstructed by her mother-in-law and Li Ming, who tried every possible way to take the house for themselves. Fortunately, the law is fair and just, and after I provided sufficient evidence, the ownership of the dowry house was finally awarded to me. The other party returned in vain.

The 800,000 dowry house was transferred to the uncle by the mother-in-law, and the daughter-in-law divorced: I am not your daughter, I am not used to you

When I appeared in court, I said to my mother-in-law with a blank face: "Mother-in-law, I am not your daughter, so naturally I don't have to get used to you." This house is the hard work and hope of my parents for many years, how can it be shared with you?"

When the words fell, my heart was finally relieved. After years of grievances and pain, I finally got an explanation through this lawsuit. I felt free like never before, as if I had woken up from a dull dream.

After all this, I realized that I had been numb and resigned to my past. If I continue to be exploited and bullied like this, I will lose myself forever and become a vassal of others.

I started going back to work and earning money to support myself on my own. Although it was not easy at first, gradually I found my direction and focus in life. With an economic foundation, I have independent capital and will never let anyone exploit my rights and interests again.

The 800,000 dowry house was transferred to the uncle by the mother-in-law, and the daughter-in-law divorced: I am not your daughter, I am not used to you

"Xiaowen, you have finally grown. The mother said happily, "With your own career, you have true dignity and freedom." From now on, no one can hurt you. "

Yes, I'm not the weak and incompetent girl I used to be. I want to use my own hands to create a new life of my own.

When my life got back on track, I often thought about my parents' nurturing kindness. It is their selfless dedication that has made me who I am today. I started sending my parents a decent amount of money every month so that they could spend their old age in peace. Sometimes I will accompany them on trips to make up for their previous debts.

The 800,000 dowry house was transferred to the uncle by the mother-in-law, and the daughter-in-law divorced: I am not your daughter, I am not used to you

"Daughter, we are relieved to see that you are so good now. My mother shook my hand and said, "You are our greatest pride, as long as you are happy and healthy, we will have no regrets." "

Yes, I'm not the poor daughter-in-law who was bullied by my mother-in-law anymore. I want to use my strength to repay my parents for their nurturing kindness and live a happy and healthy life.

And just like that, I started a new life. Although I encountered all kinds of setbacks and tribulations in the middle, I was not defeated, but grew and transformed from it, and finally moved towards independence and freedom.

"Xiaowen, you are so promising now, if you marry a good family again, life will be even more prosperous. My mother used to jokingly say, "But don't be bullied again!"

The 800,000 dowry house was transferred to the uncle by the mother-in-law, and the daughter-in-law divorced: I am not your daughter, I am not used to you

I smiled and nodded, but I didn't have that in mind. The lesson from the last time was so profound that it was hard for me to trust others completely. Rather than being slaughtered in the future, it is better for a person to live freely.

Since then, I have lived alone in that bridal house. Although the days were a little lonely, at least they were not restrained and no one interfered. I can take care of the house exactly as I want and arrange my time.

Sometimes on weekends, I invite a few good friends to my house. Everyone drank a little wine and chatted about interesting things about work and life, and they were happy.

The 800,000 dowry house was transferred to the uncle by the mother-in-law, and the daughter-in-law divorced: I am not your daughter, I am not used to you

"Xiaowen, you are much happier now than when you married Li Ming. Friends say, "You can finally be yourself and live the life you want." "

I smiled and nodded, filled with joy when I was free. Yes, I am no longer the poor daughter-in-law who was bullied by my mother-in-law in the past, and I want to use my own strength to live a happy and healthy life.

One day, when I was cleaning up my room, I stumbled upon a love letter that Li Ming had given me. I held it and didn't close it for a long time, tears streaming down my eyes.

In that letter, he told me about his love and made a promise to "love you and cherish you forever". But what happened later? He reversed course and did something hurtful.

The 800,000 dowry house was transferred to the uncle by the mother-in-law, and the daughter-in-law divorced: I am not your daughter, I am not used to you

I sighed deeply and threw the letter in the trash. Yes, let it pass. I'm no longer the same person I used to be, but a new, independent and self-reliant woman. I have to learn to let go of everything in the past and start a new life.

Just then, my phone rang, and it was my father calling.

"Xiaowen, how are you doing lately?" He asked with concern.

"Very good, Dad, I'm free now. I replied with a smile, "The days will only get better and better." "

Since then, I've started a whole new life. Work during the day, exercise at night, and travel together on weekends. I want to experience the wonders of this world and realize my ideals and ambitions.

Although I sometimes feel lonely, I am not alone. Because I have close friends around me, and I have parents who support me without regrets. As long as they are there, I have the warmest harbor in the world.

yes, I'm not who I used to be. I was weak, but now I am strong; I used to be lost, but now I see the direction of life. I want to use my own hands and strength to create my own new world, to realize my parents' expectations, and to live the life I yearn for.

Let all the pain and tribulation go with the wind. My life has just begun!

The 800,000 dowry house was transferred to the uncle by the mother-in-law, and the daughter-in-law divorced: I am not your daughter, I am not used to you