
The Chinese player scored 120 points in a single game and hit 33 three-point shots, but missed the CBA

author:Jelly Bean Event

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On the basketball court, a shining star is illuminating the entire Chinese basketball world with its extraordinary light. This is not only a victory in one game, but also a victory in challenging the Chinese basketball system. On an unanticipated night, Burenbatu made history that shocked the entire Chinese basketball world - the myth of scoring 120 points in a single game and shooting 33 from three-point range. This achievement is not only jaw-dropping, but also like a declaration, showing the world the hidden potential of Chinese basketball.

The Chinese player scored 120 points in a single game and hit 33 three-point shots, but missed the CBA

The story of Burenbatu is the perfect script for an inspirational drama. His basketball career started at Urumqi No. 101 Middle School, all the way through the Civil Aviation University of China, and played in the CUBA League, but finally stopped at the threshold of the CBA. In the 2021 draft, despite his excellent performance, Brenbatu was unfortunately not selected by any CBA club. This is a huge blow to any young person with basketball dreams. However, Burenbatu did not give up and turned his attention to the domestic wild ball league, hoping to continue to pursue his basketball dream here.

The Chinese player scored 120 points in a single game and hit 33 three-point shots, but missed the CBA

On the challenging path of basketball, the story of Brembatu did not end there. Switching to the Wild Ball League is not only a helpless choice for him, but also a new beginning, an opportunity to show himself and rekindle his dreams. Although the stage of the Wild Ball League is not as glamorous as the CBA, it provides a more egalitarian and free environment, giving Brin Batu the opportunity to return to basketball itself from a new perspective and in a more pure state.

The Chinese player scored 120 points in a single game and hit 33 three-point shots, but missed the CBA

For Brenbatu, every shot is not just about scoring, but also about self-affirmation and overcoming challenges. In the Wild Ball League, there are no flashing lights, no chanting spectators, just opponents and teammates who also have dreams. Here, Brenbatu rediscovered the original joy of basketball and the courage to challenge himself. His story tells us that even in the face of career setbacks, as long as the dream in our heart is not extinguished, there is always the possibility of rekindling hope.

The Chinese player scored 120 points in a single game and hit 33 three-point shots, but missed the CBA

The basketball league occupies a unique place in China's basketball ecosystem, as it is not only a gathering place for marginalized groups, but also a paradise for pure lovers of basketball. For Burenbatu, this is not only a stage to showcase talents, but also a place to learn and grow. Here, he met a variety of opponents and experienced a variety of basketball styles and techniques, which undoubtedly enriched his basketball career and made his skills more comprehensive.

Day and night in the Wild Ball League, Burenbatu continued to improve himself, and every improvement brought him a new self-understanding. He began to realize that basketball is not only a competitive sport, but also a manifestation of an attitude towards life. Through basketball, Brenbatu learned how to deal with failures and how to communicate and cooperate with his teammates, which made him more confident and resilient in life outside of basketball.

The Chinese player scored 120 points in a single game and hit 33 three-point shots, but missed the CBA

For Brenbatu, the Wild Ball League is not just a simple alternative, it is a stage for the continuation of his basketball dream. This experience taught him that success is not the only way out, and that true victory is to constantly challenge himself and pursue his dreams. His story illuminates a new path for young people who are also struggling on the road of basketball, proving that as long as you don't give up, it is possible to find your own basketball world.

The Chinese player scored 120 points in a single game and hit 33 three-point shots, but missed the CBA

The story of Burenbatu reflects the deep-seated problem of the phenomenon of "separation of sports and education" in the Chinese basketball system. Under such a system, the cultivation and selection of basketball talents are often limited, and many potential basketball talents are unable to enter the professional basketball team through formal channels to show their talents. As the president of the Basketball Association, Yao Ming launched the "Little Basketball Plan" to try to reform, but changing the entrenched system did not happen overnight. The success of Burenbatu is not only an affirmation of his unremitting efforts, but also exposes the urgency of the reform of China's basketball system.

The Chinese player scored 120 points in a single game and hit 33 three-point shots, but missed the CBA

In the world of sports, especially in the field of Chinese basketball, reform has always been accompanied by challenges and controversies. As the president of the Basketball Association, Yao Ming's "Little Basketball Project" is a brave attempt to start from the basics and inject new vitality into the future of Chinese basketball. However, no reform can be immediate, especially in the face of a long-established and entrenched system. This is profoundly reflected in the experience of Burenbatu.

The Chinese player scored 120 points in a single game and hit 33 three-point shots, but missed the CBA

The road to reform is always full of twists and turns, and although Yao Ming's "Little Basketball Plan" has clear goals, it will take more time and wider social support to completely change the status quo of Chinese basketball. The story of Burenbatu is like a mirror, reflecting the dilemmas and challenges faced by Chinese basketball in promoting the reform of the separation of sports and education. An excellent basketball genius is unable to show himself on the professional stage due to the limitations of the system, which is undoubtedly a question about the basketball talent training system.

The Chinese player scored 120 points in a single game and hit 33 three-point shots, but missed the CBA

Burenbatu's transformation is not an isolated case, but a true portrayal of many dreamers outside the Chinese basketball system. In an environment outside the system, they proved in their own way that the charm of basketball is not only limited to the glamour of the professional league, but also lies in everyone's love and pursuit of basketball. This phenomenon has given more inspiration to the reform of China's basketball system - it is necessary to provide more diversified development paths and display platforms for the majority of basketball lovers and talents.

The Chinese player scored 120 points in a single game and hit 33 three-point shots, but missed the CBA

Reform is not only a task of top-level design, but also requires the participation of all sectors of society. Brenbatu's choice to switch to the Wild Football League is another way to realize his dream under limited conditions. This choice not only won him more attention and support for himself, but also pointed out a possible path for basketball fans who are also on the fringes of the system. The future of Chinese basketball needs more such diversified development paths, so that every basketball teenager with dreams can find a stage that suits him.

The Chinese player scored 120 points in a single game and hit 33 three-point shots, but missed the CBA

Although Brenbatu's basketball path was full of ups and downs and uncertainties, he proved that talent and hard work can overcome everything. His story has given hope to countless young people struggling on the road to basketball. China has a huge base of 1.4 billion people, and there is no shortage of basketball talents. Burenbatu's breakthrough not only won glory for himself, but also lit a light for the future of Chinese basketball. His achievements will undoubtedly inspire more young people to devote themselves to basketball and bravely pursue their dreams.

The Chinese player scored 120 points in a single game and hit 33 three-point shots, but missed the CBA

The story of Burenbatu is not without controversy. Some people have questioned whether the 120-point score in a single game is staggering, but it truly represents the comprehensiveness of basketball skills? In addition, the myth of 33 three-pointers on 33 shots shows his outstanding ability in some aspects, but basketball is a team sport after all. Such controversy also reflects people's thinking about the evaluation criteria of basketball players. At a deeper level, it touches on a broader discussion of how to maintain the competitiveness of basketball while balancing fairness and diversity.

Behind this story, we see the efforts and dreams of individuals, the limitations and challenges of the system, and the infinite hope for the future. Burenbatu's basketball path is not only his personal legend, but also a microcosm of Chinese basketball in the process of seeking breakthroughs and development. Let's hope that in the near future, there will be more stars like Burenbatu to light up the night sky of Chinese basketball.

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