
Huang Xiaoming is worthy of being a little plum in the mainland, and netizens said that Ye Ke looks like a baby, and the little sponge can accept it

author:Nine leaves

News breaking point: Huang Xiaoming's new relationship sparked heated discussions among netizens

Huang Xiaoming is worthy of being a little plum in the mainland, and netizens said that Ye Ke looks like a baby, and the little sponge can accept it

In the lively drama stage of the entertainment industry, the story never stops, and "love" is a mystery that is always elusive. Not long ago, we were still emotionally moved by Huang Xiaoming and baby's wedding of the century, but now, this beautiful love has long been a thing of the past, and Huang Xiaoming is nicknamed "Little Plum in the Mainland".

Huang Xiaoming is worthy of being a little plum in the mainland, and netizens said that Ye Ke looks like a baby, and the little sponge can accept it

Huang Xiaoming: "Little Plum in the Mainland" on the Love Stage

Huang Xiaoming is worthy of being a little plum in the mainland, and netizens said that Ye Ke looks like a baby, and the little sponge can accept it

Huang Xiaoming, a handsome Scorpio, was handsome and chic when he was young, especially his outstanding acting skills in "The Son of Heaven" made melon-eating netizens full of praise. But time is unforgiving, the years are merciless, although his waist gradually thickened, but his love for beautiful women has always been the same. Some netizens joked that Huang Xiaoming is like a "little plum in the mainland", but he is not so strict with his girlfriend's age requirements, at least not like a certain "little plum" who requires that he must be under 25 years old.

Huang Xiaoming is worthy of being a little plum in the mainland, and netizens said that Ye Ke looks like a baby, and the little sponge can accept it

Huang Xiaoming's new girlfriend Ye Ke naturally became the focus of attention of the media and netizens. They are frequently photographed on sweet dates, and they seem to have entered a period of stability. Huang Xiaoming even wore a sweatshirt printed with "K" in public, as if to announce to the world: "I am in a stable relationship now and very happy!" A person familiar with the matter broke the news that Huang Xiaoming had received a marriage certificate, which made more netizens curious about Ye Ke's identity.

Huang Xiaoming is worthy of being a little plum in the mainland, and netizens said that Ye Ke looks like a baby, and the little sponge can accept it

Ye Ke: Huang Xiaoming's new love or "baby" sequel?

Huang Xiaoming is worthy of being a little plum in the mainland, and netizens said that Ye Ke looks like a baby, and the little sponge can accept it

Ye Ke, the new heroine who appeared in the eyes of the melon-eating masses, is no longer the protagonist of the wedding of the century, but Huang Xiaoming's new girlfriend. Speculation has swirled about her identity and origin. Some netizens found that some angles of Ye Ke are somewhat similar to Huang Xiaoming's ex-wife baby, is this a coincidence or Huang Xiaoming's preference for his girlfriend? Some people speculate that perhaps it is to make Huang Xiaoming's child more accepting of the new stepmother, so Huang Xiaoming found a lover with a baby's shadow.

Huang Xiaoming is worthy of being a little plum in the mainland, and netizens said that Ye Ke looks like a baby, and the little sponge can accept it

Love is fickle, and the entertainment industry is unpredictable

Love is a game full of variables, and in the entertainment industry, this game is even more confusing. The end of one love means the beginning of another, and all of this will be magnified and questioned. Therefore, for the relationship between Huang Xiaoming and Ye Ke, netizens are naturally puzzled. Are they really getting their marriage certificates? The only thing we can do is wait, maybe sooner or later the truth will come out.

In the world of love, there are endless variables, but as long as the little sponge can grow healthily, that is the most important thing. As for the relationship between Huang Xiaoming and Ye Ke, what do you think? Welcome to leave a comment, let us witness this romantic legend in the entertainment industry together!

May your day be full of sunshine and warmth~

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